E=MC2 : adapting

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Before all of this happened, we decided to name our first territory aka the volcano, mount-Taiju, for its immense size and immense resource deposits.

We then now go back to where we ended.


"Eh?!" Tensai could be seen, shocked at the identity of the hooded figure that tried to kidnap him. The hooded figure was a cat gir?!

"W-What?!" Taiju shouted in shock as he only has seen cat girls in cosplays and anime he watched with tensai in their free time, tensai giggled at the fact that cat girls exist.

"Hehehehe, this world has not stopped to surprise me the most I see." Tensai looked to the cat girl and asked her,

"Who are you and what is your business here?" asked tensai as he looked at the cat girl with a smile.

"Let go of me you barbaric monkey people!"

Tensai : <  >

"Nani?! Did she just insult us?!" Taiju shouted as he felt offended by the comment given by the captured cat girl

"Insult?! What do you mean insult! That's what you are!" The unknown cat girl shouted at the duo which Taiju had his eyes wide open with his mouth reaching the ground while tensai was just


Tensai then laughed as he was about to ask her about his theory.

"Let me guess cat girl, we look like the suppose *monkey people* you're after?" The cat girl then directly looks at Tensai down below with confusion , "What do you mean supposed? You look to identical to not be a monkey...'' She was then silent observing the features of Taiju and tensai.

"Monkey people without a tail? Monkey people with little to no fur almost entirely in their body?! I wasn't told this! Who are yo-"

"How about you answer our questions then we will answer hours, first, who are you and who are you affiliated with?"

Tensai cuts off the cat girl as he proposes an inevitable deal.

The cat girl growled out of frustration but stopped as she accepted defeat, "sigh, fine you win! My name is Alice Arcadia, I'm a special guard unit for the king! I was tasked by my master/king to kidnap what his troops call "Butt naked monkey people" but I didn't expect this."

The cat girl, now known as Alice Arcadia, has confessed her reason to be here and her affiliation, now the duo has to confess back.

"My name is Showasuki tensai, my friend here is Taiju oki, we are......" Tensai thought about it but told her anyway.





After the supposed introduction of the duo to the cat girl now known as Alice arcadia, Tensai and taiju were gonna go gather some fruits for survival and crops, while arcadia was protesting the decision.

"Dont leave me here you disowned monkeys! Release me!" she demanded but taiju and tensai ignored her, "Oh! If you don't release me I'll get out of this net and sabotage your base!"

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