Chapter 6

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Sasuke fought hard to keep his composure at the sight of Hiroto. His hand instinctively grabbed the hilt of his sword, his knuckles white from the strength of his grip. His Sharingan activated automatically when he sensed the threat.

"Itachi I had thought you were returning this afternoon." Fugaku looked to Hiroto, "Who is this?"

"This is Hiroto. He is from The Foundation, a subordinate of Danzo." Hiroto bowed respectfully to Fugaku.

"Fugaku, I have heard much about you. It is an honor to meet you. I am over seeing Itachi's progress while in the Anbu, he is incredible."

And then it all clicked for Sasuke. Hiroto's obsession with the Sharingan started here, with his brother. He wanted to cut him down with his blade, burn him with his Amaterasu, electrocute him with the Chidori, smash him with the Susano'o, anything for vengeance for the pain he's inflicted on his family.

"I'm happy to hear it. I'm sure he's putting all of his best effort forward to uphold the Anbu's values."

Hiroto nodded, "Of course sir. He has even finished his mission half a day earlier than expected."

Fugaku looked to his son, "I expect nothing less Itachi. Good work."

Sasuke kept staring at Hiroto. If he noticed he didn't make it obvious. He only looked at his father.

There was a long pause while Fugaku waited to see if Hiroto had more to say, "If there's nothing further then you are excused, I would like to speak with my son."

Hiroto silently bowed and left the room but not before locking eyes with Sasuke, he could see the disdain for the Uchiha in his eyes. He smirked before shutting the door.

Once the office door was closed Fugaku addressed Itachi, "Have you received orders of your next mission yet?"

"No father, they said I will not have another mission for a little while so I'll be home for the time being."

"After your last mishap when you missed the last clan meeting I would hope you'll be at the next one?"

Itachi bowed to his father, "Yes father." Sasuke remembered when the Uchiha boys came to his house to confront him of his whereabouts because Shisui had been murdered. He was young but he remembered Itachi's anger and outburst of the state of their clan. It was very out of character for him.

"Your brother is coming home straight after the Academy tonight I expect you to be there, he's been anxiously waiting for your return."

Itachi nodded, "I am going home now father. Do you need anything further?" Fugaku shook his head and Itachi left the office, gently closing the door behind him.

Sasuke released the breath he didn't realize he had been holding. Fugaku turned and looked at him, "What was that about Sasuke?" He had noticed the sudden change in his demeanor at this man's presence.

He took a calming breath, released his grip on his blade, and deactivated his Sharingan. "That's him, that's the man I'm after."

• • • • •

Sakura had never had the chance to meet Itachi before he joined the Akatsuki. She always thought of him as this terrible person for what he did to his clan and to Sasuke. But as she got older she learned the truth, he was truly a splendid shinobi and loved his family very much. He had been manipulated.

She was just getting ready to lay Sarada down for her nap when she sensed a presence, she turned and saw Itachi standing in the doorway.

"H-hi, Itachi" she stammered. She was shocked to see him.

"My mother just told me about you and my little brother, is it true?" He was so polite and seemed like a gentle soul. It was hard for her to imagine him doing all those terrible things.

"It is, it's nice to see you." She made sure she didn't say 'meet'. It wasn't her place to say anything about his future.

"Is this Sarada?" he asked, looking to her daughter in her arms.  She nodded and looked to Sarada, "Sarada, this is Uncle Itachi." And she smiled broadly at him, not like the reaction she had with Mikoto the day before, and she actually reached out to him.  

Itachi gently took her into his arms, she couldn't stop staring at him. "Hi Sarada" he greeted which only made her smile more. Sakura made sure to keep her emotions in check. She knew Sasuke had told her all about Itachi but she truly didn't think she would've retained it at this young of an age.

"Well it doesn't seem like she's tired enough for a nap anymore" Sakura joked.

"I'm sorry for that. Would you mind if I played with her in the yard?" Itachi asked, his eyes never leaving his niece. Sakura, of course, agreed.

• • • • •

Sasuke was fuming. He left the office, Fugaku trailing behind him, and he made his way back home. How could this man have been right under his nose all these years? How could he not have known of his involvement with Itachi?

"Sasuke slow down!" his father called after him. He stopped in his tracks, waiting for him to catch up. "Son, you need to tell me everything you can about him."

"He's been right there! This whole time!" Sasuke whispered angrily so no one would over hear him.

"I'm sensing there's more to this story than we originally anticipated" he stated. By Sasuke's reaction he knew there was something he wasn't telling him. This was more than just him trying to hurt Sakura and Sarada.

"That bastard has ruined my life" Sasuke growled.

Fugaku grabbed Sasuke by his arm, "Let's get home. I don't want anyone hearing this.

Once they were home they decided to go into the backyard to talk more in depth about the situation. When he opened the door he saw Itachi playing with Sarada.

"Looks like she recognizes him" Fugaku commented, not realizing the weight of his words. She shouldn't recognize him but she's laughing and playing with him like she's known him her entire life.

"Yeah" was all he could say. He always told her stories of her Uncle when he would put her down to sleep at night. He never thought she would recognize him like this.

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