Know me

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Life index:

Life is but a calling card. A chance, a spiraling sensation of nothing, that with time turns into everything. Know me is a short story. A piece of life written just as it was lived. All of our experiences help us grow along the years. Life never stops, our minds either. Its chaos, and this book treats it as so. There is no specific order to life's events. So, with whatever hand we are dealt, we march on. We learn about ourselves, how we love, how our minds work. We doubt everything. We question our existence in this piece of dirt. We seek purpose in everything we do. Only to find out that maybe life takes the shape we give it. I hope these words take the shape of anything you need.

Dear stranger

Who are you?

Dear stranger

What troubles you?

You have sought to grow

To reach new heights

To count the stars

At life's expense

Dear stranger

What brings you here

Your eyes speak to me

You have sought to survive

Gone, deep through the scorching fire

Who has known loss, misery

And gain

Now seem lost yet again

Back in square one?

No, back within yourself

To this unsatisfactory stage

You know deep within you

What you were sent here to do

What holds you?

You seem confined

Hiding in the shadows

As days go by

Your energy

Your talent

Now a mere shell

Wasted bliss

Neglected melancholy

A sign, A cry for help

Trees slowly lose leaves

They slowly wither

With passing time

They fall

Into toxic complacency

Into midnight sonatas

Of unending misunderstanding

... Get up!

You must be strong

Give your life meaning

Fight on...

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