Lexi - Firsts

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How we met: When I first moved to East Highland in the third grade, I instantly became friends with Rue and therefore starting being close to her friends as well especially Lexi 

Who liked who first: I liked her first, but I never told her in fear of ruining our friendship

Who asked out who first: Surprisingly, she did. I wasn't expecting it, but she did and I was extremely relieved. She was really stressed and hyperventilating a lot so to help her calm down, I hung out with her and it worked.

First person/people who found out: Rue (because of how observant she is, she quickly got suspicious and asked leading you two to just tell her) and Suze ("Have fun making out girls" "WHAT??" "You two are dating right...?" "HOW'D YOU FIND OUT? "It's pretty obvious, baby.")

First kiss: On the big day of her play, Lexi was a bundle of nerves and kept on rambling and rambling. She was really adorable getting all anxious so I kissed her to make her shut up. She smiled at me, said thanks, and I wished her luck before going to sit in the seat she had saved me.

First "I love you": It was a regular old Sunday and Lexi and I were just hanging out on her bed listening to music that we liked. Out of nowhere she turned and said "Hey, I love you." catching me off-guard, but I said it back and we kissed a little before singing lyrics together and just overall laughing and giggling.

First time we "did" it: We were being very gay and cuddling. I wasn't planning on having it with her, but she asked and I gave in cause yeah

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