-chapter three-

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Victoria took it upon herself to go out in the woods to find anything helpful to the group. Considering they were sent to the ground with hardly anything but a single med kit, they'll need food very soon.

Unfortunately, the few moments she had alone were short lived as the spacewalker struts over to her.

"Hey. Victoria, right?" She nods and stands up, brushing the dirt from her hands.

"Yeah. What do you need, Finn?" He steps forward, grabbing Vic's hand and taking her back through the camp. They exit on the opposite side and Victoria stops walking.

"Finn, where are you taking me?" He turns and looks at Victoria, who has a slight look of fear on her face.

"Look, Clarke left with a bunch of guys to look for Jasper. I chose not to go to begin with because it's basically a suicide mission. However, Clarke needs supervision. Well, not Clarke- it's more Murphy and Bellamy that I'm worried about. I know that you and Murphy are good friends, and he listens to you, so I need you to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Victoria listens attentively to Finn and agrees to go with him.

As they approach the group, Victoria sees that Bellamy has a small gun in his hand. She slows down slightly, but then quickly moves in between the two guys.

"Victoria, what are you doing here?" Murphy looks surprised as he asks V the question.

"I'm helping find Jasper, obviously." She looks at Clarke who sends her a small smile.


After hearing awful noises coming from a certain section in the woods, the group rushes towards it.

A wounded Jasper is tied up on a tree, causing the entirety of the people in front of the sight to gasp.

"Jasper. Oh, my god." Clarke walks foward, wanting Jasper down as quickly as possible.

"Clarke, be careful." Finn calls out from beside Victoria. She takes a few more steps forward, Bellamy following right behind her.

Out of nowhere, she falls into a hole. Luckily, Bellamy was there to catch her. As everyone helps pull Clarke up, Murphy and Vic look around the small enclosed area. Victoria takes a moment to admire the leaves, but then focuses on the task at hand: Helping Jasper.

Murphy is in the tree with Finn and Jasper, while Bellamy, Clarke, Victoria, and Wells are down on the ground keeping watch.

"Hurry up, Murphy." John sends a dirty look to Finn before going back to cutting Jasper down.

"Be careful." Clarke watches as Jasper is slowly freed from the tree. Distant growling is heard from the woods behind Victoria. She whips her body around to face it, with her blade held up in front of her.

Murphy looks away from Jasper to make sure she's okay. "What the hell was that?"

"Grounders?" Bellamy queries.

A black animal is seen in the woods beside Bellamy and Victoria. It's low snarl causes Victoria's breathing to increase as she backs away from it.

Clarke yells, "Bellamy, gun!" He reaches behind him, patting under his shirt.

It's gone

The animal lunges at Bellamy and a gunshot is heard, killing the animal which just jumped over Blake's head.

It's lands on Victoria, knocking her down. Clarke runs over, and as Murphy attempts to go to her, Finn grabs his arm, making him stay.

"Get this thing off of me!" Victoria begs through a strained tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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