Chapter 3

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"Yup ,good luck Peter" she said as she tapped my shoulder.

"Like right now?"

"No, in 96 hours. YES RIGHT NOW!" She said, She took my hand and ran towards Tony's room. She knocked on the door and took a small step back. She's still holding my hand! The door opened and she let go of my hand.

"Tony! Do you have a suit that Peter can borrow? He's having dinner with my mom."

"Ha! Good luck Peter, I do have a few suits that don't fit anymore. Come on in." He said as he led me inside a MASSIVE room. I looked around to see a huge bed and a flat-screen TV hanging on the wall in front of it. There were blue-ish green-ish covers on the bed, matching the pillow cases. He led me towards a closet and showed me a few options. I ended up picking out a black suit with a blue plaid tie. He handed me the suit and led me to his bathroom.

"Have fun with Wanda,kid. You're in my prayers." Mr. Stark said as he closed the bathroom door.

I started to take off my clothes when the door slid back open.

"Hey Peter I found a matching flower for your sui-" Y/n stopped mid-sentence. Awkward silence filled the room and I froze. (The scene from FFH but in a bathroom and *of course* not MJ).

"I-im just gonna take the flower." I said and grabbed it out of her hand. She slides the door closed. My cheeks flushed red. That was awkward.

(~ ̄³ ̄)~


"Ma'am I hope you don't get mad but," I gulped "I already ate..with Y/n so I'm not that hungry." She stared at me.

"We aren't actually going to eat so let me cut to the chase." She said. I fiddled with my hands. "I know you just met my daughter but I can tell you like her."

"Well- I mean... I wouldn't necessarily call it..." I said. She cut me off.

"Save it. You can't hide things from me," she said. She disappeared into thin air. My Spidey-Senses we're going off. She popped up right behind me and a glowy red ball formed right near my temple. I slowly lost control of myself and my memories replayed.

"CALM DOWN PETER! It's just a sweater."





My conscience slowly returned.

"Do I need to go on?" She said.

"N-no Ma'am,"

"Good. You seem like a... decent kid, Peter, what are you trying to do with my daughter?"

"I-uh were just friends." I said. Well I hope something a little more...

"I heard that," She said.

"Sorry, Ma'am." I said. No wonder Mr.Stark wished me good luck, she is very intense.

"Well, I have made a few rules you need to follow."


"1. If you hurt her, I hurt you. Trust me, I know exactly what heartstring to tug." I gulped. Before I could open my mouth, she continued "She is my only child, I'm begging you, I don't want any problems." She said, "2. No funny business. I don't want my daughter getting pregnant before she even graduates High School. ( Wanda isn't unsupportive but she just doesn't want it to happen, I have nothing against Teen Moms 👑)" I froze. Pregnant? I haven't even known this girl for two weeks and we're talking about pregnancy. "Last Rule, Treat her well. I don't want to have to hear that she is being treated badly by you. I most certainly don't want her to cry over you."

I nodded.

"I promise I will treat her well Ma'am but, I don't know if she even feels the same,"

"She'll come around." She said before disappearing again. This time she left for good.

(~ ̄³ ̄)~

I finished dinner with Mrs. Maximoff, now it's time to go to bed. I'm exhausted. I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"So," Y/n says. She appeared out of nowhere. She was in an over-sized Iron Man shirt that she must have stolen from Mr. Stark. Her hair was in a bonnet. "How was dinner with my mom?" her body leaning on the door frame behind me.

"I-uh it was interesting," she furrowed her eyebrows.

"How?" I gulped. I didn't want to mention the whole pregnancy thing because if I did, she'd know I like her. Also, I'm not really sure if she feels the same.

"Well, she kind of went in my mind." I said as I mimicked the finger thing that Mrs. Maximoff does. She froze. She looked furious. She started pacing back and forth.

"I told her not to touch you, I knew she was gonna do some crazy shit like this."

She said, rambling and pacing. A purple ball started to form in her hands. She put her hands on top of eachother. The tooth brush holder levitated in the air.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, calm down" she slowly put it back into place.

"Youdon'tt get it dont you," she said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"While she was in there, your brain I mean, she could have misplaced a memory of yours, and it would've been gone."


"Yes, forever. It doesn't matter anyway, you clearly have your memory so I'm going to bed. "She waved. "Goodnight 'roomie'," she said sarcastically. She slid the door closed.

I finished brushing my teeth and went to my room. I plopped on my bed and let out a big sigh.

I mean, I knew Wanda was powerful, but was she that powerful. My eyes felt heavy and weak. I let my eyes shut and I fell asleep.


I pushed the bowl of cereal towards me, sun in my eyes and started to eat. Mom overslept today and didn't have time to make me breakfast. Dad was on a 'business trip' with Tony. They left yesterday night when I was already asleep. I heard footsteps thumping on the stairs, I turned to look. It was Peter. His hair was messy and slightly out of place and his backpack was hanging on one strap (as always). He was wearing a blue sweater with a plaid collar.

"Goodmorning, Roomie," I said. He smiled

"H-hey Y/n"

"Want some cereal?" I said.

(~ ̄³ ̄)~

When we got to school, Ned and MJ were waiting for Peter at the front of the doors.

"Uh, Y/n, This is Michelle. We all call her MJ though, and-nevermind you already know Ned," he said. He was flustered again. I laughed and stuck out my hand, waitting for MJ to shake it.

"Hey, I'm Y/n, Y/n Maximoff." I said. She furrowed her eyebrows. Before she could ask I cut her off. "Yes, like Wanda Maximoff." she nodded. We talked and caught up until the first period bell rang. Today's first period was gym, how wonderful.

 I went into the locker room to put on the uniform. Michelle showed me the way. I finished changing and walked out of the locker room onto the gym floor, toward Peter and Ned. (I was wearing a Midtown High blue tight shirt with yellow shorts.) I heard a wolf call from one of the boys on the bleachers and I turned around to see who it was. It was Flash. I'm going to beat the living sh- 

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