So...first of all this doesn't belong to me, this belongs to Aniplex Inc. And kyoharu gotoge this is a demon slayer fanfiction on what would happen if not only the characters we know but some other characters would take part in the story?
Before we start. Sorry i wasn't posting for a while i was busy with school and stuff, also i was busy writting another book which happens to be a one-shot so, anyways i hope you would enjoy the upcomming chapters as you all enjoyed the previous chapters....
Also thanks alot for 300 reads i never expected my book to be this famous so, anyways... LET'S START!
____________At the udon shop_________
Rengoku was merrily having his meal he was looking very delightful as always before he could take a bite someone starts knocking on the door " You can continue eating peacefully rengoku-sama i will open the door" Said the shopkeeper " That would be of no need!" Exclaimed rengoku
Rengoku opened the door himself and he saw that two demon slayers were standing outside one of them had a newspaper clip in his hand
" Come in" said rengoku The two of the demon slayers came in and greeted rengoku " Flame hashira it's really rude to intrupt but we may have a news which is really important to know!" Said one of them
The one with the newspaper clip stood silent " Sit down!" Said rengoku so he sat down silently Rengoku couldn't understand why is that demon slayer so quite but he doesn't want to bother people so he doesn't says him anything "Give them what i am having for meal! Now,tell me what brings you here?" Said rengoku
" Actually,rengoku-san the mugen train's back on service.... since then 40 people are missing we believe that a Demon is behind this all that's why us,the demon slayer corps have decided to send you on a mission for the investigation of the mugen train.." said the other demon slayer
Rengoku saw that the silent demon slayer didn't even touched the food he was given he silently showed rengoku the newspaper clipping which said that the mugen train is back on service
And he finally spoke " here is the newspaper clipping we could find..." He said When Issabelle entered the room
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( A/N: yes i know the shot is taken from re:zero and it's not my original picture but still Just pretend that's Issabelle because i was not in the mode of making another picture again....)
" Issabelle-sama what brings you here?" Asked rengoku " Rengoku-san can I ask you for a favour" asked Issabelle " Sure you can... Just tell me what is it" said rengoku " Actually,i was wondering if my tsugoku kammado tanjiro can get along with you on your mission" said Issabelle " Of course! UMAI!!!! .... Isn't that the boy on the exicution day?" Asked rengoku " Yes...i believe he is the same master..." Said Issabelle " Ok then he can come along but can I ask the reason?" Asked rengoku " Of course,he said that he used a different breath that was unknown the last time fighting lowermoon 5 And its power was also fire/flame so he just wants to ask if you know anything about that..." Said Issabelle
" ALRIGHT!" Exclaimed rengoku " But there's one more request the boy also wants his Freinds to come along is that acceptable?" She asked
" Of course that's acceptable!" Exclaimed rengoku again
" That was the reason i came here ....also shinobu-sama said she wanted to meet you so,catch up with her!" Saying this, Issabelle left the scene
" Tommorow to the mugen train then..." Said the silent demon slayer and he and the demon slayer with him also left the scene
In the afternoon rengoku went for an meeting with shinobu as Issabelle said that she wanted to meet with rengoku....
" Ara Ara~ perfect timing rengoku-san i was hopping that you would catch up at this time" said shinobu
" Why did you call me .... KOCHOU!" Said rengoku
" I Just wanted to say you good-bye as your on a mission and your a pillar so it must be high-level ....i have heard that our student issabelle has a tsugoku now?" Asked shinobu
"'s the boy from execution kammado tanjiro" said rengoku
" Oh yes a day ago he was in our Butterfly estate..." Said shinobu " Where's Issabelle now?" Asked rengoku " Oh she's on a mission with tomioka" said shinobu " Sounds great....what is the mission?" Asked rengoku " We have located uppermoon 3 and that's the mission however it's pretty risky that's why they're not gonna fight they will just make sure of his location and come back" answered shinobu
" Ahh...i see Giyuu and Issabelle are getting many missions together these days...." Said rengoku
" Yeah... unfortunately and fortunately giyuu has finally made a Freind" said shinobu
" I see...well that's nice" said rengoku " Yes" said shinobu " Very well it's pretty late i must head to the mugen train now..." Said rengoku
" Well yeah good-bye rengoku-san take good care of yourself" said shinobu wading rengoku bye from the entrence of butterfly estate
" I would" saying this rengoku headed straight to the station
Our kamabako squad was preparing to get on the mugen train
" So are you sure we are going to meet the flame pillar ?" Asked Zenitsu " Yeah ..." Said Tanjiro " BOAR RUSH!!! I WILL ALSO FIGHT HIM!" shouted inosuke " Why do you always want to fight wild boar?" Said Lucy " Because if we fight from the weak and then loose then it's a insult,when we fight from the weak and win then it's no big deal but,if we fight from the strong and loose then it's no big deal and when we fight from the strong and win it's of a great honour and respect!" Answered inosuke
" Is that what you think? Urgh! Stupid wild boar..." Said Lucy
" Hah???!!! My theory is never wrong" hearing this, Lucy sighed and started running forward
" Tanjiro...what did you said to her that she isn't that much negative now?" Asked Zenitsu " Nothing...just some talking and relaxing..." Said tanjiro " I don't believe you .." saying this Zenitsu also started running forward leaving inosuke and tanjiro behind
They also talked alot on their way reaching the mugen train and finally they arived at the train
" Were here! Let's board the train..." Said lucy " Yeah but maybe we should hide our swords just in case..." Answered zenitsu " Alright" but it took them a while to hide when the policemens noticed Zenitsu's and inosuke's swords inosuke jumps on the train however zenitsu couldn't and the train also starts zenitsu was still running down when lucy grabbed his hand and pulled him up!
" Shew..." Said tanjiro " Alright so i think that the flame pillar must be in this boggy" said Lucy
They opened the gate and they heard a loud sound effecting their ears shouting
A/N : i hope you enjoyed this chapter! I am a little busy these days so it may take a long time for the next chapter too .... till then...