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The unicorn was not familiar with it. 

The mighty Gaisgeil had fought many battles, and won. She bled, as warriors do. But not like this. She had hurt before. But not like this.

The sabers claws were big. They dug themselves into Gaisgeil's muscle and took hold, squeezing and tearing and shredding. The saber's fangs - so unlike the glorious helix of the unicorn. Short, and serrated, the pair of  them almost as deadly as a horn. They pierced Gaisgeil's flank, and the unicorn screamed. 

She bucked, twisting sideways and wrenching herself free of the feline's terrible grip. The saber roared, chunks of Gaigeils glorious black coat hanging from it's maw, her life blood dripping from it's hideous fangs.

Gaisgeil charged again, her horn aiming true, piercing the saber's shoulder. The beast bellowed in agony and Gaisgeil knew, not matter how strong the beast, it was no match for the venom of her tusk. The beast collapsed on it's side, groaning and thrashing in agony. Even if the saber could stand the pain, soon its blood would boil with the poison. Soon it would writhe in terrible agony. And Gaisgeil would watch. Gaisgeil would delight in it. Just as her ancestors had, the majestic Herd of yore. Before the Worms wreaked their plague upon her kin.

The saber threw itself at Gaisgeil, its roar like a thunder clap, but Gaisgeil moved from its clutches easily enough. The creature was slowing. The poison had already begun its work. Gaisgeil would stay. Watch its slow and deadly journey through this feline's veins. Watch its central nervous system shut down. Watch it be undone.

How she wished her human was with her. Nat. Her heart kin. The only family Gaisgeil had left in all the wretched world. She wished Nat was here and was watching and delighting in the death with her. How Nat would love to watch this monster die.

But Nat was gone. Taken by the dead eyed children - a boy and a girl.  They wore the dead-eyed look of the human touched by the Whole. 

Gaisgeil would watch this saber die.

And then she would find where they had taken Nat.

And then the world began to ripple.

The Saber laughed then. A terrible rumbling thing. Like the voice of the earth splitting beneath her hooves. You feel it now, unicorn? it said inside her head. You didn't think you were the only master of poison in this world did you?


Gaisgeil registered the pulsing ache in her flank - 

The saber - 

It's fangs -

Gaisgeil faltered, her knees buckling.

Yes, unicorn, the saber laughed. Yes, yes. I am equipped with similar...assurances of my enemies' demise. Though I must admit, I am impressed at the speed at which yours becomes effective.

My poison will kill you first.

First, second, said the Saber. What matters is you die. Whether this body dies first is of no consequence. I shall endure. And so the body endures. That is the strength of the Whole.

Get out of my head, Gaisgeil seethed.

Do you remember its power? the Saber said, the force of its will on Gaisgeil's mind forcing the unicorn to cower. Remember how it fills you? Makes you more?

She did remember. Her own mind, trapped in the will of the Whole -- the memory haunted her dreams.

You can be more again, said the Saber, and with its growing voice, the whispers of many creeped into her head. If you join us in the Whole.

Never. Unable to feel her legs, the unicorn fell to the dirt beside the saber. It purred as her eyes grew heavy, her heart aching in her chest.

Then you will die, Gaisgeil of the Great Herd, said the Saber. But inside the Whole, you will live.

The pain in her body, like fire coursing through her veins. Her heart thundered against the sear. And the assault on her brain, she could feel it battered and bruised by the onslaught of voices, whispering poisonous thoughts and ideas.


Gaisgeil did not want to die.

She wanted Nat. Her heart kin. Nat had been with her in the dark, when the Whole pulled her under. Nat had helped her find her way out. If she succumbed to the Whole again, Nat would not be there to help her.

But if she refused...

Gaisgeil did no want to die.

The earth began to quake. And through heavy lids Gaisgeil saw ground swell, dirt and soil gathering, rising up like a mountain as  something pushed up from under the ground.

Massive and grey and infinite - a worm. A drone. 

Gaisgeil tried to scream - her call always stopped the ugly parasites in their tracks - but she was too weak. It was all she could do to breathe. Her strength would fail her soon.

The drone dropped its faceless head low, it mouth stretching open to reveal rows and rows of jagged teeth. And more worms. They nested inside like rats, and spilled out onto the ground before Gaisgeil.

You will live, Gaisgeil of the Great Herd, said the Saber. And you will serve the Whole. The Queens have use for you.

The fattest of the smaller worms broke free of the group and rushed at Gaisgeil. 

There was nothing the unicorn could do to stop it.

She wanted to live.

Thanks for reading! For more unicorn and saber stuff, as well as writing tips and general notebook nerdiness, follow me on Wattpad and Instagram!

Thanks for reading! For more unicorn and saber stuff, as well as writing tips and general notebook nerdiness, follow me on Wattpad and Instagram!

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