Chapter 2: Shock

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Everything went black. As soon as I regained consciousness, I found myself within a black void, though I wouldn't exactly say that it was dark, but it wasn't bright either. Just like there was no sense of direction. I was floating around until I reached an invisible wall, what I saw behind it sent a shiver through my entire body: I looked through my eyes, from the inside out! Somebody took control over me, that somebody being Garmadon himself. I could hear his voice echoing through the nothingness I was trapped inside. He asked me if I am happy now. He told me, that I have to learn the hard way if I dare to disobey. I told myself to break free, but nobody came. Nobody listened. My body was holding Lloyd over the edge, it could drop him any second now. I started banging against the wall. Heavier, louder and with more force, but to no avail. I rolled up like a cat, crying loudly, though the void swallowed any possible sound like it doesn't exist in the first place. Tears spread across my face. I want it all to stop. I never wanted this...


Jay came back late, so he decided to skip dinner. He has to lose some weight anyways. Phoebe, his other roommate, opened the door for him, which is odd, since they usually never stay up this late. According to them, they just have some stage fright, rehearsing the lines for tomorrow. Starfarer is getting a Sequel Series!

Jay has spilled oceans of tears that day...

---Dream/Flashback - Jay's PoV---

Jay has lost himself, just like he has lost his yang. It was in the middle of the night, his fluffy, auburn hair flowing in the wind. He stood there, it felt like he was on top of the world. The tears soaking the wooden floor and the shoes in front of him. He just had to kick that stupid chair out of the way! He fell, and as he did, he felt himself become lighter. He woke up the next morning, covered in a blanket, which he recognized not being his. The window was shut tightly. His shoes haven't been touched, though they had a note left inside.
Got a letter for you. Sorry for walking in on you, there was no response to my knocks and the door wasn't locked, so I got worried. At least it was just you. You don't have to return the blanket.
~your neighbor from 10b, Phoebe V. Barnes
Damnit! He was so certain he locked the door!
He had read the letter, though the sender was somebody he knew. Jay made his way to where he belongs, with a light smile on his face.

---Present Day---

Jay woke up in silence, he totally forgot that his roommates were of to work. Today was the first day in a while that he felt hungry. He followed the usual breakfast routine, not noticing that he wasn't alone. Just as he turned around he noticed the Ninja in red behind him.
"Hi Jay. Lloyd told me to get you, we got an emergency. He got a new phone and didn't get your number yet. The communicators don't seem to work either. I already informed Cole, we just need to find Zane."
Jay nodded quietly. He really wanted to eat today, but an emergency is more important than that, right?

Kai had his car outside. Jay had no idea how he know where to be found, but didn't question anything. It was probably the tracker within their gi that was built in in case that somebody gets lost.

Cole was riding Shotgun, having the music up to the limit. AC/DC, how it seems. Lloyd was sitting on the back right, trying to convince the other to turn the music down. He was holding his sensitive ears in pain. The music was cut of as soon as Kai entered the car, yelling at Cole for being so loud. The Black Ninja was ashamed of not noticing his friend suffer, apologizing in the process. The Fire Ninja shook his head, turning on a different playlist, this time, a bit quieter.

The car smells like fresh noodles, though there were none around. Jay almost instantly noticed Kai going slightly below the speed limit, despite usually being a reckless driver. Whatever has gotten into him, Kai really tries to change his behavior.

Everything suddenly stopped moving, the breaks were squeaking loudly. A moose was standing right in front of the team, though it walked away calmly shortly after. After everyone has recovered from the shock, they continued their way to their destination. The team wasn't entirely sure where their fellow Ninja would be, but they hoped that Cyrus Borg knows his whereabouts. As far as they knowledge lets them remember, him and Zane had kept contact over the months, they are not entirely sure though.

