Chapter 1: Changes

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I fell. I fell endlessly. I fell and there was nothing around me but a pitch-black void. The only thing visible to my eyes was my life flashing in front of them. How did i lose my parents? A fully packed elevator I was stuffed into as my parents were left behind. The Boy whose life I just Safed will not meet the same fate. At least I can leave this world with a redeemed Soul. "Lloyd..." I smiled thinking about him. "I'm sorry for what I've done to you. To everyone Lloyd... I love you..." He mouthed my Name, but it was to late, as I already hit the Ground. There was Nothing but silence. I noticed a faint spot of light in the Corner of my eyes: the end of the tunnel. But It felt like I regained conciousness... I was still alive...


Golden light was filling the room, waking up the Blue Ninja. He sat on the edge of his bed for a while, staring at the photograph of him and Nya. It was taken after she became his yang. Other than that, there was the letter right next to it, the one his biological father wrote him. It was quite personal and emotional, but it keeps him going just a bit longer.

Dear Jay,
this is going to be the first (and last) letter from me addressed to you. I would have loved to write you earlier, but I have never gotten the chance or time to do so. In case you don't know yet, I am a busy actor with a big fanbase. My fanbase ruined me, I am not proud of that, just like I am not proud of many other mistakes of mine, either. To put it easy, I was quite a womanizer back in the day. You can tell that that didn't go well for long... Your mother and I got divorced after she had found out and right now I am laying here, waiting for it all to end. I wish that I could say this any differently, but I cannot.

I have seen you on TV the other day, you can't tell how proud I was seeing my son like that, loved by the crowd. At the same time, I was incredibly sad that you wouldn't come home, telling me how you have saved the world once again. How much I'd love that. I am so proud of who you have become.

My last Starfarer movie will be released on September 1st this year...
Happy early birthday, my son.

I am glad you have found yourself, I wish I could have been there.

In utter respect,
Cliff Gordon alias Fritz Donnegan

Below that, there was a signature of both of his personas, the name Laurie, crossed out in red, and Jay's name below in the same pen. The same message was on a signature card he has gotten when he was 9, but at that time, Jay did not know that his childhood idol was actually his father, however, Cliff seems to have known the entire time.

Jay was woken up from his daydream, shaken by his sister Sile (pronounced She-Lah).

A lot of things had changed since Nya had sacrificed herself to safe Ninjago and merged with the sea. Jay had received the letter claiming his heritage, though it had changed compared to the one he had gotten before. mainly because it included his sister's address and the ownership of the entire Starfarer franchise.

He followed his sister downstairs into the dining room, her husband Michael had prepared breakfast, but Jay wasn't hungry at all. He just quietly sat there, fidgeting with his thumbs. His father's words were echoing through his head the entire time, according to his sister, he wanted to gain the upper hand, whatever that means. As soon as everyone finished eating he ran back upstairs, locking the door behind himself.

His body felt so heavy, the only thing Jay could do was laying down. He had thrown himself on the bedsheet, crying audibly. It was one of those days again. The Blue Ninja had been staying limb for quite some time, letting time surpass him. Jay entered a familiar number in his phone, hoping for someone to pick up.

But nobody came.

It has been exactly a year on the day since the event, he just wanted to know if his old friend would be at her eulogy as well. There was no answer to that question. His eyes wandered through the room, until his view was obscured by the figure in the mirror. Alone that sight made Jay feel extremely uncomfortable. Just by thinking about what's beneath his clothes made his anxiety rise, and it wasn't the bit of chub he has gained over the past months. At least fate has an ace up its sleeve.

Jay decided to call his friend again.


The door opened, unlocked from the outside. Kai came back home after spending the night alone, greeted by the smell of soy sauce, vegetables and noodles. It was already lunch time. As it had proven itself rather difficult to cook with a belly, the Fire Ninja decided to offer his help. However, Skylor did not seem to be happy at all. They looked Kai right into his eyes, their expression showing anger.

"Where have you been the entire night? This wasn't the only time you left without telling me... I was worried sick and your phone already rang twice this morning. Just like it does every fucking day! Why aren't you picking up?! You know damn well it's Jay! Stop running away from your problems like always and ACT LIKE A REAL MAN FOR ONCE!"
"Well, I am NOT a man..."
They both quietly sat down, eating in silence. Though the noodles had already gone cold.

Kai was by the sea, thinking about his life. He likes his feet dangling down from the small wooden bridge, with nothing but the sound of the shore. He may be scared of water, but he still feels a deep connection to his sister while doing so, she was the Water Ninja after all.

Skylor was right, Kai is hiding his feelings more often than usual, he just can't handle his sister being gone for ever. First his brother, then his parents and now his sister... his parents may be back again, but he still didn't get a chance to catch up with the past years they have been divided, he never will. The Fire Ninja must really be haunted with bad luck. If Jay calls him, it may be important, but in the same time, Kai really doesn't feel up to it. He had already closed off with his past and started a new life. It's not like his powers will be of use for long anyways, they already weaken a bit more every day.

Why is it always him?


"Present date marks April 30th 2022, meaning that exactly one year has passed since our dearly loved Water Ninja had merged with the ocean to save our city from its doom once again. Many people are meeting up at the Ninja's Monastery of Spinjitzu today, to attend an eulogy in her name, to honor her brave being. Now back to my contestant!"

