1 - Roommates

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Chapter One

Haruto's eyes flickered open. Eyes squinting, the first thing to greet his vision was the underside of a top bunk - It's the first thing he sees every morning. Yawning, he sits up and stumbles out of bed, not graciously but good enough to dodge the bed frame and not hit his head. It was a reflex now - a skill crucially required when you're 6'1". Dodging short things that is. Speaking of short things,

Asahi? He thought, wondering if his roommate was awake yet.

He peered over the railing and saw the little man practically hibernating within his sheets.

Haha, not yet. He chuckled to himself.

Glancing at his watch, it read 8:02am. Haruto was surprised that he of all people was awake at this time. Normally he would sleep until at least the late morning.

He tiptoed blindly towards the door, being careful to not step on the mess of clothes, shoes and other junk littered across the floor of his and Asahi's room. He also tried being light on his feet. The floor wasn't one to creak but his feet were definitely ones to bang, crash and slam - being a tall plus having a lot of body, and all. It didn't help that there was as much light in the room as Jihoon's soul on April Fools Day (not a lot) and opening the curtains would definitely drain the life source out of Asahi. Speaking of, April Fools is coming up. He should start being extra nice to Jihoon as to avoid his evil pranks. He remembers last April Fools when he convinced Junkyu he was leaving the group.

That guy has no mercy. He sighed, shuddering as his bare feet tip toed across the cold floor.

Finally making it across the minefield, he grasped the door handle and snuck into the hallway. Looking right, he glanced at the half open door leading into Junghwan's room.

He must've gone to school. Haruto concluded, Junghwan was usually the first one to wake up out of the five of them.

The youngest had won a game of rock-paper-scissors on the day they moved into their new dorm, winning him a room all to himself. Sometimes Haruto grew jealous, but he would remind himself to be grateful that he had someone quiet and introverted like Asahi as his roommate and not a walking terror like Jeongwoo. Then again, it didn't really make a difference since he could still usually hear Jeongwoo talking (but more like shouting) through the walls anyway.

Haruto glanced left towards Jaehyuk and Jeongwoo's room. For once there weren't any loud noises emanating from that door way. Peace and quiet. Maybe he should wake up earlier more often.

He walked over to the kitchen counter, grabbing himself an apple and then a coke can from the fridge, before going to sit down at the dining table. As he sat down, he checked his watch again - 8:04am. Tick. 8:05am. He looked across the room at the laminated schedule pinned to the fridge door.

Tuesday - Yoon Jaehyuk Vocal Lessons: 8:30am

He's not awake yet is he. Haruto skewed his bottom lip, letting out a sigh.

Standing up, he glanced at his apple and coke, as if his eyes were telling them not to go anywhere, and walked over to the other room. Slowly turning the door handle he pushed the door open just a little bit and peered his head through.

"Jaehyuk." He whispered loudly towards the lump of sheets on the bottom bunk.

But no response. He tried again, but still nothing. He rolled his eyes and walked into the room. It was a little chilly. He glanced around, it was tidy unlike his.

Jaehyuk must keep the order around here.

He approached the older but hesitated to wake him up. He knew that doing so would likely wake Jeongwoo up too, inevitably disrupting the silence. He glanced at the other lump of sheets on the top bunk and sighed. He took in the last few moments of peace. For fifteen holy seconds it was only him and the humming of the air conditioner vents. He leaned down and tapped Jaehyuk's shoulder.

"Jaehyuk." He said, there was no going back now.

The older rolled over and muffled a quiet yet husky, "What?".

"You're going to be late for your vocal lesson,"

Haruto took a step back and watched as Jaehyuk struggled out of bed - practically falling out. He hurriedly grabbed some clothes out of the closet and walked out into the hallway towards the bathroom. Haruto too, began his way out of the room.

"Ugh.." A muffled groan came from behind him.

He turned to see the sheets on Jaehyuk's bed rising, revealing Jeongwoo who had been under them this whole time.

"You slept in the same bed again?" Haruto said throwing him a weird look.

"It was cold." Jeongwoo replied, his voice breaking mid-sentence.

Haruto laughed and turned to return to the dining table. He sat down, finally ate his apple and drank his beloved coke.

Jaehyuk came out of the bathroom, he looked way better than he did two minutes ago. The older walked into the kitchen and filled a glass of water to drink while humming vocal warm ups.

"YA! Yoon Jaehyuk! You were the one who turned the aircon temperature way low last night!" Jeongwoo yelled, storming out of his room, his blankets still wrapped around him.

Jaehyuk stared at him blankly.

"Hey, hey Jeongwoo. Stop it" Jaehyuk said in English before a brief pause, "It's too early for this, I have a busy morning," He continued, but this time back in Korean.

"It's freezing!" Jeongwoo yelled again.

"Then turn it back up. Gosh, having someone like you in my bed was like sleeping in a sauna. If we didn't have the air con that low, we could've died." Jaehyuk sighed, before sitting down at the dining table.

"You're being dramatic!" Jeongwoo groaned as he turned and walk back into his room.

"You're being a baby!" Jaehyuk retorted.

"Honestly, how can you guys go from sleeping on the same bed to fighting within two minutes?" Haruto chuckled, to which Jaehyuk just sighed.

At this time, Asahi waddled out of his room, his eyes barely open and the back of his hair in all directions. He stopped in the middle of the hallway skewed the right side of his face in response to the bright dining room light.

"Good morning Asahi, sleep well?" Jaehyuk turned to ask.

All the boy could let out was a short hum before returning to remaining stationary.

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