Chapter 7

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Hey everyone! Hope y'all doing fine. Don't have much to say. Oh wait. "SOCKSFOR1, HOW MUCH MONEY DID YOU SPEND ON ALL THOSE M&M'S???? Just watch this if you haven't. After that, read the story, and enjoy!

"Is Laff going to be okay?" TBVG asked. "I don't know. This is the first time he brought it up. But we'll worry about it later. Maybe Natalie can help him." Socks said. Jooice hung at the very back. He lost control, he almost hurt TBH. He sighed. "Another memory to see every night." He thought. Ein heard the group coming down, and when he saw Jooice in the very back, he decided to see what was wrong. When the group passed, he hid in the shadows. When Jooice passed him, he showed himself. "You okay Jooice?" he asked, making Jooice jump. "Don't do that!" he whispered. He didn't want to lose control again. "Sorry! It's looked kinda depressed back there. Did something happen?" Ein asked, concern in his face. Jooice didn't say anything. "Um...well, if you need to talk to someone, I'm here." Ein said sadly. He turned to go back to his friends, when Jooice stopped him. "Wait." Ein turned around to face Jooice, and was surprised to see tears in his eyes. "What happened? I heard Meme yell for some reason." "Listen, don't tell anyone, but if I lose control, I need you to kill me." Jooice said hurriedly. It took Ein a second to realize what he said. "Jooice, are you feeling okay? Are you sick or something?" Ein said. "I'm serious! I can't risk hurting anyone. Not again. Not again." Jooice said, the memories coming back up. "Jooice, I won't. Listen, the group is going to wake Natalie up, and then she can help you, Socks, and Laff. Speaking of Laff, where is he? I didn't see him in the group." Ein said, looking around. "Laff is dealing with his own problems." Jooice said savagely. Ein looked back at Jooice. "Jooice, why are you so angry at him? Did he do something to you?" Ein was confused on why he said Laff's name like he was a traitor. "Oh, do you wanna know why? Cause before any of this, he trapped me in a cage, and made sure I didn't see the sun. Until the gang stopped him and saved me. I suffered down there. I didn't get to see my friends. I didn't get to tell them that it was all Laff. I had to hear them suffer, and do nothing, absolutely nothing, about it!" Jooice lost control. Ein had to duck under Jooice's sword, and ran from where the group came. Jooice ran after him, sword in hand. "Jooice! Maybe we can just talk!" Ein yelled. He turned a corner, and ran into the nearest room. He locked the door, and prayed that Jooice wouldn't try this room. Then he noticed he was not alone. Laff was sitting on the floor, and seemed to be whispering something. Laff looked up, and was about to say something when Ein put his finger to his lips. He heard that Jooice was right outside in the hallway. Ein looked back at Laff, hoping he would understand the dire situation he was in. "Is it Jooice?" Ein almost screamed when he heard Laff's voice in his head. He nodded once. Laff slowly stood up, and his arms and hands turned to metal. Ein wanted to scream now. What the heck was happening to Jooice, and WHY THE HELL WERE LAFF'S ARMS AND HANDS METAL??? "Open the door Ein." Ein wanted to yell at him that that was a horrible idea. But he trusted Laff, even though he was kinda metal. Ein took a deep breath, and opened the door. Jooice leaped in, only to be pinned under Laff. "Jooice, calm down." Laff said. Jooice tried to break free, but Laff kneed him in the back. "Jooice, you need to stop!" Laff said sharply. Jooice didn't stop fighting. Laff sighed. "Sorry about this mate." He punched Jooice in the head, knocking him out cold. There was a few seconds of silence, and then Ein said, "Did...did you kill him?" "No, just knocked out." Laff said, but he check Jooice's pulse anyway. "What's wrong with him? And WHY ARE YOUR ARMS METAL?!?!" Laff looked confused, then looked at his hands. Ein noticed a spark of fear in his eyes. "Long story." Laff said. The metal disappeared. He rubbed his arms, as if he wanted to make sure that the metal was gone. "Jooice said that you trapped him in a cage." Ein asked cautiously. Laff tensed up. "What else did he say?" he asked. "He said that you made the gang suffer." Ein said. Laff felt dizzy. His knees buckled, and he fell down. "Laff!" Ein yelped, running to his side. "It's my fault, it's my fault." Laff said. "Laff, now you're going nuts! C'mon, I'm taking you to the group!" Ein helped Laff up, and then saw Jooice. He grabbed him, and carried them/dragged them. After a while of searching, he heard voices. He followed the sounds, which led to Natalie's room. "Guys! Need some help!" he said. Aphmau opened the door, and saw Jooice and Laff. "Oh my God! What happened?" She said, letting him in. Everyone saw it. "What happened to them?" Socks asked. Ein noticed that the girl on the bed, Natalie, was awake. Her skin no longer pale, and no longer asleep. "I don't know. Jooice got really mad, and started to chase me, and then I ran into a room where Laff was, then Jooice came in and Laff knocked him out, then he started to talk nuts about how it's his fault!" Ein quickly explained. Jooice was still out cold, and Laff was in another world in his head. "Put Jooice on the bed." Natalie ordered. Meme and Socks put Jooice on the bed. Natalie looked at him. "Is he going to be okay?" Zane asked. "Laff didn't do any real harm to him, but I'm more worried