036. "what can "night" for you mean, infinite? You could run with me"

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01:03 ─❁────────── 01:80

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The one that brings the end of the day

Someone come and save me, please


          THE MOON QUIETLY EMBRACED THE night sky, blanketing with stars. The inhabitants of Grimmauld Place were silently asleep... or so they thought anyway.

Lucia woke up with a start, gasping for air as hot tears ran down her cheeks. She panted uncontrollably, hyperventilating, a hand over her heart as she looked around the room, as if trying to convince herself that she wasn't there anymore. That she was safe as she can be.

She wished it would stop already.

She pleaded for the nightmares to stop, but no matter how hard she prayed or beg it was like the universe would never listen to her. The more she drifted to dreamland, the more the nightmares became vivid, and she couldn't understand what she did to deserved such punishment.

Even with the small light resonating from the butterfly nightlight on the floor, the room was dark as the night. Darker than before. She sighed and gazed to the mirror that sat beside the worn-out wooden wardrobe. The small light that could be shone in the room exposed the glistening tear that stained her cheeks, inevitably uncovering the subtle eyebags of hers.

She glared at her reflection, as though waiting for it to slowly dissipate from existence.

But that didn't happen.

Lucia scratched her neck, overwhelmed by itchiness all the sudden. She felt suffocated to the bones, and she wanted nothing more than to stab something into her throat to ease the pain while she attempted to ease the ache on her head. Being in this room itself felt painful.

God, she thought. I need a drink.

Slipping into her bunny slippers, she tugged her nightgown down and snatch a torch out of her purse before slipping out of her room and into the dark, creepy hallway as quiet as she could. The only light that was illuminating the hall was from her torch, albeit not much.

She made sure to not step on any creaky floors, afraid she would wake the others up as she went down the stairs, passing the house-elves heads on the wall — holding her breath in the process as she hit her head continuously, trying to get rid of the pain. The house was ten time scarier when there was no sound or people walking around.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now