The 100th floor was surprisingly unoccupied, yet not entirely lifeless. An unknown man was asleep on a seat, leaned against a wall. Kai was the first to recognize the person, not being happy about his discovery, immediately jumping into an attack. The man awoke, though he wasn't fighting back. he just sat there with a frightful expression, lifting his arms in defense. Zane quickly got the two away from each other, though Kai kept his attitude.
"Kai, stop! He works here!"
Both were panting, Kai more with anger, the victim in terror. Kai ultimately lowered his guard.

After calming down, the person spoke up.
"Sorry for scaring you, I had no idea you would be showing up here. Cyrus Borg asked me to take care of their company while they are gone, it wasn't one of their good ideas apparently."
Ace got up from his sitting and somewhat curled position, attempting to shake the visitors' hands, though none of them returned the favor. Afterall, they aren't on the best of terms towards each other. He continued to apologize for his actions, even telling them what had happened.
"I know you don't trust me, but I promise you, I am harmless. I never wanted to be this way in the first place, it was against my moral code. My brother kind of forced me into this, you know? We were 14 when the rest of our family was murdered... The way he turned his back against the other Elemental Masters made me realize I never want to end up this way. I was forced to join my brother's side during the war and trust me, it wasn't a choice I took lightly... Well, I had none! I could not mentally wrap my head around the thought of fighting my own brother, the ONE person who was still close to me after all that happened. I mean, just look at Wu ad Garmadon! You cannot tell me that left them completely unaffected. I had enough time to think about my mistakes and I am aware of every wrong I did, you don't have to tell me. I became my true self and I am ways happier now. Even Cyrus realized that! If they can do it, you can as well. You don't have to trust me right away, but I at least want to be treated respectfully, I shall as well. Everything that I want is a second chance, no matter what it costs me, I'll pay for the price."

The Ninja looked at each other for a short moment, nodding their heads in agreement. Lloyd was the first to speak up.
"Okay, Acronix, we will give you a second chance, but it is also your last one, there is no next time if you mess up. We won't trust you just yet, but you can start gaining some if you help us."
Ace looked down in discomfort, telling the Ninja his true name. They left afterwards and made their way to the Police Station.

The first thing that the Ninja noticed, was the fact that they weren't entirely welcome. The officer outside looked at the team with a stern expression, almost like she despises them. Her expression seemed to shift as soon as she noticed Ace alongside them. She told him that Cyrus was waiting on the inside, being done with his nerves. Ace rushed into the lounge as fast as he could. The Ninja were accompanied by the officer, who just seemed to losen up towards them. She even apologized for the unappealing look on her face, she was just confused that the Ninja still do something after being replaced by a different team, which she was a part of.

Her office was neatly organized, the only exception being the stack of files connected to the murder on her desk.
"May I ask why Cyrus is here? Out of all places, why here?"
The victim was his father...

Cyrus has gotten the news immediately after the body was found, probably murdered in the most cruel way possible. The images however, weren't entirely new to the Green Ninja. He had seem them before, with other victims 19 years ago.

"Those pictures look familiar, my mom has shown me something like this recently."
With a lowered head, he walked over to the filing cabinet, searching through the cases until he found what he was looking for. He pulled out a big, beige folder. The name of the victim left everyone in shock: Charlie Montgomery-Garmadon.
"He was my younger Twin-brother. He was barely above the age of 6 months when he was found like this. I lost my other sibling as well, though her body was never found."
Lloyd's Voice was shaking, he was close to his tears. Everybody knew it was a topic Lloyd does not like talking about, but had to for the current situation.

Except for the bodies, there was something else both pictures had in common: A note besides the scene. The one that Lloyd brought up was especially terrifying. Happy April Fools. The other seemed more sadistic. Guess who's next ;). No wonder Lloyd does not like pranks on April Fools.

Cole suddenly felt his stomach twist, he had to look away to not throw up. Kai was already there to help his friend get over it. They both sat down on the chair next to a plant, squeezing into a space meant for a single person only. The Fire Ninja was the first one to notice the framed picture, showing the Officer, Ace and Cyrus, happily smiling into the camera. Just to losen up the mood in the room, he asked about it.
"I remember that Picture. It was taken a bit over a year ago. We all agree that this was the best day in our lives. Even Ace says the same thing and he has had a few happy moments. Zane took the picture for us."
She just lightly smiled and the Ice Ninja, who nodded back in approval.

