A Daring Idea

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Mirabel left the wall feeling happy to finally know the truth, and finally having an understanding of what everything Agustin had said. But soon that emotion was overcome with a sense of being betrayed, a feeling that washed over her as the dam in the back of her mind couldn't take the pressure anymore and burst. How come nobody had told her this before? How come Abuela forced her to grow up not knowing to truth, having to be raised by parents that weren't even her own? It filled her with a rage towards Abuela and every other person who knew yet didn't tell her and just kept lying. As Mirabel thought this her steps became louder as she stomped her way down the stairs. She was going to go straight to Abuela and ask what the hell was her reasoning to why she lied for all these years. Mirabel found her sweeping up petals of different pink and purple shades, clearly left by Isabella. She marched up to her making Abuela look up "Whats doing on? You look upset?" Mirabel tried to have a calm tone but it quivered with silent anger "Why didn't you tell me?" She looked like she knew what Mirabel meant but wasn't completely sure "What do you mean by that?" Abuela questioned. "Why didn't you tell me about my real parents?!" she couldn't control her tone at this point "You've been lying to me this entire time about this! I had to be raised by my tia and tio! Why?" Mirabel starting pasing at the beginning but stopped at the last word. Abuela seemed at a loss of words. Mirabel just stared at her with furious tears in her eyes, waiting for her response. "I-. I just-. Where did you learn these lies from?" She finally asked. "I heard the argument you had with Agustin, I found out you and everyone else in the god forsaken town have been lying about them being my real parents!" Abuela looked even more shocked "Listen, I did it to protect you and our image. Your real mother died and I wasn't going to leave you with someone who wouldn't even care you weren't raised right! Your father didn't care about anyone, not even this family!" "He loves this family, he loves me, you forced him to give me away and the only person he doesn't seem to care about is himself!" as they both fought the didn't realize the candle flickering and cracks appearing around them, others must have noticed and came to find out what was going on and realized the pair were fighting. "Whats going on!?" Julietta's concerned and frightened voice brought the two back to what was going on around the. As soon as they realized they stopped their bickering and the candle stoped flickering, thought it was dimer than it used to be and the cracks somewhat went away.

Mirabel and Abuela ignored each other in the following weeks whenever possible, not wanting to talk to one another nor started another row that could end up causing the house to break. Mirabel also didn't talk as much to anyone, but only visiting her papa in the walls when she could. He let her talk and vent/rant without interruption for as long as she needed too, giving as much comfort and support as he could as he could tell she needed him. This small rat filled place began to feel more like home than casita did the more times she visited. She asked Bruno multiple times to let please let her live with him in the walls as well, be he always flat out refused no matter how much she pleaded. "Please papa, why not?" "You're better off out there, I don't have enough food for all of us in here and its why too small for both of us, I'm sorry but I just want the best for your well being." Bruno was very overprotective of Mirabel and always asked if she was hurt when she visited, but this was a case where his overprotectiveness wasn't just paranoia. But one visit Mirabel found out where all those small gifts in her room came from as it came up in conversation, Bruno had admitted he would sneak out occasionally to put them in her room every once in a while when no one was around. It gave the presents more of a meaning after that and she cherished them because of it. She finally didn't feel alone anymore knowing there was someone else who was outcasted in the family and that made them both grow even closer and she finally felt understood.

One day after a visit and talk with Bruno where again she asked if she could stay, she thought of something just as she walked out of the door, bursting right back in, beaming, startling the occupant. "So if I can't stay here exactly because lack of space and of food, why don't we leave?" "What are you suggesting?" Mirabel was ecstatic and thrilled by the idea "I suggest we get out of this place and live own our own!" "You aren't saying-" "Oh yes I am papa," Mirabel cut in "I'm saying both of us run away!"

End Chapter Four

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