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"Mirabel, are you serious? Do you know what you're saying?" Bruno was shocked by his hija was purposing. "I'm dead serious, come on, how 'bout it?" Bruno seemed to be considering this for a long time "Okay, say we do run away, where would we go?" He finally asked "Hm, do you have a map in here?" Mirabel asked looking around the space. Sense she came more frequently, it had become to get less messy than the first time she found the place, though there was still a lot of clutter. Bruno took a long rolled up piece of paper from a box of old looking books and unrolled it out on the table so they both could look at it. "So if we are here, our best option would probably beee, there." Mirabel put her index finger on the Encanto on the map and dragged it to a nearby island past the mountains and a good amount of forest as she said this. "So, you're serious about this?" Bruno asked questioned again "Yeah! We just would need to plan for it, but the sooner we go, the better. I want to be out of this place by the end on the week." "Listen Mirabel, we can't do this, I'm sorry." Mirabel was upset before she thought of something, his overprotectiveness would never let her go, alone. She rolled up the map and went to leave "Alrighty then, I guess I'll just go on my on! Adios!" She went out the door and started to walk away, slowly than usual, till a voice called back at her "Alright! I'll come, just please don't do that alone." Mirabel smiled slyly to the worried voice of her papa running back to her. "Great! Trust me, this is for the best." She said reassuringly patting him on his shoulder, earning a small smile. "Maybe you're right. Come back her same time tomorrow to talk more about this, okay?" Mirabel nodded in reply before going on her way to leave. "Oh- and remember!-" "Be careful, I know. Bye!"

The following week they kept meeting up as much as possible to make sure everything was ready before the left, planing on staying nights in the forest, food, and transportation to get over rivers. Finally, it was the night they planed to leave, all their bags were packed and ready to leave at a moments notice. "I think were finally ready!" Mirabel excitedly announced. "I'd say so, just maybe check your bag real quick just to make sure you have everything you need." Mirabel nodded and left to the nursery. She opened her bag to see a packaged with a slip of paper under the twin that helped hold the package together, she took the slip and read it: "To mi vida for our journey" she opened it that revealed a teal colored hooded ruana with roughly embroidered butterflies along the sleeves that was clearly made by her papa, she smiled warmly at the gift before slipping it over her head before she grabbed her bag and left the nursery back into the wall. "Alrighty! All set!" Bruno looked over to her and smiled at the sight of her in the ruana, he nodded and quickly opened the bag to let the rats hop in then slung it around his shoulder. Once they made sure nobody was around before they pulled their hoods over their faces and booked it out of the casita, and went straight to the direction of the mountains and faded into the darkness.

The following morning

Julieta woke up and got dress for the day then went straight downstairs to the kitchen, she still wasn't used to her daughter or technically niece, waking her up in the morning by knocking on the door. She hasn't been herself sense her and Abuela had that fight. As she started on breakfast, she thought it strange Mirabel wasn't out of her room yet, she's usually awake by now. Julieta tried to brush this off though. But after she finished breakfast she still hadn't come down yet. She decided to go up and wake her up. She knocked on her door before entering "Mira, its time to get up-" she entered the room but Mirabel was no where to be seen, this made her worry. She went outside to her husband doing chores to ask him if he'd seen her yet, he said he didn't, making her worry even more. "I went into in nursery and she wasn't there, and i haven't seen her all day!" This made Agustin worry too "I'm sure she's around her somewhere, she couldn't have gotten far." They started looking everywhere in the house and in the village calling out her name, but to no avail. "This is what we deserve, we shouldn't have took her away from her real parent." She put her face in her hands while Agustin comforted her. "Don't say that, its not your fault, I'm sure she'll turn up soon." Juliet\ta looked up with a shaky smile and nodded slowly.

With Mirabel and Bruno

"Hey! Check this out!" Mirabel said as she pulled her hood over her face "I'm Annie and I fear nothing!" Bruno chuckled at this and pulled the hood down and messed her hair up lovingly. She joined in the laughing as she ran her fingers through her hair trying to fix it. "Say, I wonder where you got that idea for a character." Bruno said jokingly. "I got inspired by some guy. Anyway, are we going to try and fix that?" she gestured with her thumb to the jumbled mess off fabric, strings, and sticks that was supposed to be a tent behind where she sat. "Nope."

Back at the Casita

Everyone at the house eventually joined in the search for Mirabel, but no one was successful. "Like father like daughter." Abuela murmured to herself, Camilo overheard this and turned to her "What'd you just say?" He questioned, Abuela turned to look at him. "Oh, uh, nothing." Camilo turned away, suspicious and went back to looking. Delores stood still, fidgeting with her hands, eyes wide, as if she was bursting to say something. A thundering cloud followed Pepa as she came up to her sister, "Its no use, we've looked everywhere." Julieta sighed at this "You're right, maybe we should call it a day.." Pepa suddenly had a moment of realization hit, this last hope making the cloud above her fading away "Wait! We never asked Delores if she heard anything!" Julieta looked up hopefully and soon they both ran to Delores to ask her about it. She looked close to bursting out what she had heard. "Please, Delores, tell us if you know anything." Julieta pleaded. She finally spoke "She ran away with Bruno!" they both were shocked by this answer, a cloud re-appearing over Pepa's head at the mention of her brother's name.

End chapter five

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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