Chapter 4

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So, in this chapter, someone plays an important role. And Chaos is making Laff, Jooice, and Socks go cra-cra. So enjoy. WARNING: Some violence, and language.

"Hey, it's going to be fine," Meme told Socks. They had gone into another room, when Chaos began to take over the three. Blaza and Meme were with Socks, trying to help him get through this. "I don't even know if I'll be the same anymore." Socks said. "Hey, don't say that! Once we find Natalie, we'll figure it out." Blaza said. "Yeah, we're going to get through this together." Meme said. Socks smiled a little. Then he suddenly groaned. "He's back," he said. "Socks, you have to fight him." Blaza said. Socks stumbled. He felt himself going back to that place, whatever it was. He lost control, and disappeared. He stood up. "Socks?" Meme asked. Socks turned to face them, his eyes yellowish-green. Before he could move, Meme trapped him behind a wall of water. "This is getting out of hand." Meme said. "Wonder how the others are doing." Blaza wondered. At that moment, both Jooice and Laff were also under control of Chaos. "Laff, you need to chill." TBH said. Laff didn't say anything. He was in a cage of shadows the Woolfster made. Jooice stood where he was, a dagger in hand. "You think that ice can keep me trapped?" he asked them, voice echoing with evil. "Maybe." oof said. "What are we going to do?" Dino asked. Downstairs, Nadwe, Muffin, oompa and were explaining everything to Aphmau's gang. "Oh my God. You seriously went through all that?" Aphmau said. "Yeah, not exactly fun." Nadwe said. "What will happen to them now?" Zane asked. "We don't know. Chaos could do anything. But he may try to kill us." Muffin said. "So what about Natalie? Why hasn't she talked to you guys in over a month?" MacNCheese asked. "That's the thing. We don't know. And the bridge to her home is gone. So we can't get up there." oompa said. "But first, we need to find a way to get you guys home. Your crystal was destroyed, so the link between your world and our world is broken." Nadwe said. "So, because our crystal is broken, we can't get back to our world?" Ein asked. "Yeah. We would need to get you guys a new crystal." oompa said. Nadwe was thinking about the monster, Chaos. How did he become so much stronger? "I'll be right back," he said. He got up and went outside. He saw the giant hole in the distance. He needed to find answers. Suddenly, he felt something poking him in the back. "What is it, Zane?" Nadwe asked. They both had become close friends, and he knew Zane would not approve of what he was going to do. Zane was poking him in the back with his sword. "You seriously think that I'm not going to think that you're going to do something stupid?" He asked. Nadwe turned around. "Listen, I need to find answers. If we don't, Socks and Laff and Jooice are going to suffer for the rest of their lives." Nadwe argued. "Yeah, you're not going without us." Aphmau appeared behind Zane, with Aaron, Muffin, and oompa. "Listen, we're going with you. They're our friends too." Zane said. "Fine, but if you get hurt, don't blame me!" Nadwe warned. They started walking toward the giant hole. "So before anything happens, is there anything else we should know?" Aaron asked. "Nadwe's a vampire." Muffin said casually. "MUFFIN!" Nadwe yelped. "Wait, what?" Zane said, baffled. "Ugh, fine! Yes, I am a vampire!" Nadwe said, giving Muffin a look that said 'I'll suck your blood later.' "Okay, definitely didn't that one coming." Aphmau said. "Listen, it's not something you say to someone when you see them." Nadwe said. "Hey, that's fine! I mean, we kinda are werewolves." Aaron said. "Wait, what?" oompa said. "A story for later. Because we're here." Zane said. They had arrived at the hole. It went deep for many miles. "How are we going to get down there?" Aphmau asked. Nadwe looked down. "I'll be right back." he said, and changed into a bat. "Okay, I thought you were kidding about being a vampire, but I guess I was wrong." Zane said. "Well, now you have proof." Nadwe said, and then he flew down the hole. The wind swept around him, and then he came to the bottom. He looked around and saw that the tunnel continued to go through the ground. He looked up and saw that it was still a long drop down, and could mean death. He thought about how they should get down. He went back up, where the others were waiting. "Is it safe to go down?" Muffin asked. "There is a bottom, but if you go down. It could mean death. Muffin, you'll have to get us down." Nadwe said. "Wait, how will he get us..." Aaron started to ask, but then they all went a few feet into the air. "OH GOD!" Aphmau yelped. "What is happening?!" Zane asked. "I can control air." Muffin said, his eyes glowing a soft gray. "Okay, maybe a bit of fore-warning next time?" Aaron said. "Sorry, but let's go." They all went floating down the hole, Nadwe going on ahead. When they reached the bottom, they all felt the air let them go. "That was actually kinda cool." Zane said. Nadwe changed back to a human. "Man, I haven't changed into a bat for a while, so it took me a while to change back. It actually kinda scared me." Nadwe said. If he couldn't change back, that would have been a problem. But he decided not to dwell on it, and they all started down the tunnel. Their footsteps echoed through the tunnel "How long does this go for?" Zane asked. "I don't think long. It seems to stop up ahead." oompa said. He was right. It stopped into a giant den. They went into the den, but saw nothing. "Wait, where