Seeing Best Friends Again

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I woke up to see that I'm in Jack's arms. I remembered last night and laughed. I tried my best to get out of his grip. Man, even in his sleep he has a tight grip... After I got out of Jack's arms, I went downstairs to meet Smile. "Hey Smile! Oh, Did Jeff forget to feed you last night?" He shook his head. "Aww... Don't worry. I'll tell him off." ("Tell him off?" I have excellent word play... XD) I got Smile's "special food" and I walked outside. "Hmm... I wonder how Erin is doing?" I haven't seen her in a while. Rachel came down downstairs and sat by me. "Hey. What are you doing?" I looked up at her. "Oh... Just remembering an old friend of mine." "Hm. Ok. Hey! You want to walk around for a little bit? To clear your mind?" I smiled. "Sure." ( Don't worry. Nothing horrible is gonna happen here.) I got up and we set off.

Time skip! (What? You don't believe me? DON'T BELIEVE ME JUST WATCH! HA! Sorry... I had to do that! XD)

We came back after our walk through the woods for about......2 hours. "Hm, didn't think they would all be up at this time." ( The time was 8:00 a.m soooo...) "Yeah... Me either." We walked in the kitchen and we saw Jane and Jeff other. "What did we miss?" "We were telling jokes and Jeff got mad at Jane's joke so...they stared throwing pancakes at each other." Said Ben. I sighed and got a plate. "So. Where did you and Rachel go off to?" Asked Kennedi. "Oh, we just walked around the woods." "Mmhm." She went back to eating her pancakes. (May I still remind you that Jane and Jeff are still throwing pancakes at each other. XD) I was starting to get annoyed with Jane and Jeff. I think everybody else was too. "Jane! Jeff! Stop throwing friggin pancakes at each other!" Yelled Kennedi. They didn't listen. I looked over at Kennedi and we smiled. We got up and stood right behind them. Then we smacked them both on their heads. "Ow!" "What the hell???" "Like I said. Stop throwing pancakes at each other!" "Jane. Jeff. You both will clean my kitchen up." "But slendyyyyyy...." "No butts about it." Then he went back to eating. After we were all done and Jane with Jeff cleaned the kitchen, I went back outside. "Hey!" I turned around to see Toby! "Hey Toby." He sat down next to me. "You ok Taylor?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." "Thinking about what?" "My friend. I haven't seen her in a long time." "Oh..." He then smiled. "Hey! Why don't we go look for her!" I looked at him. "Don't you have work?" "Nope. We have the day off. Come on! Let's go!" He grabbed my hand and ran. (That sounds like it rhymes XD) "Wait! Toby! I don't even know where she lives!" He stopped. "You don't?" I shooked my head no. "...her neighborhood?" "Nope." "Her address?" "Nope." "Street name at least???" "N.O.P.E" "NOTHING?" "Nope." He sighed. "Well, do you at least have a picture of her?" I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. "Here! This is what she looks like." "Hmm...ah,ha! Yup. I've seen her before!" "You have?!?" "Yup! I killed her." I stood there frozen. (Ha.haha.ha.hahaha. Movie reference...) "Naw. I'm just playin. But I have seen her before." I slapped him. "Don't do that to me!!!!" He laughed. "Sorry." He grabbed my hand again and we ran.... Again. We stopped at the place where Toby saw her last. "I see her!" But she sitting outside on her lawn... Doing nothing. "Weird..." "Why is that weird Taylor?" "I thought she would be practicing her music..." I walked quietly to her. Erin sighed. She sat up with her back facing me. I smiled. Perfect. I slowly walked up to her and said, "Hi Erin!" "AHHHHHHHHH!" She jumped up in the air and had a little heart attack. "Calm down Erin! It's just me!" She looked up at me and smiled. "TAYLOR!!!!!!" She jumped up (again) and hugged the life out of me. "OMG! I haven't seen you in such a long time!!!!!" She let go of me and then punched me. "Ow! What was that for????" "That was for scaring me you butt-head!" We laughed. She stared at me. "Taylor... WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR EYE?!?" I sighed. "Long story." (Literally. XD) "Well, I've got time. Tell me!" I groaned. "Fiiiiiiine."

