Whose there?!

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If the screen could split in half in the imagination of the story of two things happening at once I would make it so. So you'll just have to imagine it for yourselves. It was a dark rainy night at least in part. A male college student by the name of Riley. Last he was seen he was waving goodbye to his friends as he left a bar. And everything was going just fine until a shadow ran past him. Anyone with a brain would be understandably scared. But it also seems as though we're part of a horror movie. When he begins to panic and call out "whose there?" Where we were we were supposed to be studying. It was a nice day for humans not so much for vampires. But there we all were (outfit 42) sitting the meadow. The only one that wasn't there was Jack and that's mostly because it just wasn't his season. So with me playing the 5th wheel I had to babysit making sure they waited to start making out. It started off as a picnic. Finals were coming up we should've been working on our book reports and finals. The sun was shinning anyone else would think it was a beautiful day.

Jessica and Bella took turns reading parts of the poem we listening to. But it was hard to focus when Edward and Jacob were so distracting. Or at least right now just Edward. Jacob was actually in his wolf form his head on Jess's lap as he relaxed under the warm sun. Why he would give this all up we'd never know. I leaned back against him like he was fluffy pillow he didn't seem to mind. Unfortunately it seemed Edward couldn't keep his hands off of Bella for 2 secs. Let enough long enough for us to get through the assignment. As she read I tried to imagine what was happening in the book. Some say the world will end in fire some say in ice. She started or continued couldn't tell you because that's the part the audience hears as the scene goes back and forth. Riley ran terrified from whatever it was that was chasing him. He gets to a dead end and realizes he's alone. Whose there what do you want?! He screams at the shadow that's been chasing him. His hand has blood on it he falls to the ground in agony the venom is spreading. He is turned and all his humanity is gone.

From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire but if I had to parish twice I think I know enough of hate to say that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice. Edward was a little busy kissing up her arm kissing her scars to even fully pay attention at this point. However, Jake and I don't seem to care about what they're doing. Jessica has been petting him like he's a big dog he's been very calm and happy ever since that pack tattoo has been removed. But I feel that there is something still wrong. My head nuzzles against his stomach where I'd been laying or more likely his side since he's laying sideways both our eyes are closed he has an arm wrapped around me and I feel safe. Jess smiles down at us loving how at peace we are. If he were a cat he'd probably be purring. As for me if I were any happier I'd be purring because apparently according some kinds of vampire lore when a vampire is happy and content they tend to purr. Vampires senses are heighted it takes a lot to hurt them and they love gentle touches and they purr when they're really happy they have personalities of cats fingers through the hair rough scratches on the stomach or sides or along the back honestly I'm not sure how scratches like that would feel good I'd think they would just tickle.

I say they because I'm still part human. Edward moves in to kiss her pulling her book away. I have an English final I really need to study. But I knew no studying was gonna get done much today anyways. Each time they kiss they go back and forth with this game they've been playing. It's not the first or the 5th times he's asked. As he once again asks her to marry him. She said no he said marry me. She said change me. He said they would compromise that he would change her if she would marry him. JT: They're not going to like that. He hears Jake say as he yawns and stretches before transforming back. Yeah I realize that. Edward rolls his eyes. Did we not just go through this not too long ago about the key point in the treaty? If we're married and its her choice it shouldn't matter and therefore out of my hands. I can't protect you from them if you do that. Yeah and what do you think they'll do if I turned you as well? I'm not fully human already. They'd get over it. What if you got bit and venom spread but you weren't turned? Well you would kill whoever hurt me and get the venom out and your blood would save me. That's why ya'll get hunted so much because vampire blood cures.

What if you didn't get bit but got hurt some other way like an evil kind of vampire came after you crushed you or at least your arm or something? Well I suppose it would probably hurt like hell. Your dad would need to set the bone I'd take morphine to help with the pain and your blood would help heal me and you would kill whoever hurt me. Too you long enough. Edward rolled his eyes. But that's not fair Bella nudged him going back to their previous topic. Marriage is just a piece of paper. Well from where we're from its how we say I love you. Ok well in time I'm from at the age I'm at says I was just knocked up. Maybe to a normal town with normal people Jessica points out but this town is 99.99% mystical creature. If vampires could have children they wouldn't need 9 months to be born. They might take all your life support and nearly kill you if you had one via human and vampire but if the baby inside was a vampire they might want blood and you would deliver in as little as hm a month maybe but normal vampires if they had a child they would be newborns and would have to be killed. So if you were pregnant everyone would know before you even had your wedding or after if you had a child before the wedding.

Jessica you sure seem to know a lot about this stuff. Bella asked her. Well yeah when mystical creatures have children witches are nurse maids help sooth the pain and get the woman whatever they needed while preparing to give birth. As a senior I have to take a class to be certified in that area. And I am. So in the impossible one of a kind circumstance if you two were to have a child I'd be able to help deliver the baby. So wait hold on a sec Edward stops them you're worried about what people will think? He asks Bella. Well 2/3 marriages end in divorce. Edward thought this was pretty funny. Because the marriage between a vampire and human rate are very low for good reason. Just marry me he tells her. I can't we need to be back by 4. She smiles at him. We'll back in time wouldn't want to give your dad another reason to hate me. And whose this we? I promised my dad now that I'm back and know that he knows my secret that I'd come and visit. Said he wanted to spend some time with me. Are you sure that's a good idea? Edward questioned. E the guy's human and can't get passed Aro's thoughts he's under protection. I know I just don't think its a good idea to leave you alone without supernatural help near by when you're around humans.

He likes me do you want me to hang around? No, that's ok Jake really. I tell him. I'd feel better if he was. Edward squirmed uncomfortably. Let's call it a compromise if anything happens I will call you. That's not fair throwing my words back at me like that. Who said anything about fair? Vampires don't know the meaning of "fair" we're supposed to not trust them remember? Man you're so snarky. He brushes my side. Learn from the best I gesture to all of them. Fine but hourly updates. How long do you think I'll be there? Jade you've just been through a lot I'd like to not put so much strain on you. I think I'll be fine E. So onto his back Bella went as he swung her onto his back Jessica levitated herself while I rode up on Jake's back after he went back into his werewolf form. JT: Hang on tight I'd heard him say. A smirk in his voice. They raced off while Jess practically flew. But we were home right on the dot.

Forever a mystery part 4: We'll get her back for youWhere stories live. Discover now