037. "but to put it together here I have the pieces"

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19:09 ─❁────────── 19:79

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A brilliant blackout, a dance of the shadows

I feel the undying light inside my heart


          LUCIA WOKE UP THE NEXT morning incredibly surprised to find herself in her bedroom as she laid wide awake on her bed, blinking blankly whilst the sun shone through the sheer curtains of the room.


She didn't think much of for the first few minutes, too drowsy to even care. But then it dawned on her that she certainly didn't remember getting upstairs last night... the night in which she now felt as though she had done something irrational.

Despite trusting Harry to point where she would trust him with her life, at the same time, she didn't think it was wise of her to share most of the things she tend to keep a secret from people. Sure, it was nice finally be able to be vocal about her parents and being able to sympathise with someone like her in more depth, it was still foolish of her to share something really, really, really personal.

But she could trust Harry enough that he won't speak a word about it to anyone... right?

As of this moment, all Lucia wanted was to slap herself for making a mistake...

Hoping that Harry was no snitch, Lucia decided to let it go... for now and quickly slipped into her dress and tying her rather medium-length hair into a loose ponytail on the side. It would be too much of a hassle if she were to keep it down, especially knowing that today they would be cleaning the entire Grimmauld Place. Finally.

The place really needed a major cleaning, and god forbid that this place was anything but safe.

Lucia skipped down the stairs, feeling oddly chirpy today. Perhaps it was because she actually got a good night of sleep for once, because even this doom house can't change her mood... hopefully.

Even as she walked pass the row of house-elves' heads, she couldn't catch the contagious negative energy making her as sick as it did yesterday evening.

Then again, she could also be delirious at the same time...

After half an hour or so of breakfast with the other inhabitants of the house, she followed them into the drawing room led by Mrs. Weasley who would be ordering them what to do and how to conquer this whole house.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now