(Time skip of me telling the story cuz you all probably already know.)

"...and that's what happened." Erin just stared at me with a blank expression. "ARE YOU OK?!?!?!?" I laughed. "Yes, Erin. I'm fine now." I looked at her. "But what about you?" She looked away. "Erin... What's wrong?" She started crying.
"I-I didnt get in band..." I stared at her. But she really good at band! Why isn't she in band??!?!? I stared at her. "But why?" "The band teacher said that I'm not good enough... A-And my mom threw away my instrument..."

Erin's POV
Taylor just stared at me with complete silence while I cried. I could see the confusion in her eye. I put my head down. Then I felt Taylor hug me. "T-Thanks T-Taylor..." "For what?" "For giving me a hug." "I'm not hugging you Erin." I looked up at her. She was right. She's not hugging me. I froze. What if it's a killer hugging me?!? Or a raptist?!? (Oh... Erin... Always thinking outside the box... XD) I looked back at Taylor to see her looking up. I turned around as best as I could to see a boy that had orange goggles and a mouth piece. I did what any normal kid/teen would do. I screamed.

"AHHHHHHH!" Erin screamed really loud. Really, really loud. She smacked Toby and he let go. "Ow! Wait, that didn't hurt." She screamed again. "Erin! Calm down!" Toby hid behind me. "HE'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU TAYLOR!!!!" "Yeah I know that. Now calm down." Toby covered his ears. "Jeez... How loud can you be?!?" I stared at him. "Toby! Shut your mouth!" Erin looked up at me. "You know him?" "Yes. I do." She still looked confused. I sighed. "Remember when I talked a lot about Creepypastas? Well, remember him?" Her eyes widened. "N-No... They can't be real!" "Well, put on some glasses honey cuz I am real!" I gave Toby a face saying... really. "Sorry." I nodded. "So, Erin. Do you remember his name?" She stared at me with a blank expression. (I ligit, about put blank space. XD) I sighed again. "Erin. I JUST said his name like 5 minutes ago." She said nothing. Ugh... I swear her memory is the size of a walnut... She then looked at Toby. "... Oh! Toby!" She smiled. "Ok, what's his FULL name?" She stared at me. "Erin look at him!" She looked at him. Toby as usual started ticking like crazy when we both looked at him. "...Ticking Toby?" "Close. Very close." Her eyes lit up. "TICCI TOBY!" I sighed with relief. "There you go! You got it!" "But, just call me Toby. Ok?" "Got it. Wait..." We both stared at her. " Isn't he gonna kill me? And why didn't he kill you! N-Not that I want you killed Taylor but-" "Yeah. I get the picture." I looked at Toby. "He was actually helping me find you! I wanted to see you so he took me to where he saw you last." She sighed. "I don't even wanna know why he was watching me..." Me and Toby laughed. "Sooooo... Where are you going Taylor?" "...Somewhere." "Oh..." I felt really bad for her cuz her whole life has been ruined. It's obvious that her family doesn't like her anymore. I smiled. "Hey, why don't you come with us to the Slender Mansion!" She looked up at me scared. "Haha! Don't worry! I won't let them touch you!" She smiled a little. Then I heard Slendy's voice. You may bring her to the mansion. I heard your conversation. I nodded. Thanks Slendy. I looked over at Erin. "So, do you want to come with us?" She smiled. "YES! But I have to pack! I'll be right back!" She ran in her house. "Soooo, the boss let you have your friend?" "Yes Toby." Erin came running back out. "Alright! *gasp* I'" I laughed. "You need to run more often!" We all laughed as we walked back to the Mansion.

Hey! I FINALLY updated! Anyway, here ha go Erin! You are now in ma story! Well bye everyone! 💁🏼

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