TWENTY SEVEN. who cares?

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Danny Matthews had been in love with Ziggy for nine months

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Danny Matthews had been in love with Ziggy for nine months. Cindy was one of his best friends in the entire world, and if asked, he would vehemently claim that his love for Ziggy wouldn't overcome his love for her older sister. He intended to wallow in his misery alone forever until he got over the crush, but, luckily for him, Cindy found out first.

Cindy and Ziggy had been on the rocks for years. They were close when they were kids, but with age came separation. With Cindy always off preparing for her future, studying, volunteering or picking up any babysitting shifts that were available, Ziggy was left to her own devices. Ignored by a father who never wanted to be there and a mother who couldn't do it alone, she had, predictably turned towards mischief.

She was banned from rec activities for two weeks. Evie and her group were out playing capture the flag or whatever the fuck (she hadn't payed attention when they were announced and to start now would be a true low point), while she was left alone. She was sitting on one of the picnic tables out towards the field, watching people as they wandered past, sketching absent-mindedly. She didn't care that she wasn't allowed with the group. Anyway, they didn't like her, she didn't like them.

Danny and his group had finished early, and he'd let them go have some free time before dinner, plopping down at the picnic table the redhead was currently occupying. "Berman." She ignored him. He payed no mind, ignoring her rejection. "I saw your sister this morning."

"What's new?" Ziggy scoffed under her breath.

Danny didn't waver. "You should cut her some slack. She cares, you know that."

"Whatever." She didn't care if she was being cliche, or textbook or whatever. She rolled her eyes. "She doesn't give a shit about me, she's just preoccupied with me ruining her perfect future."

"Well, why are you?" Ziggy blanched. "If you know what you're doing is hurting her, then why are you doing it? I know little sisters are automatically conditioned to believe they're in the right." Ziggy opened her mouth to speak but he interrupted her. "I have three, I get it. Two older brothers too. Nice even split. God knows I got into enough shit with my brothers, but have you tried seeing things from her point of view?"

"Why should I?" Ziggy snapped, slamming her notebook shut. "She's been such a bitch, who gives a shit? It's not like any of this matters anyway."

"Of course it matters," Danny shifted so he was fully facing her. "You know how much Cindy wants to go to college, this is the only way she'll be able to begin to pay for it. Why are you so desperate to fuck it up?"

There were angry tears in Ziggy's eyes. "I don't need to tell you shit. Who the fuck even are you? She sending her boyfriend to fight her battles now?"

Danny laughed. He laughed in her face. "You really don't know her at all, do you? Listen, I'm not here to fight. Contrary to your opinion, I really like you Ziggy Berman." Her mouth snapped shut, pale face flushing almost imperceptibly. "I do. But your sister is trying her best, and I know she's hard on you, but after everything she's been through, I think she's earned the right to be a little bit selfish about something she wants this much, right?"

"Fine, I'll leave her alone." Ziggy scowled. "She can go off and go to college and get married to you and have as many fucking kids as you want far away from Shadyside."

Danny softened. He really hadn't intended to come over there to fight with her. But an opportunity to stick up for Cindy and to talk to Ziggy at the same time was too much to pass up. "Me and your sister aren't dating. Never have been, Never will be. And she's not just gonna leave you here. You can come with her, y'know? There's nothing stopping you from leaving."

Ziggy turned away, wiping furiously at her face. She never cried, not out of anger anyway. Danny Matthews had this effect on her that she couldn't control. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"I want to help-"

"You're not!"

"You guys okay?"

Nick Goode.

He looked over at the two of them, coming closer, eyebrows furrowed. "You alright, Ziggy? what's wrong?" he turned towards Danny. "What happened?" Suspicion laced heavily in his voice, he didn't want to outright accuse Danny of making her cry. Nick could deal with him later if need be.

"Nothing." She snatched her book and stalked off towards her cabin, leaving the two boys there.

"She's fine." Danny said coldly. Nick Goode, as far as he was concerned, was far too interested in Ziggy Berman for a Sunnyvaler. He was always sticking his nose in where it didn't belong.

"Are you sure?" Nick pressed, concern painted on his face. "I'm gonna go check on-"

"Just," Danny sighed, exasperated. "Leave her alone, okay? She's alright." He knew he was being hypocritical, even if only slightly. But he knew Ziggy. Nick was a Sunnyvaler, and he was the sheriff's son. Cindy didn't like him either, thought she'd never say it quite like that.

Cindy was quite possibly the nicest person Danny knew. Her campers were on dinner duty that week, helping prepare food along with the minimal other people that were actually employed by nightwing. He stood with a sigh, turning towards the mess hall to find her.

He jumped at the sight of her right behind him.

"Jesus?" A dramatic hand on his chest and an uncontrollable smile on his face. "What was that for?"

Cindy wasn't smiling. She looked really worried, and Danny dropped the act immediately. "Hey, what's wrong?"

She swallowed, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear as she looked up at him. "I'm worried about Evie."

────────── ⋆˚✿˖° author's note
for some stupid reason i wrote this chapter entirely in lowercase??? cause i'm dumb, apparently?? so if u see a random part that hasn't been capitalised it's because i missed it but i went through the entire thing like twice and fixed up any errors i saw but anyway

i wrote this chapter a long time ago and i lowkey loved it??? like danny and ziggy have a dynamic that i've never really played around with before i'm kinda obsessed with it

i hope u enjoyed!! i enjoyed reading this back too but this chapter is sort of trojan horse of important lore in here?? like. "man talks to crush one (1) time. dozens dead"

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍 ★ fear streetWhere stories live. Discover now