Lucy evergarden

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The timeline takes place at the nagamoto mount the area of spider demon family.

At the master mainson
"Ahh we are giving them the mission for sure but that's a lower moon five ... " Said kagaya the master of the mainson
"So..are we going to pospond the mission?" Asked giyuu clamly
" the kugusai crow has already delivered it..."
"So? What are we going to do then?"asked giyuu
"I will send more help to the mountain..."
"Help but who?" Asked shinobu


" Master she has just joined the corps...i don't think we should send her" said giyuu

" Let her..."

" As you wish"

             TANJIRO POV

" feels so scary it feels much more scary then the last mission"said zenitsu crying heavily
"But...we gotta do this mission zenitsu..."
"Can't you please wait!" He shouted
When zenitsu heard some running footsteps,tanjiro smelled that someone is comming and inosuke saw some footsteps
It was lucy however they don't know lucy yet...
"Have you seen anyone wearing hanafuda earings with a blood scar on head" she asked
"Umm... excuse me i am the one" said tanjiro

Tanjiro seeing her uniform, understood that she was a demon slayer too
"TANJIRO!!!!! DID YOU DO ANY CRIME??!!!" said zenitsu
"The name's lucy evergarden...i have been sent here to help in this mission"she said
"Oh...well then..." Said tanjiro
Tanjiro senses justice and good will but also extreme sadness...he could guess that she is a kind person
Suddenly they hear a demon slayer saying " help me " in a soft voice

Tanjiro and the others turn around
He was all rapped in spider webs and was saying that he is dying please help on and on

Tanjiro went up there so did lucy..
However lucy stoped in between

" Something happened to the members of demon slayer all of them are in the same condition" she said

"Are you alright w-what happened!" Said tanjiro
Suddenly the demon slayer was moved upwards
"We should hurry let's save him!"said tanjiro
"No.. there's no use now...i should have done something..." Said lucy
Zenitsu just keeps his both hands over his mouth
Inosuke jumps out of nowhere and says " i will be Vanguard!"
"He's just waiting for a chance to fight"said zenitsu scared and shivering

" Inouske... Thanks alot for comming guys really mean alot to me .." said tanjiro
Suddenly they see a demon slayer which was standing perfectly saying" why didn't they send a pillar!?"
"What happened here?" Asked tanjiro
" After receiving our commands from the crow 10 members got here
...the other demon slayers suddenly started to fight each other they were slaughtering each other! because of a demon controlling them with webs that's all i know i swear!"he said

               Meanwhile the mother spider

" Alright my beautiful dolls,dance your hearts out before your limbs are torned"

Hearing this, lucy sends her crow back to the HQ

"Ahhh...what is it?" Asked kagaya
" A message from lucy-sama"Said one of the white girls
"Ahh...i see she needs some help...giyuu"

" Yes master?" He asked
" Shinobu.."
" Yes master" she asked
" Can you go help the children ....they need your help
" Yes master ....."
" I hope you will not disappoint me ..."


A/N : verry thanks to fantasy knights and his story 'demon slayer what if...'
Because it gave me a bunch of ideas for further....

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