Chapter 1: the new kid

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MONDAY JUNE 17th 6:30am
I'm a loser you could say. Or you could say I'm a freak. Or a loner. Or a...oh shut up brain. School starts today. school. The thing I have been dreading since holidays begun. Having to go back to school and sit there at lunch all alone. Having nobody to whisper to before Algebra or English or science or drama or...ummm can't think of anything else. Visual arts! There we go. You see!? School sucks. And I always had terrible classes on the first day. In fact here is my schedule for today:

English with Mr. Edwards
Algebra with Mrs. Bignold
Drama and Music with Mrs.Nero
Italian with Mrs.Bonfiglio
Art with Mrs.Heidke
Woodshop with Mr. Vadala
History with Mrs. Baird

how depressing is that to look at! I mean seriously!

so I got the courage to get out of bed!! I'm now wearing a white blouse and a pale pastel blue skater skirt. I better check Taylor browns Instagram page though. Last year I wore the same top to school as Taylor by accident and she went nuts. If I made that mistake again then I would be toast. Oh ok good, Taylor's wearing a sky blue dress with a pretty braid, navy blue heels and diamond earrings. I had that dress, I had those heels, I knew how to braid and I had similar earrings. I could wear those to school and totally torture her. Actually no. It's more likely that she would torture me. I would just stick with this outfit for today!
Hello again! English is about to start. Its been like 14 minutes and the teacher still hasn't arrived! Did you know that a law in clearly states that if your teacher is not there 15 minutes after when they are supposed to be then all the children can walk out. Anyway, like I said before, since I have no friends to talk to before classes or anything, I'm writing in you. In fact, the last time someone spoke to me was at 8:30 this morning when my mum told me to get my stinking but off the couch and go get ready for school. How nice is she?! Oh crap, the teachers coming in! If he sees me on my phone we are gonna have to either go into lockdown or evacuate the building. I'll talk to you soon though and...oh wow he's walking back out now. And now he's coming back with a kid. A new kid. He was hot that was for sure. His hair was brushed back into a sandy blond quiff and he wore a plain white t-shirt with tight black skinny jeans. The boy stretched, showing a part of his stomach, making all the girls in the class sigh and instantly fall in
love with the guy. "class this is Luke", Mr. Edwards said as Luke waved awkwardly at the class. Taylor browns hand shot up in front of me.
"yes Taylor"?, Mr Edwards asked sighing.
"I just wanted to say that if Luke needs a spot to sit he can sit next to me"
I rolled my eyes. Of course Taylor was gonna hit on him straightaway. I examined Taylor's desk. It was full of girls, some that were Taylor's best friends and others that were trying to become Taylor's best friend so they could get popular. "Taylor I don't think that will be necessary", Mr Edwards replied. "Luke can sit next to Rachel so that we don't have to do any rearranging", he added smiling over at me. I looked up. Had he said me? Luke made his way towards me and I realised that yes, he had said me. I gulped as Luke sat down and I saw him smirk. I looked over at him and he looked over at me. But I was looking at him in awe. He was looking at me with pure and utter hatred. I spun my head away from his glare and tried to focus on the board. If x is the total of 4 then what is x? I smacked my forehead and looked over at Luke. He didn't notice my head smack. He was too busy texting some guy named "robin". From what I made out this is what it said:
robin: chicken for dinner?
Luke: yeah fried for me thx
robin: k
oh wait that was form last night. Ok I can see today's ones now.
Robin: are you there yet?
Luke: almost but what if Rachel's not at school today?
wait what?! how did Luke even know my name, let alone care if I would be at school or not?!
robin: trust me she will be
Luke: better be!
robin: there yet?
Luke: yep
robin: good
Luke: dude I got put next to her!
robin: ok now become friends and get that inside information!
Luke: just shot he glare you could have told me that before!
robin: sorry try to be nice
Luke: ok
what was happening!? How did Luke know me? And what "inside information are they talking about?!
Ohhhh drama!!! Rachel is so oblivious lol! But I probs would be too! hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! xoxo~ chocolatelucas

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