So...first of all this doesn't belong to me, this belongs to Aniplex Inc. And kyoharu gotoge this is a demon slayer fanfiction on what would happen if not only the characters we know but some other characters would take part in the story?
Till our demon slayers were seeing sweet dreams Giyuu and Issabelle we're on a mission to locate uppermoon 3 as, they got an information that the uppermoon 3 is near Demon slayer headquarters that's why they had to locate uppermoon 3 as a risk of their HQ getting located
However, that wasn't easy to go all the way as there were thousands of demons standing in their way!
Present time
Giyuu and Issabelle both we're surrounded from demons
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" How much are left now!" She said
" Ah..equal to thousands or even more than that" he said while dodging and hitting Demons
"I am sick of this!" She said
" So am i... these won't let us locate the uppermoon!" Said giyuu
" More Than that.... THEY CAN'T EVEN TALK!" shouted Issabelle
" I think these are just distractions to keep our energy low we can't keep fighting them!" Said giyuu
" I know but i don't see anyway out of here!" She said
" You're right.. they're blocking the path" Said giyuu
Even though both of them were really powerful but they we're still humans, they're energy wouldn't Last longer
Giyuu could last longer as he is more powerful than Issabelle so, issabelle ran out of her energy and got hit by a Demon so that she fall to the ground
" Are you alright?" He asked looking worried
" Of course!" She said hiding her blood on her uniform
" Wait! I don't know why i didn't found this before but there's a cave " said issabelle
" I see...we may find a way of getting out of here if we somehow get to that cave over there!" Said giyuu
" But how the heck are we going to get to that cave!" She Said
" Wait...i have an Idea that might work but still no guarantee this could be dangerous.....what do you say you still wanna do this?" He asked
" Yes i do! I don't want to be stuck here all my life! "
" Alright hold tight.....Water breathing 2nd form WATER WHEEL!!!" saying this, Giyuu spinning took Issabelle to the cave
Giyuu finally got a glimpse at her bleeding blood
" You- you're bleeding!" He said
" Oof! Why the heck did he understood about this i didn't wanted to disturb him like that!" She thought
" Sheesh, we can't even contact to the healing team we are so far" said giyuu
" It's ok i can handle this, i am a Demon slayer not a princess plus, i am a Hashira others look forward to me i can't destroy their hope" she replied
" I would have ignored it if it was a small bleed but, obviously before getting on this mission i swore that as the leader of all pillars and the second hand of the master i will protect my allies so i can't let you die" he said
" Yeah but i won't die from this bleed... I -
Before she could complete her sentence another demon Appeared in the cave that was pretty more powerful from the other demons
" Oh right, how did we forget the cave shouldn't be safe! It's the planning of demons they planned this taking all security measures that means...they aren't that big fool! They must've got these demons to distract us from the mission!" Thought giyuu
" you think you should mabye give me a little help!?" She Said
" Sure...but, we shouldn't fight these i am pretty sure there are more Inside that Cave!" Said giyuu
" How about taking the second path! It'll be easier!" She said
" Yes but, we would probably lost the track of our mission..." Said giyuu
" No we wouldn't i am pretty sure we will get on the track but after taking the second path!" She said
Actually, the cave leaded to two paths one would go forward to their mission and the other would lead them to some different place
" Shoot! You're right! Let's take the second path...are you ready?"
" Ready as always!"
The both of them managed to kill that one demon and get out the cave with the second path...
" We better keep going...this path is seeming endless" said Giyuu .
" Endless!? My legs are tired i need some motivation like we're almost there or something like that" replied issabelle
" I am Just saying the truth if you think that lies will make you feel better you can lie to yourself you can also think that the demon king is gone but if you do so, Just forget about being an demon slayer...." Said giyuu
" So rude..." Said issabelle
" Ahh i can see some light i- wait...issabelle?
When Giyuu realised that she actually falled down to the ground
" WHA-
A/N : sorry i wasn't posting for a while i actually had my exams and stuff going on so i couldn't have time to write :( , mabye this chapter wasn't much enjoyable as the previous chapters but still, i hope you enjoy the upcomming chapters