E=MC3 : Iron

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A week later



We are then met with stumping and running footsteps. Then suddenly, a group of unknown figures past the camera as they were heading to, as it looks like. Leftover battlefield souvenirs due to hearing a sudden loud scream.

"[looks like leftover steel 4 months ago, a month before the armistice]" this unknown humanoid organism talks, seems to be the leader of the group. "[didn't our recon team say there were 5x more?]" one of the team members say as the report from their recon team said there were more, "considering the report was 3 days ag-".

The team member was cut off as another member shouted, "[foot prints!"] the team then looked at where he pointed.

"[is it the cat people?! Huhuahahaagagga]" one of the team members screams like a monkey and beats his chess, "[shut up Borgak!]" the team leader shouts at the unknown specimen which shuts him up due to the leader's authority.

"[the footprints are a lot different from the cats, miro(look)]" they looked closely and the leader was right. The footprints don't look like the cat's feet or iron shoes.

"[they look similar to ours but the majority of the shape is different]" one of the members says as everyone inspects every last step.

"[Will have to report this to the high knight military council. Cmon lads.]" the unknown figures cladded in leather armour scatter as they went for the knight headquarters aka.

The monkey military HQ

30 minutes ago


Our scenery changed from the unknown figures dashing to the trees to the forest. The forest was beautiful, full of lush green trees and bushes filled with clusters of grapes and other fruits.

But everything changed when suddenly boars passed the camera.

These boars weren't normal boars. They were the size of a human and really fat but pretty agile. Though we're gonna call them boars still.

It seems the boars are running away from something. Which they are, they are running from the Mighty, strong, humble, with unlimited stamina.


Taiju was currently chasing the group of 4 boars. He was doing this to obviously get food and protein, he was now catching up to the boars speed with his super bipedal human legs.

He then leaped from the ground and managed to catch one boar.

The boar struggled to get out of taijus grip. Though Taiju didn't have a weapon it seems? How is he gonna kill the boar and get it back at base? Hahahaah no weapon? We humans already have weapons in our arms!

He then Raises his hand into a fist and starts to punch the boar in the head continuously. His punches were about 1100 pounds per hit. The boars inside are instantly filled with nerves going to its brain.

Then suddenly Taiju heard a crack and his final punch felt like it hit a ball of slime. He instantly realised he destroyed the boar's skull and made its brain implode.

He then gets rope from his back and wraps it around the boar.

Though he saw something unusual, footprints. He wondered who's footprints are these anyway. He then came to the conclusion it should be tensais footprints!

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