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Etheria's POV

I turned back to look at Taizoo. "Alright, you're up now." "Y-yes ma'am." He replied peaking out from behind Drole's foot. "What's he doing here?" Meliodas asked remembering his last encounter with the man. "This might be fun. The only reason I'm even here is to deliver some of Escanor's booze. Maybe I should give this a shot too." A tall silver-haired man said from beside Meliodas. "Welcome, all you savages hungry for a fight! The opening battle will be a two-man tag match. Are you ready?" He asked but no one replied. "Tough crowd," I said crossing my arms under my chest.

"N-now then-" He started but was cut off by someone. "Wait just a moment-" someone jumped out of nowhere and landed on a skinny looking "-Because Gowther has arrived." "Gowther? It sounds familiar." "Indeed it does," I reply. "Excuse me, would you mind moving your foot." The skinny man asked Gowther who immediately jumped off of him. "Oh whoops forgive me." He apologised. "It seems my calculations for where to land were slightly off." "No, I'm often told I don't have much of a presence. So it's alright." Skinny man said as his glasses broke and fell off.

"That vocal tone. Bone frame, diction. Hold on Escanor. It's been a while." Gowther greeted him as he started screaming about his broken glasses. "That's the lion sin Escanor?" Elizabeth asked. "Yeah, I know what you're thinking," Meliodas replied. I tuned them out trying to remember where I've heard the name 'Gowther' from, 'Gowther, Gowther, Gowther. Where have I heard that name from? Was he a goddess? No, I don't care about those people's names... No, wait he was a-" I paused when I saw Gloxinia pierce Escanor with his tentacle.

"Why though?" I asked as Meliodas and crew gasped as Escanor fell to the ground gaping hole in his stomach and blood dripping from his mouth. Meliodas and crew ran to Escanor and stood around him, "Honestly how are we gonna get through this with so many interruptions?" Gloxinia asked. "I haven't told her yet... Miss Merlin... Oh not now. I can't die. I wish to live." He mumbled crying. "Heal him, make them believe that you can grant any wish," I whispered to the fairy watching the scene unfold below me.

"The whole reason we went through all the trouble of opening this tournament was to fulfil someone's greatest wish. One just like this, for example." Gloxinia spoke as Basquias transformed into Moon Rose. "Spirit spear Basquias, seventh configuration! Moon Rose." A water droplet falls from the flower and onto Escanor healing him. "Droplet of life." He finished as everyone looked amazed at what just happened. Escanor sat up and touched his stomach where the hole was.

"Huh, but how? I'm certain that I-" "Now where were we Drole, Etheria." I just shrugged. "Drole, please divide them into groups," I asked the giant. "Two people per team, right?" He asked and I nodded and hummed. He raised his hands and clapped saying, "Divining Board Spell!" this caused the ground to collapse, and everyone to fall on a floating platform with one other person. "Those standing on the same platform are comrades-in-arms chosen by fate. Trust each other with your very lives and fight with everything you've got." Drole explained.

"Comrades, don't you mean teammates?" Meliodas corrected. "Shut the fuck up," I told him. His comrade walked up to him who turns out to be the silver-haired man. "Yo captain." He greets Meliodas who turns to face him. 'Captain...' "What do you say we kick a little butt." He said and they high five. "Yeah!" Meliodas agreed. The man who freed us was holding onto a child who had teary eyes. "You're gonna drag a kid into this?" He asked angrily.

"I mean we dragged a pig, a hound, and another kid so I don't see why not besides it's your fault for bringing him here." I dismissed our saviour. "You guys should join too." I addressed the blue demons who happily flew to any available platforms. "If only we had one more group that would bring the total up to 16." The first fairy king said as he and Drole made 2 golems. Drole's golem looked identical to him and Gloxinia's golem looked like his little sister. "With our 16 teams, this tag match can officially begin. Each pair of you will find yourselves in a random arena when another 2 person's team appears they will be your first-round opponents."

Bye-bye, my lovelies!

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Bye-bye, my lovelies!

~ K C

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