Chapter One:

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"Deku, he is headed towards the fourth quadrant. You got eyes on him? Over."

The sun beamed over the city. Sweat sprinkled Izuku's forehead as he clicked on his earpiece. "Yeah, I see him. I'm going in, over." He stood there at the edge of the building watching as his target slipped away from the cops that had been chasing him. "Alright, be careful sir. We'll let you know of any advancements, over." The soft summer breeze seemed to slow to a stop as he took a deep breath. He took his stance, and leaped off the side of the building. Almost like spiderman, he was leaping from building to building, almost flying. He kept a close eye on his target, who by now has noticed his shadow interrupting the beam of sunshine that heated the criminal's back. With nothing but black clothes from head to toe and a hood and mask covering his face, Deku knew it was him.

Ground Zero, one of the most notorious villains in Japan, alongside Shigaraki. Nobody knows what his real name is, or what he looks like really. Apart from being responsible for some of the worst attacks on UA and other important locations there's nothing to know about him. His whole life is a mystery. Except for his quirk, they knew a lot about his quirk, considering he likes to show it off. He's very sneaky, and clever. He doesn't always steal, sometimes the main reason he gets caught is because he just likes to cause tons of damage. He gets chased, then escapes somehow. Nobody's ever caught him, yet. Today was the day Deku was gonna catch him, and bring him to justice. Ground Zero ran fast before taking a sharp right, slightly messing up Deku.

Every car he ran past blew up. Pedestrians ran and screamed as flaming car parts fell from the sky. "Boss I know what you're thinking, that old man Hawks is taking care of the pedestrians. Deku nodded, as long as the people were okay. He watched Ground Zero take another sharp turn, now throwing small explosions around to propel him through the air. He turned into a dark alleyway, Deku still right behind him. Deku landed and slowly entered the alley way. It was a dead end, he couldn't have gone anywhere. "I know you're in here. There's no point in hiding, I'm gonna put you in prison either way around it." He activated his quirk, the bright teal electricity that sparkled and emitted off him lit the alleyway. He saw the silhouette of the criminal, he must've realised he couldn't get out of here. Deku slowly approched the sillhouette, cautious of agression.


"Ha.. I knew it was you."

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