Chapter 4

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Hey, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛

Hey, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛

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I am so so so so sorry that I haven't posted a new chapter of this fic recently

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I am so so so so sorry that I haven't posted a new chapter of this fic recently. I haven't really had any ideas on what to post so I haven't. I still haven't had any ideas but I wanted to post a new chapter for you all. So here I am trying to create a hopefully not shitty chapter for you all.

I can't say how sorry I am that I haven't posted. I really and truly am. Also it looks like I haven't posted a new actual chapter since March 10th which is really long ago. Another thing. This chapter is going to be mostly a filler but not really. 

Also part of this chapter's inspiration came from someone who recently commented on one of book 1's chapters. It didn't really relate to what was written in this chapter, but it made me remember someone's comment that was them wishing for certain content to happen. So here it kind of is.


We were able to finish dessert and make it home without any trouble. Once we arrive home, we say our goodnight to each other and head to our rooms. Once me and Sophie are laying on our bed, I say, "Well, that went better than I thought it would." "It sure did." "Goodnight Sophie." "Goodnight Keefe." I pull into my arms and fall asleep like that.

~The Next Morning~

Sophie's POV:

I wake up to Keefe's arms wrapped around me from behind. He is holding me in a way that I can't move my arms or anything at all. I am held in place by his firm tight grasp. I try to look around to see if I can tell what time it is. The alarm clock is turned away from me and our bedroom curtains are black-out curtains so I can't see a thing. I carefully get myself out of Keefe's grasp so I don't wake him up. Then I reach out for my phone which was on my nightstand next to the alarm clock.

I turn it on. The bright light of the phone's screen blares in my face. I close my eyes for a second then reopen them. I turn down the brightness and look at the time. It's 7:30 am currently. Then I see a reminder light up across my screen. It said, Reminder: Got to be at Dex's house at 9:30 for tasting. I dart up in bed after reading that. I turn to face Keefe who is still asleep. I start to shake him awake saying, "Keefe. Wake up. We gotta get up." He stirs and says, "What time is it?" "Time to get up. We have to get ready to go to Dex and Fitz's house." "That's today?" "Mhm." He groans before rolling over. "I'm up," He says sitting up.

After that, we get up and get ready for the day. By the time we are dressed and heading downstairs to make breakfast, it's 8:15. I head to the kitchen to start making breakfast with Keefe following behind me heading in the direction of the coffee maker. I go to grab a pan to make eggs, sausage, and toast for breakfast, but I'm stopped before I can by hearing Keefe say, "Somebody already made coffee." I look over at the stove to see what I had in mind for breakfast was already made. There was even enough for me and Keefe to both have breakfast. If I had to guess, I would guess that Grizel made breakfast and that Sandor and Grizel were out doing their daily training that they like to do. We finished eating our breakfast and headed towards Dex and Fitz's house.

Once we arrive, we head up to the front door of their house. I knock on the door and hear laughing coming from inside then a shout of "Coming!" Followed by the sound of footsteps. The door suddenly opens to see that it's Dex who was still laughing. When he saw us he calmed down and told us to come in. 

"Why were you laughing so hard?" Keefe asks. "You'll see," he says leading us into the living room. In their living room, they have a beautiful chandelier that the house came with when they bought the house.  In my personal opinion it would be very hard to clean. I decide to look up and see Fitz tangled in the chandelier. I can't control my laughter. I burst out laughing. I fall to the floor in a fit of laughter. "Hey, Soph. Why are you laughing?" Keefe asks. Obviously he hasn't looked up yet. I'm not able to speak because of how hard I was laughing. All I do is point up, and he looks up. He then sees the reason why I was laughing and ends up joining me on the floor. At this point Dex is laughing again as well. Fitz looks at all of us like he is very pissed. "Come on. Stop laughing and help me down." That just gets us all to start laughing even harder.

Eventually we are able to stop laughing and get Fitz down from the chandelier. After we get him down, he goes to Dex and his bedroom which has a bathroom in it to probably wash up. He had some dust in his hair and on him. Once he comes back, he joins us on the couch. We get talking for a bit before we get to the real reason that we were here.

We do the tast testing and decide on what we want at our wedding. After that we head out and head home for the rest of the day. The taste testing took 3 hours and we were exhausted after it. It was getting closer to the day of our wedding. It was coming up too soon and we still had a lot to do. I'm just hoping that it all works out in the end. But who knows. We will have to see.

Hey, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛

Sorry that it took so long to update and that the chapter is short and bad. I didn't really have any ideas. If you guys have any ideas on what should be next in the story please tell me. I need some ideas. Please and thank you. 

Well, Goodbye for now, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛


To Be Continued

1097 words in total

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