Chapter 12: Escape

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Itachi's Pov 

Home was depressing , I don't think it would be possible for all of us to be love sick . Madara seemed to taking it the hardest . All the girls were back , Madara's wife was back and and so was my girl friend . Indra went back into his secluded state . I was quite bored now even though Izumi offered herself and I took her .  

She never came to meet me . Her skin hair and aura was completely different she made a full 360 change in a week . 

Shisui and I were walking to go out of the village for a mission when we saw Neji , Shikamaru, Shino and Naruto hopping tree to tree with luggage . I yanked Shisui with me as we followed them , I sent a clone back to the village to tell Sasuke and the others .

The one thing she wasn't doing was getting away from us . Or rather Shisui and I. 

Her tanned skin was so beautiful and it sparkled , something i didnt want her to hide by being inside like how Madara did .

We tailed her for a while but then Shikamaru stopped .

" I sense someone , two people actually been tailing us from the time we left . " he said sighing " Neji "

" shit  Neji is gonna find us Itachi "Shisui said holding his kunai 

" it's time we come out the shadows then " I got up and faced them .

They all greeted me and Shisui with no suspicion,  she didn't let her secret out , all except Naruto who stood in front of her with a kunai.

"Naruto what are you doing ?" Choji asked

Neji yelled .

" why are you guys here ?" Shikamaru asked as Shisui got distracted having a conversation with Shino .

" we are here for Shyeiika " I said bluntly

" she can't come she's moving " Naruto said in a raspy voice .

Shyeiika looked up " this is my fight you guys go ahead . "

Their faces dropped
" you do know who your fighting right ?" Naruto sighed

" yes "

The others nodded and went ahead except Naruto .
" she told me everything,  I won't let you take her back , if she doesn't want to go"

Hm . Shisui and both smirked , we knew it would be hell trying to take him on but -

"SHYEIIKA "Sasuke yelled running towards she and Naruto .

They met their match . He wouldn't be able to take on both but I'm sure he and Naruto would have it out .

He and Naruto started to go at it while Shyeiika escaped . The rest caught up as we chased after her . I wanted to help her and I had a plan .


I just had to keep running Naruto would hold off Sasuke while I get to the house but with 6 others behind me I need to hurry .

I made  two clones one that looked like me and the other like when I was in the Uchiha household .

It seemed to stall them for a while but Madara cut the wood clones in. Half and they started back chasing me . The house , the wood style house I made to live in a ways out from the village .

I teleported quickly to it making them stop .

I sighed as the others were unpacking and Naruto came back soon after.

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