Wanda - Firsts

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How we met: I was Tony's adopted daughter (wow so creative) and he brought me into the Avengers during the AOU time and we met, having the ability to sympathize over dead parents and she met my brother and we instantly clicked

Who liked who first: She liked me first. I was completely oblivious, but she ended up telling me about a month later

Who asked who out first: She did. She was crying over her mother because it was her birthday and I was the only one to comfort her since everyone else was away on a mission. In tears, Wanda told me how much she loved and appreciated me and eventually asked me out when we started watching Finding Dory to cheer her up.

First person/people who found out: Loki (he shapeshifted into telling him the truth), Nat (said it was pretty obvious), Sylvie (Loki told her), and Wade (he kept harassing us into telling him the truth)

First kiss: We had started watching Finding Dory once again on our anniversary, we planned on cuddling the whole day when Wanda started watching me intently. After asking her what was wrong, she kissed me and smiled.

First "I love you": I had gotten hurt on a mission like a dumbass and Wanda got scared. I was in a coma for a few days and when I woke up, I saw my girlfriend sleeping in a couch and she looked exhausted like she had been there for a long time without showering, proper sleep or eating healthy. I woke her up and she hit me in the arm, telling me how rude I was for getting hurt. Then she kissed me and I whispered "I love you" making her surprised before she hit you again and said it back.

First time we "did" it: After a party Tony threw 

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