034. "the path that used to be familiar, it's now unfamiliar"

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19:09 ─❁────────── 19:79

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My heart that I wanted to give to you,

Is actually hurting me even more


          SHE COULD ONLY SHUDDER AS she walked through the threshold of the grim-looking house. Her lunch in her stomach ready to come out and play as she looked around the place anxiously, though there was just one problem: She couldn't see anything at all.

It was like she stepped into total darkness and before she could even escape, the door slammed shut behind her. She was beginning to be anxious of her choice in trusting them, for it dawned on her that the possibilities of them using Polyjuice Potions were just endless.

Though the exterior of her was as calm as she could be in such situation, within her mind were all chaos as they screamed inside of her countlessly: Why are you so trusting, you idiot?!

Even without seeing it Lucia could tell that this house once belonged to a Dark Wizard, especially with the overwhelming amount of Dark Magic she was sensing. The house was old unlike any other, perhaps lasted for decades — even centuries from how it looks; the smell of rot filled her nostrils like poison.

Lucia wondered who exactly lives here, and why the hell was she brought here in the first place?

She rarely thought of this but, I want to go home...

"Professor? Bill?"

But there was no one.

Panic ensued within her. "Don't tell me..." her voice came out more like a whimper, "I lost them..."

Being surrounded by a big crowd was one thing, but another thing she hated the most was being alone in a very dark place. It brought her too much bad memories for her to enjoy the 'peace' that comes with it.

She wanted to reach her hand out for something but was too scared to do so, instead clutching onto herself as she attempted to navigate through the darkness. One thing was for sure, and that was the fact that she was certainly standing in the entrance hall currently, though she couldn't see much of it thanks to the lack of light. With how dark it was, she wouldn't be surprised if her ebony hair were to blend in with the surroundings.

The more she stood frozen at one spot, the more eerie she felt. Her heart started to beat exceedingly fast, which only made her pray that this was not a trap to lure her into a den filed with dark wizards. She may be one of the people in the House of the lions, but she was more of a scared doe than she's a lion.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now