SEVENTEEN. grave mistake

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In the middle of the woods late at night while a three hundred year old witch was after her was not exactly where Maddie planned on spending her Saturday nights when she first moved to Shadyide, but she didn't complain as Josh handed her a headlam...

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In the middle of the woods late at night while a three hundred year old witch was after her was not exactly where Maddie planned on spending her Saturday nights when she first moved to Shadyide, but she didn't complain as Josh handed her a headlamp, strapping it around her head as the five of them left their stolen ambulance, Deena muttering about how stupid they looked.

Peter's car was still there, as was the skull mask his friend had been wearing, the scene of last night's crash virtually undisturbed. Maddie winced as she saw a blood stained rock, Simon kicking it away from her line of sight, not wanting to look at it either. The back of her head still ached, especially after the pain medication wore off, but her shoulder was worse, even after Kate cleaned it, so at least there was something distracting her from the pain.

"So I fell out of the car," Sam stood in front of the car, getting on her hands and knees just like she ahd the night before, crawling along the red moss. "Here. I was crawling, and my nose was bleeding, and then..." she placed her hand down and something clinked. "I feel something,"

Her hand emerged, covered in moss, pulling a long metal chain along with it. 


"Not just chains," Simon shook his head. He tilted the flashlight to his feet and there, covered in moss and engrained with over three hundred years of misery was a skull.

Josh reached into the moss and pulled up a lock, the name FIER etched onto the front. "It's her. It's her grave,"

"Oh no, no. No!" Simon started scrambling back towards the car. "This is bad! This is really bad!"

"Simon," Maddie placed her hand on his and he let out a shaky breath, looking to her with panicked eyes, before turning back to the others. 

"No wonder the witch is pissed at us," Kate said. "I'd be pissed too. Sam disturbed her grave," she sent her a pointed look.

"Now she's sending her henchmen after us," Josh let out a defeated sigh. 

"Henchmen?" Kate asked, eyes widening. "As in every one of those sickos on your wall is coming after us?"

Josh looked at her, Kate's warm brown eyes connecting with his for what seemed to be the first time, filled with absolute terror. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. He would have been thrilled that she even glanced at him, let along looking so intensely at him like she was. His gaze was ripped from hers when he heard a twig snapping in the woods behind him.

"Hold up," Simon whispered. "Hold up. She's mad because we disturbed her grave, right?"

"Yeah," Deena didn't know where the fuck he was going with that, but he was wasting time. "So?"

"So," Simon said like it was obvious. "Let's un-disturb it! Just put the bones back, rebury them, and put her to rest!"

"No that's so stupid!" 

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍 ★ fear streetWhere stories live. Discover now