7 - Gym, Abs & Yoga

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Chapter 7

Jeongwoo groaned wondering why he agree to this. He was sitting on gym floor mats, reluctant to get up. He saw Junghwan walking over to him which meant it was time to start.

Damn it. He cursed in his head.

After a couple of days of being dorm-ridden and sick, once they were cleared to leave the dorm their manager instructed them to catch up on the workout sessions they missed.

"It will build back up your immune system." We're the exact words their manager said.

Jeongwoo missed being sick already. He may have had weakened immune system but at least he was in bed playing video games.

"Come on." Junghwan called to him, putting his hand out.

Jeongwoo grabbed it and put little effort into getting up, Junghwan having to force him to do so. He followed Junghwan to the centre of the gym where Haruto was waiting patiently. He looked around for the other two and saw Jaehyuk practically dragging Asahi out of the bathroom where he was hiding.

"Asahi you were the most sick, you need this more than all of us." Jaehyuk scolded him, Asahi was trying to fold onto the floor, making it hard for Jaehyuk to drag him.

Eventually Jaehyuk grew tired and let him go. Asahi sat on the floor but Jaehyuk turned to give him stern look. Asahi got up immediately and walked over to us, even beating Jaehyuk to it.

"Okay, we don't have an instructor because it's a Sunday and this is a catch up session-" Junghwan began.

"Yes!" Jeongwoo cheered, no instructor meant they could work out less intensely.

"-But you have me instead!" Junghwan continued, he was clearly very excited.

Jeongwoo groaned. Junghwan was a work out addict, him being in charge probably meant worse than having an instructor. At least instructors have mercy.

Junghwan led them into a routine of stretches. Jeongwoo didn't find them that difficult, simple stretches but he was already of it. Junghwan would show them a stretch and they would copy, simple... Well, not for Asahi. For him, the stretches were already a work out in themselves. Jaehyuk tried to help him but Asahi often still ended up losing balance or causing himself some unwarranted pain.

"Okay.. that's enough." Junghwan said after Asahi almost twisted his ankle doing star jumps.

"Let's start the real workout." He smiled brightly.

"Start?" Asahi exclaimed, his voice broke.

Jeongwoo watched as he slumped onto the floor, Jaehyuk sighing once again.

They began on the treadmill. Jeongwoo hated to admit it but he was already struggling after minute five. You'd think that being an idol would make this easier for but for some reason it didn't. He legs aches and his knees creaked. He was sweating profusely.

Ten minutes in and Junghwan was still yelling at them to increase the speed every now and again. They were going pretty fast now, but not fast enough. Jeongwoo turned to look at the others. Junghwan was having a blast obviously, even having the energy to sing a long and mimic the choreography of their songs that were playing in the background. Jaehyuk and Haruto were keeping up, they didn't even look that tired. Asahi was on the end treadmill, Jeongwoo wasn't surprised to see him struggling. His running form was all out of wack.

He's gonna injure himself. Jeongwoo thought.

After twenty minutes, they were at a steady pace now but Jeongwoo could feel a knot feeling developing in his stomach. He knew he wouldn't last any longer, which was shame since it probably meant he'd be the first one to get off. Asahi was surprisingly, still running.

The knot seamed to get bigger and bigger until eventually he couldn't handle it anymore. He stepped off the treadmill and put his arms above his head to help him breathe easier. He was exhausted.

He looked over at Asahi who stepped off seconds after him, though not very gracefully. Jeongwoo walked over to him and sat down beside him.

"I beat you." Asahi panted.

"Shut up." Jeongwoo poked him.

The others continued for a while before eventually Junghwan told them to stop. They had a five minute break before they continued.

For the next hour Junghwan made them do the rowing machine, weights and chest exercises. It was an average workout but to Jeongwoo and Asahi it was like hell. Haruto and Jaehyuk kept up with Junghwan while the other two relied on each other to do the bare minimum.

"Okay that's enough. Good job Jaehyuk and Haruto." Junghwan cheered, the three boys were actually tired from doing the full session unlike Jeongwoo and Asahi who were just sore.

"Jeongwoo and Asahi... good attempt." Junghwan sighed, the two have him a thumbs up.

"Let's wind down with a short yoga session. You need to be in pairs but in order to make it fair I'll be separating the strugglers." Junghwan announced, he was looking at Asahi and Jeongwoo.

Jeongwoo paired with Haruto and Asahi with Jaehyuk. Junghwan advised them some yoga poses, he had flash cards and everything.

God, this boy is obsessed. Jeongwoo thought.

They gave it their best go, Junghwan didn't have a partner so he just did it with the wall. Jaehyuk and Asahi actually managed to do a lot of them correctly, although Asahi was often cowering in pain most of the time.

Haruto and Jeongwoo couldn't seem to do any of them right.

"You're both the same size, it should be easier." Junghwan sighed in disbelief as they fell onto the floor once again. They got up to try it one more time.

"Come on, we can do this." Haruto muttered, Jeongwoo nodded.

They tried their best and it seemed to work.

"We're doing it!" They exclaimed, the others looked at them and cheered them on.

They held the pose for a decent amount of time before Haruto lost his grip of Jeongwoo's arm and Jeongwoo lost his balance. They crumbled onto the floor, landing on top of each other.

"Eugh-" Haruto wheezed, Jeongwoo landed right onto of him, winding him.

Jeongwoo felt all the air from Haruto's lungs rush out and hit him in the face. They could hear the others laughing behind them. They got up and thankfully Junghwan announced they were done for the day.

Jeongwoo walked into the change room where everyone was getting changed. It wouldn't be a work out session without everyone flexing their physique at the end. Haruto and Jaehyuk were flexing in the mirror and comparing arm sizes. They weren't anything too impressive but Jeongwoo didn't tell them that.

Junghwan walked in and saw what the others were doing. He showed them his abs which the others gasped at. He put them away shyly.

He needs to be around Jihoon less often. Jeongwoo thought to himself.

He turned to see Asahi lifting his shirt up, mimicking Junghwan and exposing his flat stomach. Jeongwoo laughed.

"I want abs.." Asahi muttered.

Jaehyuk saw this and walked over.

"It's okay Asahi," He chuckled, grabbing Asahi's shirt and pulling it back down, consoling him with an embrace.


athr : happy birthday to me :)

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