Chapter Four

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"Chad, can you get me an Advil from the bathroom cabinet?" Carmen asked him, she was still sore from jumping off the 3rd story. "Yeah, sure, be right back" he stood from the couch and ran upstairs. Carmen got up from her seat and went to the closet, she picked up a water bottle and went to the kitchen.
She stared at herself in the mirror above the counter, she closed her eyes and looked again. Someone appeared behind her, covered in blood. She couldn't tell who it was, their head was down. He suddenly looked up, Carmen jumped back and looked at the figure. Billy.
She turned around immediately, nobody was there. He looked at her smiling in the mirror.
"You're just like me, you can't change that, you can join the killers, be just like me, come on, grab it", then he pointed his head towards something. Carmen stared for a second, and then looked at what he was staring at. It was a knife, similar to the one he and Stu used during the first massacre.
"No", she said, shaking her head. " I- I cant".
"Yes you can, do it for me?" She walked towards the knife and picked it up. She twirled it in a few circles, then looked at him in the eyes. "Never" then she smashed the mirror with the knife. Chad ran down stairs, Advil in hands. "What happened??" He asked, running over to her and staring at the glass over the counter and the floor. "Nothing, I just, freaked out". Chad looked at her and shrugged, "alright, here's the Advil and I will clean this up". "You're sweet Chad". He laughed and went to the laundry mat to grab the broom.
After he was done cleaning he came and sat next to her. "Chad, it's been 3 days, where is the ghost face guy?" He looked at her and rolled his eyes. "You should be glad these stopped, he almost killed you, you're lucky to actually be alive". "Yeah I guess, but I need to know why, why is he hiding?" Clearly he didn't want to talk about this because he changed the subject, 3 sentences in.
"Let's go and visit Sam, I think you need it".
"Fine, let's go, but I'm gonna run upstairs and get something". "I'll be in the car" he said, smiling. She ran upstairs, into her room, closed her door and locked it. She went through her recent calls and found it. "Unknown". She press dial and put the phone to her ear. The ringing made her heart speed up. It has to be going 100 miles an hour. The ringing stopped suddenly, and her heart dropped. "Hello?" The voice said on the other line. "Hi, ghost face, correct?" She said in a whiny tone. "Ah, the one and only Carmen Loomis, how's your back?"
"Painful, thanks, I wanna take up your offer". "Really?" They asked. "Mhm, on one condition". "Anything", the voice said. She took a deep breath, "you can't hurt Chad, that's my one request". Carmen didn't hear another word, must be thinking. "Consider it done", they finally said. She finally breathed again. "I'll send you a package, I already know the address, see you soon, Carmen". She quickly hung up and sat down. God, she really just did that. She took a deep breath and got up, she grabbed her sweater and ran to Chad, who was waiting in the car".


"Took you long enough", Chad said, smirking when she finally got in the car. "Sorry, I had to make a quick phone call".
They drove about 15 minutes until they reached  Sam's old house. "Wow, I haven't been here in years, it looks the exact same". "Well, not like they can make much changes". Carmen said, looking around. They jogged up the steps, but before they could begin to knock, the door swung open.
"Oh hey, Carmen, Chad, I was just leaving". Chad looked as if he was gonna say something stupid so instead Carmen said something. "We wanted to come and invite you to lunch, but looks like you're busy". Sam looked back at her, "oh, well, you're welcome to come with me, then we could go to lunch, I- I'm going to Dewey Riley's house". Chad and Carmen looked at each other, "uhm, sure, why not". Carmen said, "great, let's go", Sam smiled and headed to her car, "I'll follow behind you", Carmen said. Her and Chad walked to the car and got in. "We're going to Dewey's house? Seriously?" Chad looked at her with an annoyed face. "Look, I know you wanted me to relax and calm down, but maybe Dewey could help us". "Fine, let's go".

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