Chapter 2: "my place"?

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Dear diary, Mr. Edwards gave us an assignment. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....

Ok I'm calm now. Kinda. I seriously can't believe this! And no, I did not say that in an excited tone. We have to work with the person next to us. I know I usually don't write anything in this blog but words but here I have to....😭😭😭😭. Taylor Brown was furious of course. Other kids were excited about it. Luke didn't care because he was on his phone the entire time. I on the other hand gasped really loudly and then mentally face palmed myself when the whole class looked at me like I had some mental problem. Wait. Why am I speaking like this was the past? I am still mentally face palming myself. When oh when will the bell ring!?!?! Riiinnnngggg. Well that was quick. Maybe this is getting annoying for you. Like me just saying what's happening from my view. Ok switching to story mode. Switched. As me and everyone else started to pack our books into our bags mr.Edwards called out to the class. "Don't forget to work with your partner tonight and all the days leading up to Thursday"! The assignment was to make a movie. As we all passed the door every team received a piece of paper that had our topic on it. We had to make our movie about the topic on the paper. As I unfolded the paper Luke ran up behind me and tapped me on the back. "Hey", he said in a voice that was drop dead gorgeous.
Hi", I squeaked. I saw Taylor brows face melt with fury behind Luke and then as she walked past us she shot Luke a pearly white smile and passed Luke a slip of paper. He read it over and so did I. Meet me behind the school at recess babe. And ps: 046890563. Oh no. Behind the school was where Taylor had her make out sessions. People say that if a boys hot she'll spend the whole day back there with him for free. But if he's not then he has to pay $5 for half a day and $10 for a whole day. Apparently Luke was about to get a free session. Luke said nothing but winked at Taylor and slid the paper into his jean pocket. "So what does the paper say"?, he asked me.
I was taken back to reality. "What paper"?, I questioned, dumbfounded.
"The one that says the topic of our movie"!, he replied and I suddenly remembered.

Romance. The topic is romance. How was I going to kiss Luke when he hated me? And if he was going to make out with Taylor then I would be kissing him right after and basically kissing her! And that would be so disgusting! "I'll meet you at your house tonight. 3:30.", Luke said as he rushed off to his next class. I had no idea what to do. I had no idea how he knew where I lived either. Man was I confused!

Hi guys! Sorry this chapter is kinda short but I'll make the next one longer! I hope you enjoyed this and just so you know, the phone number in this chapter is not real. I hope you guys like it!~ @chocolatelucas

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