Chapter 3: The Truth in the Tower of Sweet Chaos

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A long time ago, after the Dark Flour War, he learned a very hard truth about where cookies were made and their true purpose was. And he felt despair for almost a decade. He has never told anyone about the things he's seen and he wishes he could forget them... But they can never be forgotten, thanks to those cursed cookies, Pomegranate Cookie and...Dark Enchantress Cookie...

He was in the Chamber of the Wise as he looked out the window. It was the westernmost tower of the Vanilla Castle that belongs to the Sages and wizards of the highest rank. The Chamber is where they conduct their research, where they partake in heated debates, and sometimes, where the old colorful smoke above the castle is coming from. 
But anyway, he sits by window, reading a book about the Witches over and over again. His curiosity peaked when he wondered how the Witches made them and why did they make the cookies... 
As the question lingeried into his mind, Vanilla slowly tapped on his shoulder with a smile. "Dovey, I didn't expect to find you here in the Chamber of the Wise. Is this where you mostly hide from all the worries of the Kingdom?" he asked with a chuckle. He sat right beside Dove as Dove smiled. "I'm sorry, Vanilla, I just have been wanting to read this book about the First Kitchen." 
He looked at the book that he was reading and smiled his usually smile. "Dovey, you didn't have to hide from me from reading now." Dove slowly smiled but it turned into a frown when he slowly looked out the window again. Vanilla put his hands on his cheeks then turned his head to look into his eyes. 
"Darling, what's wrong?" Vanilla asked. 
"From the book, it said that the Witches made us...but why did they make us? That's all I'm trying to figure out." 
Vanilla slowly let out a sigh and looked down as he moved a side of his hair to his ear. "Such worries need to vanish, my love. I don't want you to worry about something as such as this. Be grateful that our dough is as Crispy as the sun and the jam inside our dough flows without any hesitation." 
Dove looked down and then snuggled against Vanilla's chest. Vanilla smiled and pecked Dove's forehead. "Now...we must rest for tonight."
Vanilla grabbed his hands and lead him down the stairs and into their bedroom. He put down his hat and took off his clothes. Dove took off his clothes as well then put on something comfortable to wear for the night. He snuggled under the frosting sheets as Vanilla did and then smiled. He put his arms around Dove and held him tighter against him and fell asleep. So did Dove but after a few hours Dove sneaked out to go to the Tower and when he got there, his eyes widened when he trembled lightly. "The Godly Cake Tower... The ancient holy place... It's as if the sky rested on its top! tall is it?" he asked himself. He walked down the path of the flaming oven, looking around. "Dozen of candles... Intricate cutlery and decorations... This goblet, these forks and knives! Everything is so gigantic... The Witches might have feasted here...for days..." 
He slowly then got close to the oven that burned a roaring fire inside that he never dared to get any closer. "So ancient and eaten by the rust of old, how is it...burning hot?" 
He slowly closed his eyes then screams when he saw the visions of cookies running. He fell to his knees and then pants heavily. He slowly stood up, shaking them hugged himself as he walked up the spiral staircase. "In this very place...the first Cookies took their first steps... Now, the air has been fouled with smoke and burnt butter, like an overbaked cake." 
He sighed quietly as he continued his way up the spiral stairs. "Let's see what the Witches had to hide..." 
A stray Cake Hound barked at me and it was so adorable of how it barked. He giggled and pet the cake hound. Then it pushed him gently because it wanted him to follow. "Alright, lead the way, dear friend." It barked while running away but not too far for him to follow. 

