Eating Breakfast with the Creeps.

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Sorry, I just love this video!!!


I woke up to the smell of food. ( I loves me some food!!!😁) I stretched my arms and slid out of my bed. I took my night shirt off and threw it in a basket. I was about to get a new shirt from the closet but the door flew open. I jumped back covering my chest. "Taylor!!!" Toby yelled. "Toby!!! I'm getting dressed!!! GET OUT!!" He ignored my command and gave me a hug... A bear hug. "T-Toby..." I could barely get any words out of my mouth. "We have breakfast downstairs! Your friends are waiting for you!" he said totally oblivious that he just hugged me without my shirt on. "Ok, thanks for telling me... now GET OUT!!!" He walked out of my room again, totally oblivious of his actions. "Oh well," I said. I got my favorite shirt on (Pikachu shirt!!!!) and some black jeans. I put on my black Chuck Taylor converse on and brushed my hair. I went downstairs and I was tackled. "Taylor!!! I was so worried about you!!!!" It was Kennedi. Rachel and Winter ran over to me. "Kennedi! Don't choke her!!!" yelled Winter. "Sorry..." "Haha! That's alright Kennedi!!!" ( I felt like Laughing Jack when I wrote that sentence...) We walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. Soon, some of the other Creepypasta's came over and sat down. Slender gave us our meals and we quietly ate. "These are good waffles Slender." I said. "Thank you child." I looked over to see Kennedi playing with her food like she was bored. She looks like she's mad at something... Then she stared intently at Toby with a mad expression on her face. I looked at Toby and he didn't seem to notice that she was staring at him. I was too but I stared at him with a shocked expression on my face. He ate like 40 waffles in like, mure seconds! Wow I thought. I didn't realize that I was staring that long when Toby looked at me. "You liked what you saw Taylor?" he said smirking. I snapped out of my trance and blushed. "Uh... more liked amazed?" I said. "Well, you just saw the waffle king at work." Eyeless Jack said. I looked back at Kennedi and she stared at me. Why were you staring at him?! she said in my mind. (We can talk in each others mind) I don't know!!! I guess I was amazed that he ate 40 waffles!!! Wait... Why do you care? Cause! I don't like him!!! she yelled. We stared at each other for a few minutes until Slender started to laugh. We both quickly looked at him mad then realized that he can also read minds. We both blushed and stared at our feet like they became interesting. Then I saw Kennedi smiling. Why is she smiling? I looked over at her and she looked at me smirking. Wtf Kennedi? Haha! Nothing Taylor, go back to eating your kidneys- I mean waffles. Then she started laughing quietly. I realized what she meant and blushed while looking at her with an angry face.(😡) Then Ben looked at us. "Wtf is wrong with you two?" he asked. Everybody looked at us. Hey Kennedi, your boyfriend is asking you a question~ I said to her. She looked at me with her face red like a tomato. "Shut up Taylor!" she yelled. Now everyone was staring at us with WTF faces. "Uh... well, nothing of your business Ben!" I said. Kennedi then ran upstairs. "What's with her?" asked EJ. "I dunno." Then she came running back with something in her hands. It was my drawing book. I stared wide eyed at her while she ran over to EJ. "Hey EJ! Taylor drew you a picture!" She looked at me smirking and my face got really red. Kennedi... I swear to the fucking gods of the world... If you show him that picture, you will be sorry. She opened my book and smiled when she found her prize. I gave her a death glare and she smirked. "Well, here is the picture Jack!" I then tackled on her on the ground. I looked down at her and she was smirking. Too late Taylor... I looked behind to see him "staring" at the picture. I got up and ran to him. I snatched the book out of his hands and ran upstairs.

Kennedi's POV

Taylor ran upstairs while the shocked Eyeless Jack just sat there not saying a word. Jeff was on the floor laughing with Ben. Rachel and Winter just stared at me with WTF faces. Toby watched Taylor go up the stairs with a worried face. Sally was on the floor laughing too. Slender just stared at the wall trying to process what just happened. Jeff got up with Ben and asked, "What the actual fuck just happened?!" " She has a picture of EJ and her kissing." I answered. "Well, it must have been a good detailed picture to get him to blush." He said pointing at EJ. "Her pictures are ALWAYS detailed." I said. "She drew me a picture of Ceil and it was pretty detailed." I said. "Who the hell is Ceil?" Jeff asked. I stared at him with a mad look on my face. ( oh shit, Jeff you better run!) he stared back. "Jeff... you have 10 seconds to run the hell away from me..." I said pissed off. "What? Why?" he asked. "Ceil is from an anime called Black Butler and he is her favorite character." Winter said. "What is anime?" he asked. That's it Jeff... Your dead! I launched at him but he moved. "Jeff! Get your ass over here NOW!!!!" I screamed. We both ran around the house. Everyone was laughing so hard. "Hahaha! Don't piss her off, or you will get hurt!" said Winter.

Rachel's POV

While Kennedi was chasing Jeff I saw EJ get up and walk upstairs. Hun... I wonder where he's going?

Hiiii people!!!!! Yep. You guys get a long chapter today!!!! Yes... I HAVE to end the chapter with a cliffhanger... Sorry but I wanted too. And yes that picture of me and Eyeless Jack is true... Sadly... Kennedi has seen it and she wouldn't stop teasing me about it... Oh well.... See yah!!!!!!

Yaaaaaaay I love this chapter yaaaaaaaaaay I am done ok ok ok ok ok I drank waaaaaaay to much earl grey tea..... Ok but she will update soon....BAI!!!!!!!!!

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