The Ninja decided to leave and come back later that week, Lloyd was clearly not capable of continuing beyond this point. Kai stayed with the woman for a bit longer.
"Excuse me, Miss Gray, but can you do me a favor?"
The woman looked up from her desk, putting the files she was skimming through aside.
"He was most likely murdered in Summer 2000. His name was Michael."
"Michael? I need his full name if I am supposed to find him. I can't show you any files unless I am certain it's the right one. It's a confidential thing."

Kai ran his finger over the metallic surface of his necklace. It was a so called Dog Tag that has a few information regarding him.
"His name was Michael Benjamin Smith, he was presumably killed in late August. I have tried finding him on my own, but there are no signs of life. I really gave up hoping, so I at least want to know."
She looked through all cases, but there was nothing except his Parents being reported missing. The Fire Ninja was lit with hope again, if his brother was never found dead, he might still be alive after all. He cannot give up searching just yet. He quickly ran over to his friends, who were waiting for them in front of the gates. Ace probably stayed over to keep an Eye on Cyrus.

"We should ask Cyrus about his father. Maybe there is something we are missing out. Though I doubt he is in the right condition to answer."
"I have briefly seen him. His sweater was slightly ripped, I hope nobody tried hurting him as well."
"I don't think he's hurt physically. As far as I know, ripping one's own clothing is some sort of religious practice. He is not that strict with it, though he does participate in a few traditions here and there."
Zane and Jay continued the conversation for a bit longer. Not just because they need any possible information, but also because they have not talked to each other in a pretty long time.

They arrived back at Borg Industries. Maybe there is somebody else who can help the Ninja, but it was unlikely that anyone is able to talk about anything. One girl however, seemed to be able to help out. Lloyd slightly waved at her, she was returning the greeting with a nod of her head. He seemingly already knew her in one way or another. Jay was the only other Ninja who recognized the girl right away.
"You are Valentine Angel, singer of the Masters of Music!"
"Yep, that's me, Valentine Angel."
"So cool!"

Lloyd was the one interrupting the two, Jay could continue fanboying over her for hours.
"Guys, that's Valentine Angel, but you most likely already know that until now. And, it may surprise you, she is also my Girlfriend. I don't wanna hear it, I know how unbelievable it may seem."

Valentine bowed slightly to show respect, letting the Ninja enter the tower.
"Sorry for the strict surveillance, I am currently the only person available to keep an eye on the tower, so you are stuck with me. My father takes security quite serious since the Nindroid incident."
Cyrus has adopted her a few years ago. Even now, with her being legally an adult, she sees herself as a part of the family. Considering her history, that is a good sign.
"I maybe know somebody who can help you. Let me call them real quick."
She was tapping her communicator, with somebody else immediately rushing over. Their hair was short and wavy, with a dark brown color. Just like Cyrus, round glasses were positioned on their Nose. Despite the physical differences, one could see they are twins.

"Hello Ninja. I am Frisk, Cyrus's twin. I already heard about my father's death, I am just as shook as he is, but I have to stay strong. If you need anything, you can just ask, but I doubt I was called here for no reason at all."
"We need information about your father. We know a similar case which may be connected to this one. We need to know as much about him as possible."
"His name was Jasper Goldberg, but I doubt that would be a connection. Is it from importance to mention that he was an Elemental Master before I inherited his powers? That seems more likely."

Charlie wasn't specifically classified as an Elemental Master, but his heritage was still important. Connecting that to the little note left besides the dad body, they can just assume that that's the pattern the murderer was going for. Guess who's next ;) could really hint towards the next victim being an Elemental Master, but why would the murderer leave a note just to warn everybody. No matter the reason, they have to evacuate everyone with a possible connection and get them into safety.

"Get ready, this won't be an easy task. There are a lot more Elemental Masters than we know."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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