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It has been two weeks since Harry asked Louis to be his boyfriend, and since then Louis has become more confident and less shy around him. Harry was falling for this boy more and more every day. He has now come to realize that he was falling in love with the small hybrid.


Harry had just woken up about a half-hour ago, he had just gotten done making him and Louis some breakfast. He made pancakes with syrup, eggs, and bacon. He walked up the stairs and into his room to find the hybrid still sleeping, Harry smiled fondly as he set the tray of food down.

He quietly got back on the bed and started placing kisses all over his face, Louis started to squirm as he fluttered his eyes open and giggled. Louis turned to face Harry more and smile "Hi Harry" he kissed the hybrid's nose "Hi beautiful" Louis' face turned to a light shade of pink. He sat up a little and connected his and Harry's lips, he wrapped his hands around the hybrid's waist and kissed his back.

"I made breakfast, are you hungry?" he asks after pulling away, Louis nods his head as his tummy growled. Harry chuckled as he grabbed the tray of food and put it on the bed in front of them, Louis grabbed one of the plates and a fork and started eating, and Harry did the same.


They had just gotten done eating and Harry had a surprise for him, Louis has been talking about it to Harry for almost a week. He was about to tell the hybrid the surprise, "Louis, are you ready to go?" he asked from outside the bathroom door, "Harry come in!" he told him. Harry opened the door, Louis was wearing a cropped plaid long-sleeve shirt with a matching skirt.

 Harry opened the door, Louis was wearing a cropped plaid long-sleeve shirt with a matching skirt

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Harry spun Louis around "You look amazing, boobear" he giggles as he hugs Harry tightly, "So, I have something to tell you" the hybrid looked at him waiting for what Harry was going to say next

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Harry spun Louis around "You look amazing, boobear" he giggles as he hugs Harry tightly, "So, I have something to tell you" the hybrid looked at him waiting for what Harry was going to say next. "Well, I was thinking we could go on a date, and can you guess where we're going!" Louis shook his head "We are going to the amusement park!!" Louis squealed jumping into Harry's arms out of excitement "Thank you Hazzy" he mumbles against Harry's neck, "Your welcome baby, Are you ready to go?" Louis nods, he was now standing, looking at Harry, he pressed a kiss to Harry's lips.


They had just made it to the amusement park, Louis was extremely excited. As soon as the car was parked Louis got out and ran to the front, Harry chuckled getting out of the car and locking it behind him as he ran after the hybrid. When he caught up with Louis he wrapped his arms around his waist from behind and pressed a sweet kiss to his neck, "Are you, excited princess?" Louis turn around in harry's arm press his lips to Harry's "Yeah" he said quietly before pressing another kiss to his boyfriend's lips.


After they bought their tickets they started looking for a ride, "Can we go on that one?" Louis asks, and Harry nods "Sure," he tells him as they walk towards the roller coaster. They waited in line for about 5 minutes before they were able to get on the ride and sat at the very front, "You ready, love?" Louis nodded. The ride soon started, and what Harry didn't know was that Louis had been doing research on the amusement park rides and found out that the roller coaster that they were on, would splash them when they go down into a dip. 

Harry was having so much fun on the ride that he didn't notice the first dip, they went down and they get splashed. Louis was giggling uncontrollably "You knew about that didn't you?!" Harry asked, Louis, nodded still giggling "I'm gonna get you back later," he told Louis, he was still giggling.

When they get off the ride Louis grabs the small backpack that he put by the exit so that it didn't get wet, they were both completely soaked "Are there any more rides where I'm gonna get soaking wet?" Harry asked the hybrid, he shook his head "You promise?" he nodded again "Promise!" Harry nodded "Okay, I believe you".

Louis opened his bag and grabbed out some clothes and handed them to Harry, "You packed these?" Louis nodded, Harry kissed his cheek "You are so sweet" the hybrid blushed. Harry and Louis both walked to the bathrooms and quickly got changed, after they were done they went on a lot more rides.

After about an hour of riding some crazy rides, they went to find some games to play, "Which one do you want, princess? The teddy bear, the monkey, or the lion?" Louis pointed to the teddy bear, which was rainbow. Harry nodded, once he had won he asked for the rainbow bear and he gave it to Louis. He hugged Harry tightly, "Thank you", he whispers "Your welcome, sweetheart".

They decide to get some food because it was now almost 5 PM and they haven't eaten since this morning, they got elephant ears, cotton candy, caramel apples, pizza, and more treats

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They decide to get some food because it was now almost 5 PM and they haven't eaten since this morning, they got elephant ears, cotton candy, caramel apples, pizza, and more treats. After they ate they walked around, it was starting to get dark. They decided to go on one last ride before they left, the Ferris wheel. Harry got on first and helped Louis up, soon the ride started moving. As they got to the top the worker controlling the ride stopped it at the top for them since they were the only ones on it, because almost everybody else left the park.

"Harry look," he said pointing up to the sky, it was snowing, I mean it is almost December. Harry smiled as he saw the look on the hybrid's face, that's when he knew for sure he was in love with the boy. Harry grabbed his chin with his thumb and pointer finger and turned Louis' face so that they were looking at each other, connecting their lips as snow fell down onto them and stuck to their hair.

They pulled away when the ride started to move again, Louis cuddled into Harry's chest. He was starting to get cold as they got off the ride, Harry noticed, he took off his hoodie "Here baby" he handed the hooded to the shivering hybrid. Louis gladly took it and put it on, he cuddled into Harry as they walked towards the exit. Louis saw something that he wanted "Harry, Can Louis get lollipop?" he asks, "Of course, love bug".

He bought the lollipop and gave it to Louis, he smiled as he took the lollipop and started unwrapping it and licked it, "Is it good, bubs?" The hybrid nodded "Harry try?" he asked holding up the lollipop by Harry's mouth, he licked it and nodded "It is good" he smiled.


They had just arrived home, and Louis was fast asleep in the car, he got out of the car and unlocked the door, and opened it before going to the passenger side and opening up the door, and picking up the sleeping hybrid. The hybrid squirmed in Harry's arms a little before opening his eyes "Harry, home?" Harry kissed his forehead "Yes we're home, baby" he told him, his voice just above a whisper.

Once they were inside, Harry walked up to his bedroom and laid the hybrid down "Harry?" he says, voice barely audible "Yeah, boobear" he replies "Louis love Harry" he smiled faintly. Harry stood there for a second, feeling overwhelmingly happy that the hybrid felt the same way "I love you too Louis" he climbed on the bed kissing Louis' lips, he kisses back immediately.

Harry lays down next to Louis, he holds him tight, tighter than usual. He kissed the hybrids forehead until Louis drifted back to sleep, soon Harry fell asleep after whispering another 'I love you' to Louis.


(Word Count: 1377) 

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