The cake hound led to him to a place that was very different. It almost looked like a factory as he saw other cake monsters and then a certain type of cookie talked to the monsters hat worked with he batter and the dough. He had dark red skin with two toned eyes: one black with an ellipse-shaped sapphire pupil, the other sapphire-blue. His hair is black with red highlights; styled in a messy side part that's pulled back in a ponytail. He has a striped red and white cake arm with a white palm and backhand and a normal cookie arm, which holds his sword. He wears a red shirt and a dark red coat with a fluffy red and white fur collar. He also wears black boots with rubies on them, similar to the ruby on his sword.
"Knead the batter, my beasts! KNEAD HARDER! And make sure not to stick to it!" he demanded. The shaman nodded as he continued to work. 
"Keep the bonfires burning! Throw in more wood! LET THE FLAMES BURN THE VERY SKY!" A clang was heard. As he watched from the distance, he ntoiced that they were making...more monsters--Like a whole army of them! "The time has come! PULL OUT THE TRAY!" he shouted out. When they did, a newborn Cake Hound rose from the Oven. Cripsy as ever and very very cute. He greeted the cake hound with a small pat while smiling before saying, "Welcome your new brethren..." 
He saw another cookie to see to check the progress of how the cookies worked. "Working hard as always, Red Velvet Cookie." So his name was Red Velvet Cookie. "Now isn't that a surprise! Pomegranate Cookie, in the dough!" And the red cookie must be Pomegranate Cookie. "Did Dark Enchantress Cookie send you to watch over the preparations? Is she still reluctant to come in person?" he asked with a sort of tone while watching the monsters work. 
She looked at Red Velvet with a glare. "...Don't you dare question the Master's ways! No matter the reason, my presence here will foster OUR progress. Tell me, have you made any progress?" she asked. 
"Hmph. Our numbers are increasing by the day, with or without your pestering. See for yourself: twice as many soldiers in but a moon!" He said proudly as the monsters were in rows, depending on the type of cake monster that is. 
"Twice? Hmm... Perhaps, I was too optimistic to hope you were capable enough to increase our forces tenfold."
He laughed as he stroked his hair. "Hah! Spill your poison as much as you want! There are limits to what I can achieve in current circumstances. The oven is eaten by ruse, and the batter is too stale! Most of the newborn Cakes don't make it."
"The tower is the scared ground of baking. All that is needed can be found here. Solve the problem. No matter what it takes." 
"Easier said than done." He said as he put his sword behind his back while watching them work. A skelecake grunt quickly headed towards him and reported some news. "Rah! Gah!" For short: "The stray Cake Hound has found the Prince of Peace, Dove Cookie." His eyes widened then he smirked. "...So he has finally come. A new rank in our numbers. The Prince of Peace, the Cookie of Translucent Blessing." 
Pomegranate Cookie crossed her arms and then thought for a moment. "Interesting... Bring her here for the Master. Oh, and try to come back before my tea goes cold."
His eyes widened when he notices that he has been spotted. He quickly ran as fast as he could to get out of there but no matter how hard she tried, these monsters would not stop and then everything went black. 
When he slowly opened his eyes, he noticed that he was surrounded by cake monsters but how could he think that such monsters have such sweetest temptations. A cookie passed through the crowd and then looked down at him. His cake arm slowly supported his chin, making him look up and he trembled. 
"Do my eyes deceive me? The Cookie of Translucent Blessing has come to gaze upon our beings. We are truly blessed for we didn't know such a cookie would be attracted to sweet things." He said as he looked down at him. What did he mean about Translucent Blessing? What does he mean by that? 
"Dark Enchantress Cookie will be very pleased to see such a cookie in her presence. But Pomegranate Cookie must cleanse are tainted by the lies of others. As we ask of you is to join us, join us with our cause. You are just tainted with lies that you can't understand the full truth of such wonderful things." 
He asked quietly, " you mean?" 
He chuckled while stroking his chin then he thought for a moment. "You...don't know. Oh! Splendid! We have so much to tell you, to help you, not like those friends of yours."
He blinked in confusion. "What do you mean...'so much to catch up on'? What do you mean by this?" 
"You will see..." He motioned the ferocious cake wolves to gentle push him along so he can follow. 
As they walked, he started to talk. "What you see is what you see: nothing more, nothing less. These sounds that you hear, my dear Cookie, is the Cake Factory working day and night." He saw cake monsters that worked on the batter, the decorations, the making of the dough was something that has been...surprisingly accurate but he's been afraid sometimes that they might fall into their own demise. 
"Such...wonderfulness..." He said quietly. 
He smiled and then he held his hand before leading him to...Pomegranate Cookie. 

Cookie Run Kingdom: The Prince of Peace, Prince Dove CookieWhere stories live. Discover now