ch X

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As promised, I'm back this week on. I wonder if there are people still reading this story... I mean, it's been ages I updated this little baby of mine. Even tho this chap is unedited coz I'm still pretty tired from school na~~~

Anyways, if you read this, I wish you a happy reading. Hope you'll like it.

- Wannie


Fourteen more hours to go...

Gulf sighed to himself in self-pity. He was sitting at the balcony of his room, on the cold floor which was similar to the marble he cried on the last time he saw Mew. His knees were folded to his heart, arms crossed above the as a lock. He rested his head against the railing, staring up at the fading moon, "Tomorrow's gonna be a dark, blank night... No moon," Just like my life.

It was around nine o'clock in the night and he was done with the world. Naomi had somehow successfully fed him three spooonfulls of soup and four biites of macaroni. And that's all he had in the whole day, craving for absolutely nothing. He had been like that ever since that one fateful nightmare of a night. Not eating. Not speaking. Not even sleeping. He had become too weak. One could barely tell his lips knew to smile once upon a time.

"Gulf," he heard his father called out, entering his room. William swooped his eyes through the room, trying to find the boy he had been calling for five times already. He saw his supposed son emmerge from the balcony door, emotions long forgotten from his face. "Do something of your face! You're getting married tomorrow, you can't be looking like this!" William spoke non-challantly, "Smile.". Internally, Gulf frowned, "Sorry but I happen not to have any reasons to smile." These past few days, Gulf had become bold. He had finally hatched out of that egg of decency and submission. Well, he had nothing to lose anymore. He wanted it or not, the marriage was happening in less than twenty-four hours. He had no option to stop this, all he could do was to go with the flow; swimming against the wave was no help.

"You're getting married to a good looking, rich, and responsible man. That's a reason to smile," William deadpanned. Mocking, Gulf scoffed, "I'm marrying the good looking, rich, and responsible man who I see as a brother. So, this marriage... is incest." William was taken back by his so-called son's words but was not ready to back off. He glared at his child, eyes void of any emotions, "Is that so? Then who would you have wanted to marry?" Looking to his bedside table, at the empty spot where a little phot frame used to be, Gulf shrugged, "The good looking, rich, and responsible man I loved. But I can't. Because you decided to ruin the last thread of sanity I was hanging on. Because, now! Because of you, he hates me."

"Responsible? He took music as his subject, how can a guy like that be responsible? He's going to ruin his life," the father hissed, turning away, "So, stop thinkking about him. Don't act like a fool. Smile. And don't ruin your own wedding day." He stormed out of the unlit room, slamming the door after him.

"How can I not act like a fool?..." Gulf chuckled to himself, falling on his bed, "... If that is all I am." I was a damn fool to have not seen this coming. I should have prepared better. I should have told every thing to Mew from the beginning. The all his wouldn't be so fucked up. At least he would know my reasons. He doesn't even tolerate my face anymore. And it's all because of him.

He plucked out his phone from somewhere under his scattered pillows. Switching it on, he was so disappoined. He was so not used to this. He so did not want to get used to this. It had been two months since he had lived the way he wanted to. The way he knew how to breathe. But not anymore. Now all he inhaled that air was for survival. His heart was turning to stone, no reason for warmth. His eyes were now stern, no more shinning like the sunrays.

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