about Chaos. From what you guys told me, he's getting more and more angry. If this continues, we'll lose him again." Socks felt a despair go over him. Not Jooice. Not him again. "Is there any way we can help him?" he asked. "Not that I know of. Let's wait for him to wake up. And take a look at Laff." They all turned to him, but he didn't notice. "Jooice said the Laff trapped him, and that he made the gang suffer. When I told him, he just...collapsed. Saying "It's my fault." Ein said. Natalie went over to him. Laff seemed to be unknown to the world around him. Natalie closed her eyes, and a gold vine reached up and touched his temple. Laff blinked, and looked around as the vine disappeared. "What happened? Why y'all staring at me?" Laff asked, with a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Nothing is wrong Laff." Natalie lied. Laff noticed her. "Hey! You're awake!" he said. "Yeah, thank goodness." she said. "Ugh. What just happened?" Jooice groaned. They all turned and saw him waking up. Laff tensed up. He did remember knocking him out. "You good Jooice?" Noi asked. "Yeah, but my head is pounding." Jooice said. He started to sit up, but when he felt nauseous, he lay back down again. "Just rest Jooice." Natalie said. Jooice agreed to that. "Hey, Natalie. Could you do us a favor maybe?" Aphmau asked. "Yeah?" Natalie asked, a bit confused. "Well, our crystal kinda got destroyed. So we have no way back home." Pierce said. Natalie finally put the pieces together. That's why they were here. "Ah, okay. Well, I don't know where to get a portable crystal, but I do know that I can get you home." Then she turned around, and a dozen vines sprang up, and formed a circle. A white cloud filled the hole in the middle. "This will take you home." Natalie said. "Well, wish you guys the best of luck." Aphmau said. "Yeah, we may need it." Nadwe said. They went through and were gone. "I should've said sorry to Ein. He must've been scared to death." Jooice said. "Listen, it's fine. And right now, you guys need to tell me everything that happened. Every little detail about what happened." So they told everything that happened while she was asleep. "And then we came here." Socks concluded. Jooice didn't say anything. He didn't want to lose control again. But as they told the story, there were some parts he wanted to say something harsh. Laff also got quiet. He didn't want to tell them the L4FF was still here. Possibly listening to everything that they were saying. Socks just told everything, but that didn't mean that he still felt sick when he told it. He knew he forgot some parts, but he said the basic facts. Natalie sighed. "I don't know what to do. I mean, when we got Chaos out of Zack, he wasn't dead, and he now wants to make sure we can't kill him." Jooice felt rage wanting to explode in him. He closed his eyes, and tried to block out the noise. "We can't be sure if he is still alive or not. We have to be prepared." Natalie said. Jooice had to go. He got up, but when he stood up, the world tilted to the side. He fell and hit his head, and the pain flared up again. "Jooice!" Dino said, and helped him up. Jooice was glad that he had fallen, as the pain distracted him from everything else. Natalie was worried. "Jooice, are you okay?" "Yeah, totally fine." he mumbled. "Dino, can you take him up to his room? I think he's been through enough tonight." Natalie said. Dino nodded, and took Jooice up to his room. "Will he ever be fine? I mean, he's been trying not to put the guilt on him, but..." Muffin then stopped talking when everyone turned to him. "What do you mean 'put the guilt on himself?'" Laff asked slowly. Muffin felt uncomfortable. "Um...well...I saw Zack and Jooice talking one day, and I was curious, but then Jooice pulled out a dagger, and it looked like he wanted to do something with it. Zack took it out of his hand, and I heard him say 'Maybe you should stop carrying weapons.' Jooice then said 'But what if I am the weapon? What if Chaos made me his weapon?' Then Zack said 'Don't put the guilt on you. It won't help.' They continued to have that conversation, and I left." Everyone was silent. "So Jooice has been trying to hurt himself to make up for what he thinks is his fault?" TBH asked. "I believe so." Muffin said. Laff wanted to fall into an endless pit. It was his fault that Jooice was suffering, all his fault! "Laff, did you know about this?" Socks asked. Laff didn't say anything. "Laff?" Socks asked. "I just need to rest." Laff suddenly stood up and left. Socks was confused. What was happening to his friends? "Maybe that's what we all need." Natalie said softly. "What?" Meme asked. "Rest. You guys have been through enough, and it is sunset now. We wasted a whole day talking. Best to regain your energy." Everyone wanted to argue that they could stay awake, but their minds and body said differently. They all went up to their rooms, and fell asleep. But Socks stayed up a bit. First, Jooice seemed to be more angry. Then Laff started to change to L4FF. Now Jooice was suffering from a head injury, and Laff was...well, he seemed upset about something. As Socks closed his eyes, he wished for one thing. That they could have their normal lives back.

Yeah, everyone is in pretty bad shape rn. But it only gets worse from there! Also, pls comment down below what you thought about the video. It blew my mind. I don't think Blaza is happy though...

(2013 words) Nice

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