Aubrey - Firsts

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How we met: The same night I met Lizzie, Aubrey was there and she kept hitting on me, naturally it worked

Who liked who first: She did, she started flirting with me so much

Who asked out who first: Also Aubrey, in fact, Aubrey and I started dating before Lizzie and us became a throuple 

First person/people to find out: Lizzie (Aubrey told her), Florence (she's my sisterrrrr), and Natalie (Aubrey's sister)

First kiss: Aubrey had just gotten a role in She-Hulk as the lead and she was so excited that she picked me up and kissed me

First "I love you": The same time we had our first kiss

First time we "did" it: It was my birthday and to be honest, I just wanted a nap so we cuddled and um... yeah :D

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