Chapter 10

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The morning sun was slowly making its way over the horizon as the brothers returned home. It was as if the night's events never happened. People were preparing their children for school or opening their businesses for the day. They didn't know how close they came to never doing those things again.

As the brother's approached the house they could see that Fugaku was waiting for them on the front steps.

"Did you do what you felt needed to be done Itachi?" He leveled his eyes at his son, waiting for an answer.

Itachi glanced sideways at Sasuke then turned his attention back to his father, "Yes. We did." Fugaku nodded in understanding and led them inside the house.

Mikoto and Sakura were preparing breakfast for the kids, trying to give them some sense of normalcy. Sasuke sat down next to his daughter and wrapped an arm around her.

"Hi Sarada." She turned her head up towards him and greeted him with a smile, "Hi Papa."

"Are you enjoying your breakfast?"

She nodded and stretched out her hand to him offering him a bite of her toast, which he gladly accepted. He bit a small piece off and she giggled at him before taking a bite herself.

"Sasuke, can you come in the living room please?" Sakura asked as she kissed Sarada on the top of her head. She stayed in the kitchen and finished eating with young Sasuke while the adults and Itachi moved their conversation into the other room.

"What are you going to do about Hiroto?" His father asked.

"Danzo now thinks Hiroto attacked him last night, not Itachi thanks to my Genjutsu. I'm going to take him with me and deal with him properly."

"So you think you are going to dispose of me that easily?" Hiroto growled from the kitchen. Sasuke grabbed his sword but stopped when he saw Sarada in his arms.

"Let my daughter go" he said through bared teeth as his Sharingan activated.

Hiroto laughed again, it made Sasuke sick to listen to. "Here's what's going to happen; the brat stays with me until I get outside and then I'll leave her on the porch. You make a move, I'll snap her neck."

Sasuke smirked before using his Rinnegan to open a portal behind Hiroto. He then swapped places with him and was now holding Sarada. Sakura moved quickly and punched Hiroto with all her might straight through the portal and then followed him through.

Sasuke turned to look at his parents one last time, "I love you. I'm sorry we didn't have more time."

"We love you too Sasuke, no matter what" his mother cried. He smiled at them before jumping through the portal with Sarada.

Sakura had actually punched Hiroto straight into a tree, he was on the ground groaning in pain and holding his chest. "Too easy" she said to herself proudly.

Sasuke jumped through, Sarada clinging to him. She looked at her husband and then it hit her; he just left his family and didn't get a proper goodbye.


"I'm fine. Take Sarada." She could see the pain in his eyes but didn't press further. Sarada wrapped her arms around her mother's neck, Sakura decided it would be best to move away from them. Sarada did not need to see this.

Sasuke grabbed Hiroto my his shirt collar and slammed his back into the tree. He struggled to regain his breath but looked Sasuke in the eyes. All the hate and anger was evident on Sasuke's face.

Hiroto was about to say something but was stopped when Sasuke's Chidori pierced his chest. His jaw dropped open, the words he was about to say were just a garbled mess. Sasuke leaned in close, "I told you I'd kill you" he whispered as he removed his hand from his chest. Hiroto slumped to the ground.

Once he was sure he was dead he opened a portal to a desolate place and tossed his body through and then snapped it shut.

He squatted down to rest on his heels, head in his hands. He thought this would erase all his hate and anger but it didn't. On one hand he was happy this man could no longer terrorize his family but on the other he felt what he did wasn't enough, he needed to suffer more. Not to mention he ripped him away from his family before he could say goodbye.

He sighed and stood to go find Sakura. She was walking in a nearby field with Sarada, her little hands reaching out to brush through the tall grass. His wife smiled weakly when she saw him and walked to meet him.

"Do you think we made it back to our time?"

He sighed, "Only one way to find out..."

• • • • •

They walked back to the village together, talking about his parents and everything they were able to experience with them while trapped in their time. In the distance they could see the gates of Konoha.

"Here goes nothing" Sasuke muttered to himself as they approached the gates. He was cautious, eyes scanning everything around them. It all seemed the be normal but he couldn't be sure.

"Hey guys, welcome back!" Izumo greeted them from the gate check in.

"That's Izumo, I think we made it back Sasuke" she said to him as she waved to Izumo.

They immediately made their way to the Hokage's office. They entered the building without issue and were about to open the door to the office when they ran into Shizune, "Sakura. What are you doing back?"

"Is the uh- the Hokage in?" She asked trying to make sure not to say names.

"Yes, Lord Sixth is in." She gave them an odd look before continuing down the hall.

Sasuke opened the door to the office and was relieved to see Kakashi behind the desk. He raised his head, just as surprised to see them as Shizune was.

"What are you guys doing back already?"

Sasuke rolled his eyes, "I'll explain it later Kakashi. Just tell the hospital in the Land of Lightning they're just going to have to make do because Sakura's not coming."

He wasn't going to give him a chance to respond, he guided Sakura out of the office. Just as he was about to close the door Kakashi spoke up, "Oh by the way Sasuke, your father was looking for you. You might want to go see him."

• • • • •

***Sorry if the ending seems abrupt, I didn't quite know how to end it without seeming too much like 'Changing Fate'. I hope you enjoyed! ❤️

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