Your smile makes me smile...
How I long to see your smile...
The smile that comes from your heart that is so contagious
Your smile makes me smile
I always see your smiling face in my mind
Your beautiful night eyes staring back at me
Your eyes are smiling too...Eyes that shows so much happiness, peace and love...
I can see your smiling face in my mind...
Your beautiful night eyes staring back at me
Your eyes holding a smile just for me that I look into your heart...& soul through your beautiful night eyes...I can see you
looking into my heart and soul as you stare into my eyes...
Your smile makes me smile
When you look into my eyes..tell me what do you see?
Do you see what I see? Is it ? Or is it just my imagination
infatuation or a situation...?
Daily Smiles For Ma Vielle Femme
PoetryJust random words dancing in my head...hehehe