Chapter 11: First Kiss

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Junghwan and Junkyu planned to go at the Daeksu mountain's roadside to relax. So, Junghwan is currently preparing for cookies that he wants to share with Junkyu later.

"Tada! Its done!" Junghwan cutely said after finishing his cookies.

"Cookies again? Give me some!" Heesung tries to snatch a cookie again, but Junghwan glares at him.

"Fine!" Heesung shouted, and snatches Junghwan's phone to play call of duty.

An hour has passed and he's still playing, not until someone called at Junghwan's phone.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"This is Junkyu, can I talk to Junghwan?"

"Uh just tell it to me, I'll tell him later."

"Sure, tell him that I'm very sorry. I'm having fever right now and I can't join him later. I'm cancelling our plan today."


After the call, Heesung is about to continue his game, but another call interrupts him again. However, it was from Master Ru.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Watanabe Haruto."

"What? Watanabe Haruto? As in the heir of Sa Rang Incorporation who belongs to the Watanabe Group?"

"I am. Who are you?"

"I'm Heesung, Junghwan's older brother."

"Oh. Hello, hyung. Where's Junghwan?"

"Why are you looking for him? Are you dating my baby so?"

"Baby So?"

"You're dating my baby So Junghwan?"


"What!? Oh my gosh! I finally have a brother-in-law!"

"Uhuh, now tell me. Where is he?"

"He's at the kitchen. Wait, I'll call him. Baby Sooo! Where is he? Oh my gosh. I think he already left."

"What? Where?"

"I don't know, but someone named Junkyu called earlier. He's apologizing that he can't join baby so later for their plan."

"That Kim Junkyu, aish."

"Hehe take care of my baby so, brother-in-law!"

"I will."

After their call, Haruto sighs and went to Junkyu's house to confront him. However, the maid told him that Junkyu's having a fever.

Haruto immediately sent him to the hospital for the doctors to treat him.

The night arrives, Haruto visited Junkyu to his hospital room to ask his condition.

"Are you okay now, hyung?" Haruto asks, touching Junkyu's forehead.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. My head just hurts a little." Junkyu reassures with a small smile.

"Breaking news, there was a landslide that happened here at the Daeksu montain roadside because of a storm, one confirmed dead and the rescuers are still trying their best to look for any people who possibly trapped by the landslide..."

"Aigoo, I'm glad that I called Junghwan's brother earlier. I immediately cancelled our plan to go there because of my fever." Junkyu says with a sigh while looking at the televesion.

However, Haruto frowns and realizes what Heesung and Junkyu are talking about.

"Junghwan." He whispers and rushes to ran outside, leaving a curious Junkyu.

He quickly went inside his car and drives as fast as he can to reach Daeksu. While driving, moments with Junghwan suddenly flashes into his mind. The times they shared together despite of always fighting with each other.

He drives even faster when the thought of Junghwan being gone forever enters his mind.

Finally, he reached Daeksu and ran out of his car. He pushed the news reporter, asking if they found So Junghwan.

Some policemen are also preventing him on going to the restricted area. However, Haruto ran away from them and went to the place where the landslide happen.

He looks devastated while looking at the huge rocks and soils in front of him.

"SO JUNGHWAN!" He started to yell with tears in his eyes, digging the soil with his bare hands hoping to find any traces of Junghwan.

"SO JUNGHWAN, I'M SORRY!" He yells again while crying together with the rain.

For the past years, no one ever saw him cry this hard.

He keeps digging the soil while shouting his servant's name.

"I WON'T BOSS AROUND YOU ANYMORE! JUST LET ME KNOW WHERE YOU ARE!" Haruto yells with his desperate voice, then he noticed the yellow handkerchief of Junghwan.

"DAMN! SO JUNGHWAN!" He yells again and throws the rocks away. However, someone came holding un umbrella.

"Rukun." It was Junghwan, making Haruto stop on his track.

He turned around and thanked the almighty above because Junghwan is still alive.

He went closer and pulled Junghwan for a kiss.

Two people sharing a first kiss under the night rain.

Junghwan was taken a back, the umbrella also fell off from his hands. Haruto is kissing him for real, he can't believe it.

The kiss felt magical, Haruto's really moving his lips as he kisses him harder while pulling Junghwan's body, not wanting to let the younger go.

Junghwan just closed his eyes and lets the older kiss him. He can't push him away, his body doesn't want him to do that.

"I-I thought something bad happens to you. You made me scared!" Haruto whipers as soon as their lips separated. He looks into the younger's eyes while holding his cheeks.

"I'm here, in front of you. I'm alive, okay?" Junghwan mutters, making Haruto nod. The older embraced him, despite of their clothes being soaked in the rain.

After their scene earlier, Haruto sent Junghwan home and met his parents. He explained what happened earlier, the parents are grinning because Heesung told them that Junghwan is dating Haruto.

"Why did he kiss me?" Junghwan asks himself while sitting on his bed, holding his favorite yellow plushie named podong.

The kiss keeps flashing on his mind!

"Eyyy, stop thinking such things, Hwanie!" Junghwan whispers, scolding the innocent podong on his hands.

"Why did you let him steal your first kiss~" Junghwan whines, dumbfounded.

"He's not even my boyfriend. Sunghoon is the one I like, I should keep that in my mind." Junghwan mutters with a sigh.

Park Sunghoon finally came back to Japan to continue his study. That's why Junghwan is missing him right now.

Meanwhile, Haruto is in front of his huge mirror again while touching his lips with a grin.

"He likes it, right? That's also my first kiss. Damn, I kissed the idiot." Haruto whispers, grinning in front of the mirror.

"I don't regret that though haha." Haruto mutters and decided to jump on his bed to call Sunghoon just to brag about his first kiss with Junghwan.

"Hello, what's up."

"Guess what."


"Junghwan and I already had our first kiss."

"What!? How?"

"Well, just be envious. Good bye."

He quickly hang up the phone with a chuckle of victory.

"Hmm, his lips are soft." Haruto whispers, thinking of his servant again.

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