Pokemon Adventures Of Nikol

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(Nikol is seeming to having good time with her Pokemon
She's heading to the Pokemon center of  coumarine city)
This place is amazing ,

(Nikol is seeming to having good time with her Pokemon She's heading to the Pokemon center of  coumarine city)This place is amazing ,

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With all  these beautiful flowers and tress all over. I am having fun here.
Seems like this place has some events happening.

Suprise ,
someone gasped.

I turned around to see Alex(the trainer who had a frokie).

I didn't expect to see you here , I said.
Me to , he replied.
'What were you doing here', he asked.
'I was just looking for the gym', I said.
Ha , so you are going challenge him , he was pretty tough but I managed to win against him.
See , I have the badge,  he replied.

Amazing , I said.
Soon I will be having the badge to , I said.
(We giggled for a while)

(There was a event happening in this city which was a Pokemon race. Everyone was cheering for the trainers . We both went to see it )

"Huh ! It's him "Alex said.

Who,I wondered.

The old man who is in the Gogoat. He is the gym leader, he said.

He's the gym leader , I was shocked .

He said that the gym leader specialises in grass type , he maybe old but he was pretty tough .

Huh !? Really , I replied.

(Soon into the event , the gym leader defeted all other trainers by putting them back and won with his Gogoat)

I was amazed by his skills . I was going to defeat that guy.

( The events were  over the gym leader return to the gym.)

I and Alex had fun wondering around the town during the events.

I was about to leave for gym , when Alex holded my hands.

Ha , what's wrong , I asked.

Nothing ,he said that he  just wanted to have a battle with me to see how strong  I was grown.
Are you ready ,he asked.
Yes iam , I replied.

       Alex vs Nikol

Alex sent out Frogadier , I sent out liligant.

Frogadier use water pulse he said,

Block it with magical leaf , I said

Frogadier use cut , he replied.

( Liligant got hitted by the attack )

Liligant use  quiver dance ,
I said.

(Frogadier uses water pulse again but liligant manages to dodge it )

Liligant use leaf storm , I said .

Frogadier gets hitted by the attack and faints.

Huh! You have grown stronger Nikol.
I hope you defeat that gym .
See ya .
(Alex left for next gym)

Alright let's get in to the gym....

I have decided to use braixen and  Eevee.

(In front of coumarine gym)

Yes iam here , it's time for my 4 th badge.
I went into the gym I was shocked to see beautiful gardens and forest inside a gym it was adorable.
Suddenly I spotted the gym leader playing with his Pokemons.

Suddenly I spotted the gym leader playing with his Pokemons

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Hmm, seems like you are here to challenge me , he said.
Yes , I replied.
Iam Ramos, the gym leader of coumarine city , he said
It's a pleasure to battle with you , I added.
He sent out jumpluff first , I sent out Eevee.

         Ramos vs Nikol

Jumpluff ,use stun spore , he said.
Eevee use dig to avoid it , I replied.
Eevee , now use swift , I said.
Avoid it , he ordered.
Now use Magical leaf on Eevee ,he said  .

(Eevee gets hitted but no serious damage has happened)

Eevee use shadow ball , I said .
( Jumpluff gets hitted badly)

Eevee use it rapidly I said .( Rapid shadow ball hits jumpluff so much that it faints )

Ho, that's a pretty good move he said .
Come on out Gogoat,

Use rock slide , he said

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Use rock slide , he said .

Eevee dodged it all . But Gogoat used leaf storm which fainted Eevee.

Ha !
Return Eevee,
Go braixen, I said.
Braixen use flame thrower , I said.
Gogoat avoids it and uses rock tomb.
Braixen was damged by the attack.But manages to counter it with flame thrower .
The battle was tough but  braixen manged to win the match .

Wow ! Nikol that was cool .

Your Pokemon are amazing .They were stunning . You have trained them pretty well .

Here you can have this "Plant badge".
Thanks a lot .I said.

So have you decided which gym to challenge next ,he asked.

Yes ,I have.
I have decided to make it to lumiose city to challenge the gym leader over there.
Great! Then all the best for the challenge ,he said.

I was exited to return home after such a long journey .
And also challenge the gym leader.

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