Entry 22 - July 19th

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Cosima needed a break

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Cosima needed a break. Her head was spinning, and she needed to make it stop.

Walking over to the sink, she washed the flour off her hands and told her mother she would take five.

Drying her hands, she grabbed her bag from the peg by the kitchen entrance and headed for the storage room.

She sat down on some boxes and leaned back to stare at the ceiling; pleasantly surprised when she found that it was tiled, and she could count them.

Unsuccessful in her attempt to distract her brain, she instead got out her diary.


July 19th:

Dear Diary,

Did you know they don't say 'I miss you' in French? Instead, they say 'tu me manques', which translates to 'you are missing from me', and I feel that. Even though we never had a conversation, I still feel like Jimin is missing from me.

It's been a month since I last saw him.

I haven't seen him since he was pushed onto the bus with the other seniors at graduation, and I guess that is a good thing. I need to wean myself off him.

Ugh, I got addicted to him so easily...

The thing is, I've found that romantic love is kind of like alcohol.

I don't have much experience with alcohol, but I find it frighteningly similar based on the little I have. Like, it stimulates the exact same parts of the brain, and it gets me all bubbly inside - makes me feel good for a moment.

But! As soon as it's not in my body, I feel horrible, like I'm dying inside.

If you didn't guess, I've been thinking a lot lately. Kookie's been away for almost a week now, and I have a summer job working for my mom at her bakery. You'd think that I could distract myself with work, right? Turns out that baking the same things every day eventually turns automatic, and as a result, it gives your mind all that extra time to wander.

Deep inside, I know that love isn't perfect, that it's not a fairytale, and that it doesn't always come easy as it did with Joonie, but I still felt something special for Jimin. I wanted it to be him, I so badly wanted it to be him, but I never got the chance to figure out if he wanted it to be me.

It's still a couple of weeks until he leaves town, and even though I probably won't get to see him before he goes, it doesn't mean I'll never see him in the future.

We might meet again.




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