Chapter 27: After math

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Indra's Pov 

Its been three days and Shy hasn't left Mikoto  house yet . Izumi said she couldn't move on her own and we fractured her pelvis bone , Shy would spend her day cuddled up in bed . When ever me or Madara or Shisui would come to visit Shy would turn the other way , ignore us or pretend to be asleep and she was good at it and fooled us a good few times . 

But today all the games would finally be over Shy could move on her own but we were forbidden from having sex with her until her pelvis heals in about month . I went to help her get her stuff together , but she looked at me like she hated me and shut the door in my face . 

I slowly opened the door . " get out " Shy said sternly - it scared me . I gulped and made my way toward her about to pick up her bags , I took them over to my branch and then came back to see her talking to Mikoto , though Mikoto left after I went in . 

Fuck it , she'd probably punch me but , I yanked her into a hug . Did she want me to apologize ? Shy didn't hug back but let it happen . 

" I'm sorry " I whispered 
" for what ?" 
" your injury " 
" oh right " Shyeiika pulled away and walked out and I followed closely behind . When we got inside my branch Shy packed back up her stuff and was about to leave .

" where are you going ?" I asked 
" out Indra " she said coldly . 
" where ?" 
" just for a walk " 
" with who - how long ?" I questioned now a bit anger what's wrong ?
" by my self what the hell - I just want to be left alone okay ?" she whispered about to cry . I was about to grab her hand but she slipped away but I followed closely behind without her knowing and so it was true she did go for a walk by her self and she'd start crying randomly and then she'd smile again . After an hour she came back to the village . 

Shyeiika was in the dango shop now , she seemed a bit more calm and composed I noticed she bought some for Itachi too hm. I smirked , Shy sat at a near by bench by her self watching others walk by and imagining what ever she was . After a few minutes of day dreaming , I frowned as Neji sat down next  to her . 

" Shy , I haven't seen you in a long time how are you ?" 

Shy - shyly smiled but was polite . " I'm doing okay but I should be going now " 

Good girl. I smiled to myself . Shyeiika got up but Neji pulled her hand causing her to sit back down . Shy sat down awkwardly - I wouldn't be surprised if she knew I followed her out here . 

" Neji I really must be going " she smiled again 
" tell me Shy is there a reason you've been avoiding me ?" he frowned 

I was about to step in but a hand stopped me - Sasuke . 

" do you follow her around too ?" 

He blushed . He does - his embarrassment made me chuckle . 

" no weirdo I was just passing by - don't provoke the situation see what she will do. " 
" you were passing by in the bush ?" 
" oh shut up you old hag " he sighed 

" Neji I really can't be talking to you but you'll always be a beautiful memory " she said holding his hand 

" maybe as parting friends we could take one last walk together " 

Shy agreed reaching her hand out as he put his hand in hers . I yanked Sasuke out of the bush with me . 

I glared at them both with a kunai to Neji's head 

" Indra stop! " Shy frowned 

" answer wisely Hyuga " I frowned 

" did you or did you not know where Shyeiika was when she faked her death to run away ?" Sasuke asked . 

" yes I did " 

I was so pissed and so was Sasuke - he yanked Shyeiika by the hair while I faced the Hyuga . 

" LEAVE HIM ALONE PLEASE " Shy pleaded  trying in vain to get out of Sasuke's grasp , she really liked him so much she'd be willing to defy us for him . I frowned I was gonna kill him right where he stood - he didn't even look the least bit worried or afraid - he stood there with a blank face - straight and expressionless . 

I went to strike him in the neck but somehow Shy jumped onto him having the lethal blow strike a deep wound in her arm . With Neji cradled in her arms she cried as he hugged her tightly but he frowned scolding her for jumping in front of him . He was willing to die . 

I yanked Shy away teleporting back to our house . She healed her arm still in tears but managed to pull herself together by the time I came out . 

" I told you to stay away from him " I frowned sharpening my kunai on the edge of the bed backing Shy . 

" I didn't purposely met with him and you know that " 

" you jumped in front of him and you were willing to go on a walk with him " I frowned 

" I just wanted on last good bye what's so wrong with that ?" 

" because you love him Shyeiika " I said throwing the kunai at her 

" he's my friend of course I love him - I'm not gonna fuck him or try to establish anything  either way I owe it to him he's been nothing but good to me Indra " she said sternly 

"I don't care about any of that you make your choice tonight me or him " 

Her eyes widened and then she smiled sighing . 

" Indra - the love I have for you two are not the same he has a girlfriend and I have husbands and boyfriends - I wouldn't be in the wrong to pursue him would I Indra ? after all is said and done I was brought here against my will " she said batting her eyes sitting up 

" shut up I'm being serious here " I yelled 

" I choose you " she said hugging me " but swear to me you will leave him alone " 

I melted into her hug " fine " 

We started to kiss - it got intense , My hands wondered all over her body, I squeezed her soft ass - sucking on her neck grinding my erection onto her . We stumbled onto the bed I got on top of her. We were both naked . I smiled looking down at Shy who was moaning and melting as I fingered her roughly . 

" INDRA  , INDRA , INDRA " she said quickly before cumming all over my fingers . I was about to go into her insides but the door flew open . Ashura . 

" Am I interupting something ?" he laughed nervously . I quickly covered Shy doing the same for my self while she hid behind the bed red with embarrassment .

" KNOCK ASHURA KNOCK " I said smacking his head 

" I'm sorry but Lord Hashirama needs to see us now now now " she smiled " hey Shy " he smiled 

Shyeiika awkwardly waved and we got dressed and left . 

It only hit me after about an hour that he pushed the door at the perfect time because her pelvis bone was still healing from the fucking we gave her the other day . I smiled 

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