chapter one

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(I am changing some stuff but not drastically. Also I will not be arguing with people anymore. This is my book and I can do what I want. I am too old to be arguing, you will just be blocked. You have been warned, have a great day.)

Chris pov

Hey guys, I'm Chris Taylor I'm 25 , single, and I love black women. I'm white and I have a 5 year old daughter named Olivia, who is mixed. I met her mother Monica at the club. She was very ratchet, but beautiful so I over looked the ratchet part. She was only supposed to be a one night stand, but I wouldn't trade my baby girl for the world. Her mother and I have joint custody, however I am in need of a babysitter. After school she needs to be watched so that I can focus on my work. I need to keep winning cases, in order to keep the roof over our head. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I own a law firm. I inherited from my grandpa through his will. I am also one of the lawyers. Keeping up with this law firm has made me one of the richest people in New Yo-
My thoughts were interrupted as I bumped into someone.

Olivia pov

Hey guys, my name is Olivia Johnson. I'm 24 going on 25 next month. I'm black and I am also single. Racially, I don't have a type, but that is besides the point.  I am looking for a job. I need some money to pay these bills, because the daycare that I worked at closed down due to the owners not wanting it anymore. It'll be hard finding another job that pay $25 and hour, and paid weekly. The daycare was open from 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday.
Enough about that, I need to start my day.
I did my morning routine and  went to Starbucks for some breakfast. As I was walking into Starbucks, I ran into someone. I looked up and it was the sexiest white man I had ever laid eyes on. I looked closely and it was Chris Taylor, one of  the richest people in New York.

"I'm so sorry sir."I said

"Its ok ma, what's your name." When he said that, I didn't expect that to come out like that. He had some type of melanin in his life.

"My name is Olivia."I said

"Im Chris, but I have a question.""Was your daddy a Baker?" He asked. Ok now I am confused as to where the hell this is coming from.

"I am aware and no why" I asked

"Because you are a cu-tie pie"he said I started blushing

"Really corny but I like it " I said as I got in line ordered my stuff. After ordering I proceeded to sit down and read the newspaper for a job. I heard the chair in front  of me move, I looked up and Chris was sitting there drinking his coffee and eating his bagel.

"Why are you sitting down, don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked

"Well when you are the CEO, you can show up when you want."he said

"Oh ok "I said continuing to look at the ads for child care.

"You looking for a babysitting job?" he asked

"Yup.Why you know somebody that need a babysitter?" I asked

"Yeah I do actually"he said

"Whose child is it, if I may ask" I said

"You're looking at him. " he said

"Omg you have a child, can I see a picture?" I asked. He showed me a picture and she was adorable. I love kids, if you can't already tell.

"She is beautiful"I said

"Thanks, just like her daddy "he said

" Conceited much"I said

"No it's called confidence, but anyways  do you have experience with children?"he asked

"Whatever you say, and yes I do, I used to work at the best daycare in town"I said

"What happened?"he asked

"They owner didn't want it anymore."I said

"Ok, do want the job?"he asked

"Yes, thank you so much sir." i said

"Girl don't talk to me like that, I aint that old " he said making me laugh.

"Ok my bad, you is my boss you know"I said

" It's alright, and use proper grammar.""All of that is besides the point, I need your number to contact you." he said

"Ok "I gave him my number and started gathering my stuff

"Come by tomorrow, I'll text you the address later "he said

"Ok"I said walking off

"Oh and Olivia "he said.

"I will be using this for other than babysitting too you know"he said

"No you won't,I'm not a hoe and I don't mix business with pleasure"I said

"I know you're not that's why I'm talkin to you and trusting you around my child, and we will see about that business with pleasure thing"he said

"Oh we will see about that " I said then walked away to go on bout my business.

The Babysitter (interracial) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now