Entry 14 - Apr 19th

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The next day, Cosima almost tripped in her hurry to get inside

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The next day, Cosima almost tripped in her hurry to get inside. Stumbling across the floor, she felt tears press at her eyes, fighting to get out.

Each and every step felt harder than the one before it; like she was moving underwater. Clinging to the railing, she made her way downstairs and the second she entered their room, she closed the door behind her and let it all out.

She was drunk, confused, and crying - feeling like she was about to break.

Not knowing what to do with herself, she grabbed the closest pillow and screamed until her throat went sore. Anger boiled within her small frame, and she kept crying.

Crying because she was angry, and angry because she had reached a dead end and couldn't do anything about it.

The crying eventually sobered her up a little, and she climbed up to her bunk; chest heaving, skin thrumming.

Taking a deep breath, she dried her tears and got to writing.


Apr 19th:

Dear Diary,

The one drink I had yesterday did nothing, so I had more than one drink today.

It's hard to write as I'm gripping this pen so hard it might snap soon - kind of like me.

The thing is, I was sitting outside the front door to get some fresh air - wallowing in self-pity like it would be out of fashion by tomorrow - when something devastating happened.

I heard laughter, and in my spiraling, all I could think of was how the sound of people laughing could feel like the loneliest sound in the world.

Kookie was inside with the others, having the time of his life, and I was slowly sipping at the disgusting liquids.

I thought alcohol would make you forget? Why did it have the opposite effect on me?

The laughter came closer, and I froze when I recognized it - Jimin.

He came walking up from the side of the house, arm in arm with the same girl that had been playing with his hair yesterday. I pinched my eyes closed - I wanted to believe it was nothing, I was desperate for it to be nothing.

Daring to open them again, I immediately regretted it.

This morning, I overheard Junghyun joking about the shed, about it being where people went to hook up.

So, I was gutted and had the sudden urge to throw up when I had to watch Jimin drag the girl with him into the shed - and that was it for me.

How could I be so stupid to believe that he didn't have anyone else? Of course, he has someone else. Just because I haven't seen him with anyone until now doesn't mean that he hasn't been dating.

I need to let go. I need to realize that he and I won't happen.

Loving someone who doesn't love me back... It feels like I'm hugging a cactus; the tighter I hold on, the more it hurts.

Why was I - no, why am I - holding onto something that will never be mine?

But then again, isn't that what people do?

In fairytales, love might strike like lightning, but in real life? Lightning burns... It can even kill... And knowing that those beautiful dark eyes won't be looking into mine might actually kill me.




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