The Host's legs extended into the impossible, landing safely on her own two feet right in front of another camera's lens. The Studio revealed a dangerous looking parkour with moving parts here and there, some fire was involved too. The contestant looked terrified by the sight of this death trap, questioning her application. Dying was not a reasonable way to end up famous in TV.

"This is insane! Is this even legal?!"

The host's expression shifted into a more serious one, in a creepy and terrifying way. She just pressed her lips together, letting out a "maybe" in quite some joking manner, followed by a laugh track. Her voice also shifted into a masculine one saying that one line, though it was equally as terrifying.

It was pretty clear by now that the host was a Nindroid

"Pixal, please turn of the TV, this show has already caused problems at schools and other public places for people attempting to reenact Kagami. Some people even had to be arrested."
"Well, the Game Show probably has such an effect, but the News are always correct and informative. The Host is entertaining as well, even if she has a few violent tendencies."

Zane could not say anything about that, she was right after all. To be honest, Zane was not entirely sure if he wanted to go to Nya's ceremony, but seeing so many people showing up made him realize the importance of that event. Maybe there is even a chance to reunite with his old teammates, who knows?

Nya was just as much a Ninja as everybody else in the team, even if she was a girl.

They both switched into their human cloaks and made their way to the monastery. It was quite lengthy after all.


Children were playing on the wide strip of grass next to the street, their faces filled with laughter. Cole was watching the twins from afar, his face was also covered in a smile. He has no worried or whatsoever, just him and his family, his old life long left behind. There is nothing he has to do anyways, another set of Ninja had taken over the duty of keeping their homeworld safe.

Cole has not lost his element yet, which he was glad about. The Earth Ninja knows how devastated Kai was when he figured out he slowly has to say goodbye to his powers. Everything has its price, he likes to say. The two had stayed in contact, mainly to comfort each other and to look over the kids, ever since their mother had left. But what was Cole supposed to do? He does not love her anymore, at least not the way he once did. He much rather broke up with her before he ends up in an unhappy relationship. At least he doesn't have to go through this alone.

"Hello there, Nick!"
"Hey Firestarter, wazzup?"
"Nothing much, just got into an argument with my wife."
"I left mine..."
"You never even got married, you broke up with her a week earlier."
"True that."
"Wanna come with me? To Nya's memorial ceremony?"
"Sure, why not..."


Lloyd has probably been going through the most changes compared to his companions. Wu and Misako had finally spoken about the true Legacy of the First Spinjitzu Master, it was something he did not expect to hear at all. Ninjago got a new Emperor after Harumi's so-called "Parents" left their duty, despite having survived the incident. The new Emperor however, didn't last long, just a few months, after he was associated with criminal activity. He was immediately arrested for his actions.

To say the least, Lloyd took over the position, just like it belongs, that was the true legacy they have talked about. After the ultimate creation of Ninjago, the newly created landmass needed someone to rule over it, just like the Merlopians did it with the sea. Of course, the FSM took that position until he disappeared and left Ninjago without a heir to the throne. At least that's what Wu said. Lloyd keeps his identity hidden though, he isn't ready to reveal his role yet.

Back to the present, he is playing Video Games with his friends at the moment, nobody said that an Emperor can't have some fun.

"Who would have guessed that a rhythm game with singing robots can be that difficult? Singing Passion is the worst!"
Elías lost the level again, though that's understandable considering that song having the hardest chart in the Game. Lloyd had to pause, as somebody was at the door, according to his mother. Unfortunately, it was time for his friends to go.

Now he was all alone again. His haunting past reappearing within his mind. Every bad thing that has ever happened to him, back and as vivid as reality. This had been causing a major headache. Lloyd barely had any control, though he could keep his Oni side at bay. It has gotten more and more aggressive over the days, enough is enough.

It took him a few minutes until the episode was over. Fortunately, nothing bad has happened.


Everyone has arrived. Despite it being a sad occasion, there was a quite bustling atmosphere from so many people talking at once. Many have never seen each other, trying to make friends, other hade been talking about their feelings regarding the sacrifice. All five remaining Ninja appeared on the event, though only Kai and Cole had been paying attention to each other. The Fire Ninja did notice Jay, but didn't pay much attention to him, though he did notice the importance that Jay had called him with. They both were affected the most, since they are the ones closest to Nya, Jay probably just wants to talk about his feelings, though Kai is bad at understanding those. No matter how hard he tries, he just doesn't get the right vibe.

For most of the event, they have either ignored each other, or stared at each other before quickly glancing somewhere else again. This has stayed this way, until the speeches were presented. Most of the Ninja mentioned the amazing time they have spent together with their friend, Cole even mentioned how funny and weird the love triangle between Jay, Nya and him has been, making most participants burst out in laughter. Kai and Jay both tried to put their feelings into words, but ultimately failed. The sacrifice may has happened a year ago, but the wound still feels like a fresh cut covered in salt. Out of the five, Jay cried the most, while Kai tried hiding his feelings.

The Master of Lightning trailed of with his mind, but was quickly brought back into consciousness by a rustling in the bushes in front of the gates. He snuck towards them, catching the one who's hiding off guard. There he was, crouched in the corner, surprise covering his eyes. Jay was equally as surprised to see a human Morro right in front of him. The Blue Ninja decided to let him go, though Morro did not leave. Instead, he came closer, carefully caressing Jay's shoulder in condolence. None of the two exchanged a single word, though Jay started crying uncontrollably. Morro just sat there next to him, paying the comfort and respect the other deserved.

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