is he?" Nadwe asked, baffled. "Maybe you should look up." They all looked up, and saw Chaos on the ceiling. "Oh, shit." Nadwe said. Chaos then pushed himself off the ceiling. "RUN!" Nadwe yelled. They all scattered, and Chaos landed with a thud. "Where do you think you're going?" he growled. He shot a tentacle at Nadwe, and it went right through him. Aphmau saw this, and passed out. "Oh crap. Zane!" Aaron said, catching her. Nadwe moved out of the way of the tentacle. "Didn't see that coming, did ya?" he smirked. But little did they know, was that up on the surface, Socks, Laff, and Jooice, we're trying to break free of their prisons. "Blaza, maybe you can do something?" Meme said, as Socks tried to walk through the water. Rocks came in front of Socks, blocking him in. "We're running out of time," he said. Back down in the den, the others were trying to avoid the tentacles. "Zane! Watch out!" Nadwe said. Zane saw a tentacle was headed straight for him, he leaped into the air, and cut the tentacle in half. Chaos hissed in pain. "Yeah, didn't like that, did ya?" he said. "That's it!" Chaos said. He shot a tentacle at Nadwe, and he didn't have time to let it through him. It wrapped him, and brought it straight into the air. "Nadwe!" Zane yelled. He threw him into the air, and he fell straight into his mouth. "NO!" Muffin yelled. It was too late. Nadwe was gone. "Well, that was easy!" Chaos said. Everyone was stunned. Deep inside Chaos, Nadwe was still alive, his eyes closed tight, bracing for death. When he opened them, he saw he was surrounded by black. "Am I alive?" He wondered. He looked at his hands, and saw that they were see-through, when he walked through walls. He knew he was still alive. He was just inside Chaos. A thump was going through everything, like a big drum. "What is that?" He wondered. He started moving through that blackness, getting closer to the thumping. He was looking around for about a minute, when he found what was causing the sound. A big object was in front of him, first getting bigger, then smaller. "It's his heart" Nadwe realized. On the outside, the others were desperately trying to escape, but Chaos blocked the only way out. "I don't think so." he chuckled. "What do we do?!" Aaron said, still holding a passed-out Aphmau. "I don't know!" Muffin said. He was still trying to process the fact that his best friend was dead. Nadwe was looking at the heart. He was thinking of just leaving, when an idea popped into his head. "This is going to be gross, but it's for the better" He pulled out his sword, and he stabbed it right into it. Black blood burst everywhere, and onto him. "AGH!" he yelped, backing away. On the outside, Chaos felt this, and his life slipping away. He shrieked in pain, and the group covered their ears. He slipped away from the entrance, and then he collapsed, never moving. The group looked at him, unsure of what happened. "Is...he dead?" Zane asked. Suddenly, Nadwe poked his head out of his body. "NADWE!" Muffin yelled, running over to him. Nadwe reached for him, and Muffin helped pull him out. "Ew, what are you covered in?" Muffin gagged. Nadwe's suit was covered in black blood. "Um, blood? I guess?" He said. "How are you even alive?" Zane asked. "I can walk through walls, so when he 'ate' me, all I did was phase through him. I found his heart and stabbed it." Nadwe explained. "Cool, but gross." oompa said. Nadwe shrugged. Back in the three locked rooms, Socks, Laff, and Jooice came back to reality. "What happened?" Socks asked, as the rocks in front of him disappeared. "I don't know. You were all crazy, then you just snapped out of it." Blaza said. "Wait, the black stuff. It's disappearing." Meme said suddenly. Sure enough, the blackness on their faces receded. Only a little. "What does that mean?" Laff wondered. "Don't know. Maybe the others know." TBH said. Jooice walked out with Dino and oof, and the group below was still there, but they looked worn out. "Are you guys good?" Jooice asked, perplexed. "Huh? Oh yeah, we're good." Aphmau said. Jooice didn't quite believe her, but shrugged it off. Socks and Laff came out. "That was a nightmare." Laff said. "Yeah, I really don't like it." Jooice said. "Any idea how we snapped out of it so quickly?" Socks asked the other two as they went down the stairs. "No idea." Laff said. "Same" Jooice also said. "Are you guys okay?" Muffin asked. "I guess for now." Jooice sighed. "Hey, where's Nadwe?" Dino asked. "He needed to go somewhere for some reason. Didn't tell us why." Ein said. "Maybe he just needed to process all this. He is only a teen." Zane said. Nadwe just appeared suddenly. "There you are. Why'd you leave?" Muffin asked. He already knew why, but didn't want to tell the others. "I just needed to process everything." Nadwe said. Suddenly, they all heard a scratch at the door. Everyone froze. "What the hell is it?" TBH whispered. TBVG slowly went to the door. "Don't do it." Aphmau said. TBVG ignored her, and opened it. He looked around and saw nothing. He then looked down and met a surprise. Eclipse was there, the dark wolf that they met on Natalie's island. "Eclipse, what are you doing here?" TBVG asked. He just then noticed that his coat was a lot duller, and his eyes didn't have the same shine to them. "Eclipse, are you okay?" TBVG asked worriedly. "It's Natalie." he said.

So Nadwe can easily kill Chaos, but Natalie is in trouble, and that isn't the end for Chaos. So yeah. I think a pretty good chapter.

(2005 words) Very very very nice.

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