Ace combat The Journey Home, ACES.

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JHcola: "Good morning everybody, how was your nap."
Everyone greeted and said hello to JH.
Ozpin: "Good morning to you too Mr, Cola."
JHcola: "So. I got some chicken Moyo for all of you, trust me it's so good."

Yang: "I like chicken, but what is Moyo?"
JHcola: "Marenaids"
Yang: "ok"

JHcola: all right next is called Ace combat, and it takes place near the final mission."
Goodwitch: "A bit of summary. if you may''
JHcola: "Ace combat involves around four heroes with their supersonic jet plane. from the beginning they were experts at taking down so many enemies, but as time passed. they learn that aggressive war is not the right answer to everything."
Ozpin and Goodwitch agree.
JHcola: "Then the shadow old enemy threatens to destroy everything they hold dear and they will do anything in their power to end the war and bring peace."
Mercury: "Oh I see, so it's from war marker to peacemaker."
Emerald: "I've wondered what kind of war it is?"

Cinder: "Whatever it's not our concern and it may prove useful later on."
JHcola: "Without further due, let's watch shall we?"

He turns on the screen.


2221 hrs. 30 December 2010

"We've decoded the disc that the "Major" brought back with her," said Port.

Goodwitch: "Professor Port?"
Port: "Oh my, look like I'm in something, but what do my other self do?"
JHcola: "he once served the Balkan nation during the war, but they went too far with fanatical reason and so he defects and his home country lost the war, and they call him a traitor."

Every Beacon Academy feels sad for him though.

"It contained the blueprints for a "Mass Retaliation weapon," code name "v2," a far more powerful weapon than the two tactical nukes that the Balkans used in the last war."
The blueprint was shown that looked to be a weapon that Port was talking about.

Ironwood: "Tactical nukes?"
JHcola: "is a powerful nuke weapon that can destroy 500 Million lives with the boom."

Everyone doesn't know what to thank for this weapon that can kill that many, and 500 million people. That is a lot, even the remnant is 1 million. but other than that, it was a shock.

"It was never fully developed at the time, but it appears that they've secretly completed its construction in the 15 years since the war."
Then flip a screen showing the map of the world, and everybody in the theater admires that they have never seen the 4 great contents, Strangrual.

Sun: "Wow what a world. there's a lot going on there, is it?"

JHcola: "A lot of going on, that much I'm sure."
Ozpin: "If I heard correctly, he mentioned that Balken lost a war 15 years ago. Yet the port claims they do it again. Can you explain why?"
Everyone would like to know about it.

JHcola: "Balken had to find lots of money for the mass industry and military because there are two global superpowers.

The OSEAN FEDERATION in the east, their neighbors, and YUKTOBANIA in the west. Of course, the economy of the huge military has taken a toll on them and they need more money."
"The Osean promised them resources in a certain land, but they lied. there isn't one at all."

Yang: "What! why?"

JHcola: "I don't know the deities, but I do know they were old enemies before, like 100 years ago. I get to the point. Balken tried to rage war to take their land back from the neighboring country, where they sold the land, and now Osean and Yuktobanian declare war on Balken, and they lost."

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