Prequel: Back In Time

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It has begun. The Golden Hour, the final battle has now started. The Time Twins were fighting their worst enemy, who now rapidly de-aged into a young teen. Now it is Acronix's turn. One blow and their enemy would be beaten. But there was something in his eyes that has caught Wu's attention: Guilt. The younger twin corrected his stand, readying his sword. He closed his eyes, pressing his lips together as well, his weapon swung down.

It never hit the enemy...

"I can't do this anymore" Acronix crouched on the floor, holding his head while doing so.
"I always obeyed you I never wanted to lose you. But to what price? I lost everyone just for you. I should not have followed some psychopath like you! Desearía que no fueras mi hermano..."
With those Words he took the young Wu, who was now a toddler, by his arm and jumped of the Iron Doom. Without the younger twin, the Time Machine got terribly unbalanced and stopped in it's tracks. Now it was floating around the Vortex without a destination. Everything and everyone was now lost in time.


Birds were singing and the sky was filled with golden light when Acronix regained consciousness. He quickly got up, gasping audibly. Though everything started spinning around him, making him feel dizzy. As his vision cleared up, he noticed someone in front of him: a black-haired woman in a pink knee-long dress with cyan details.
"¿Tú eres okey?"

He could not believe his eyes, but she actually offered him help. It was really confusing: a woman, trying to help him and a place he does not know of.
"I am fine, no worries. Can you possibly tell me where and when I am? I know, its a stupid question, but I am a bit confused at the moment."
"We are in Ninjago City, May 26th 1992. It's not a problem actually, you just woke up, confusion is normal. I am Emilia by the way."
Acronix introduced himself. It felt great to finally be free from his brother. Strangely, he trusted the woman and told her everything. Even a few tears had escaped his eyes.

It was strange actually. He was sent back 25 years in time. But it was not just that, he was in a different timeline than the one he came from, he could feel that.

It was already dark when they were finished talking, he already arrived late anyways. They had eventually left their place and walked through the park. Acronix already knew that sometime in the future, he would be able to see the Borg Tower from here. Emilia was about to leave, but Acronix would not let her go. The problem was, he had nobody to talk to, no place to stay. Emilia was the only option. She already knew who he was and leaving him alone after everything what happened would not be the best idea. She decided to take him home, just until he found his own place to stay.

Her apartment was an acceptable size, it had two bedrooms, a kitchen a living room and a bathroom. Even a little storage room, where various groceries and the vacuum cleaner were stored. The walls were all painted in a bright beige. All floorings were made out of wood, except the one in the bathroom, it had tiles. The furniture was also wood and taken from Emilia's Grandparents' home. One could see it's usage, but nothing was really broken or heavily scratched, just old.

As soon as they arrived, Acronix sat down on the couch. It was just generally a long and exhausting day for him, especially the topic about his brother stressed him. He leaned sideways until his body touched the cushions. He sighed and tried closing his eyes, but the pictures of the fight and everything that happened before were keeping him awake. It was like a nightmare, even though he was not sleeping. he gasped loudly, in fact, he was almost screaming. The lights in the small hallway immediately turned on and just seconds later the silhouette of a feminine figure appeared in the doorframe.
"Are you okay? It is 3 in the night?"
Her voice was kind and concerned, but Acronix's was shaky, almost like he was about to cry. The long-haired man was usually not really emotional, but only because he used to hide any type of emotions, just so that he can push through the pain and keep going. He was not just fighting for his brother, he was fighting against the wish to end it all.

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