Chapter 2: the worry begins

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Sorry for the wait. I was stuck for a second.
Disclaimer- there is no romantic relationship between Aizawa and Yoshito. I just want to clarify that.
Also yoshito alex uses they them pronouns

(っ◔◡◔)っ 💛 Enjoy 💛

"O-oh, Hi Aizawa-sensei" I quickly greeted him, prepared to speed through some small talk, and leave.
He muttered something about already being a problem child before asking me why I'm out so late.(at 9:36 at night)
"Oh I just had a lot of errands to run after school." The sweat on my neck starts to build up as I say this.
"Are they so urgent that you have to stay out past nine." Really? I mean, come on. It wasn't even that late.
"With all due respect it's not that late, and technically the curfew for minors is 11pm, so I'm not in violation of any laws." Of course I decided to be a smart ass.
"With all due respect, you're walking through dangerous areas without focusing on where you are going." He sighs after saying this.
I can't think of a reply so I just huff instead. I swore he rolled his eyes. There was a long awkward pause before he sighed dramatically again.
"Where are you headed now?" He asked this in a weird way like he'd made up his mind on something, but I realized too late what he's thinking.
"Just to a cat cafe to stop in, oh, and then home." I replied without thinking about what he could've really meant by asking.
"Great, I'll accompany you." He said this in his usual monotone, but it still left no room for argument. Besides, what could I say to get him to leave? He's a pro hero, so he's really just doing his job, and if I object, it'll be sus.
I opened my mouth anyways, but he silenced me with a look. I walked past him and he fell into step right behind me. I debated running for a second. but I quickly scrapped that idea. I'm not that stupid. The cafe, which is across the street from the library, wasn't far, and we quickly arrived at our destination.
When I walked in, three cats immediately trotted over and started rubbing against my leg. Two more, an older tabby and younger tortoiseshell cat, lazily followed at their own speed. While I had expected this, as I did come here often, it didn't stop my brain from doing a happy dance. I had to remind myself that this wasn't why I came, and I trudged through the sea of cats. I caught the look of amusement on Aizawa's face and huffed. (for like the 9th time in the last 15 minutes) Ms. Nakayama (中山) interrupted my brooding (pouting) by telling me the new kitten was hiding in cat tree # 4 and she already had a bottle of milk sitting on the counter.
I nodded before heading over to cat tree #4 and looking around the area and inside the hiding places. In the smallest hole, about a foot from the ground, I found my favorite cat. He has almost black fur and these striking blue eyes, and as soon as he saw me he started mewling. I'm pretty sure I'm his favorite person, at least I hope so. His name is Demon, and I was actually the one who found him.
It was raining out, and I was trying to make it in time to get food at a local soup kitchen, but then I heard something coming from behind a dumpster. I had looked around, and I was about to continue walking, but then I heard the mewling. It was a very shrill noise at first, but it started to grow softer like it was pleading with me. It was crying for help, and that must've struck something in me, because I turned around and moved towards the dumpster. A small part of me knew it reminded me of myself, but I ignored that to focus on what was behind the dumpster. Squashing my fear of what might also be behind the dumpster, I pushed my hand into the crevice created by the dumpster and the wall and felt something shivering and wet. I cupped my hand around it and slowly pulled it out from behind the dumpster so as to not scare it. It took a while, but I had time. It was most definitely too late to make it to the soup kitchen, and any shelters in the area would already be full, especially on a day like this. I finally was able to see the little guy, and he was adorable. He nuzzled into my hand and kept making soft noises. He looked so small, even for a kitten. I had no idea what to do with him. I couldn't take care of him myself, but I couldn't leave him there either. Then, I remember the cat cafe I applied to a few days ago. I looked down at him and smiled. That self aware part of me knows that I can't help but be reminded of myself. The only difference is he asked for help and got it. I knew that I would have to visit. I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I hadn't.
While I was off in my own head, the kitten had finished most of the bottle, which was great because we needed to leave soon. Aizawa ordered a coffee, and sat down in a booth near where I was standing. He started petting a playful black and and white cat. Ngl, the Eraserhead fan in me was jumping up and down screaming "AHH pro hero Eraserhead likes cats".
Demon had finished his bottle and was happily chilling in the crook of my elbow. I went to the counter and placed the bottle by the register. Ms. Nakayama grabbed something from behind the counter and placed it in front of me. I quickly realized it was one of my favorite deserts, imagawayaki (今川焼き).
"Wait, I don't have enough to pay for this Nakayama-san." I hurriedly pushed the plate back.
"Oh, nonsense. It was your first day of UA, and you came by to help me. You deserve it." She left no room for argument which didn't surprise me. "Do you by chance know the scruffy looking guy you walked in with?" That question did catch me off guard, and I realized I never introduced Aizawa-sensei.
"I'm so sorry I forgot to introduce him. He's my homeroom teacher and pro hero eraserhead." I felt stupid for forgetting he was there for a second.
"Ah, already getting into trouble, hmm?" Ms Nakayama started to tease me.
My face flushed red before I immediately assured her I wasn't in trouble. "No ma'am. He saw me out late while he was on patrol and grew concerned."
"Relax Yoshito-kun. I was just teasing." Nakayama-san laughed a little while saying this.
My shoulders untensed a little, and we talked a little longer, just catching up with each other as I ate the cake like dessert. After I finished the dessert I moved to set the kitten back in the play area, but he clung to the sleeve of my hoodie.
"Aww bud, you gotta let go." I cooed at him while carefully removing his claws. I plopped him next to a scratching post and pet his head before turning around. Aizawa-sensei stood up and walked to the door. I followed behind him. I pulled out my phone to check the time. Damn it's already 10:13pm. If I leave now I should have enough time to get to the Tsukuroi Shelter. Aizawa opened the door and we both headed out. I stepped in front of him to lead the way and we walked deeper into the less fortunate parts of the prefecture.
Aizawa finally broke the silence
"Yoshito, where are we headed?"
"Oh, umm." I bit my lip in hesitance, but ended up mumbling the name of the shelter quietly.
"Can you repeat that?" Of course Aizawa made me say it again.
"I said the Tsukuroi Shelter." This time there is no mistaking what I said. He paused before nodding silently.
The rest of the walk is tense, and I wish I could have thought of something to say to lighten the mood. I stopped in front of the familiar building.
"Well this is it." I gesture to the doors of the building.
"I'll make sure you get situated." Of course the UA teacher actually cared enough to go inside. Fuck that was embarrassing.
I shrugged before pulling the door open. Ikeda-san was sitting at the desk today. I walked over, and silently prayed to whatever's up there that there's space left.
"Hi Yoshito-kun. Sign in and Kaneko-san will show you to a room." Oh great. Now a kid my age will give me pitying looks as she gives me a water bottle and a blanket. The joys of life.
I waved bye to Aizawa-sensei and followed Kaneko. I saw him start talking to Ikeda-san and that made me nervous. I had no idea what he's saying but it couldn't be good. That is for sure.

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